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After the long night, it seemed Katsuki was worse than Izumi thought as he ended up sleeping through the entire day. 

It was now Sunday and Izumi was just about to go to the kitchen to try and make some breakfast, but she stopped when she saw the blond still asleep. 

'Was I like that when I was sick last week?' Izumi thought as she couldn't help but watch the blond sleeping on her couch. 

'He did end up getting a fever after overworking his body so much that night. Still...' 

She thought of how that day went and how Katsuki ran up to her soaking wet from the rain, only to hug her. 

"You're so stupid, why'd you go all by yourself?" 

'I still don't know how he found me that day, and...' 

She couldn't help but turn red just thinking of how he kissed her too. It was sudden, but he was so gentle as he'd placed both his hands on her cheeks to kiss her.

She dropped to the floor and felt steam coming out of her ears. 

'Holy Woah... since when could Kacchan do that?!?! No- we can't be thinking of it like that! I- I wanna like Kacchan, but because of how much I've hurt him in the past... I don't know if I deserve Kacchan... even when Mister Sombre said that I should ignore that stupid bet and focus on what's happening now... I still can't cope with all the things I've done to hurt Kacchan...' she thought. 

She felt her chest start to hurt, just thinking and looking at the blond only made it hurt more. 

'Just because we've apologized to each other doesn't mean everything's going back to normal. What happened in the past happened, but that doesn't mean I can ignore it either.' she thought as she headed to the kitchen.

As much as she wanted to try and make breakfast... she was only making a mess and... burning something in each attempt. 

Katsuki was still lying asleep in the living room, but just smelling something burnt caught his attention to wake up. 

'What the- what's burning?' he thought as he sat up from the couch. 

He rubbed his head and looked around to realize he wasn't in his room, and this was certainly not his place. He jerked his head back and forth to understand that he was at Izumi's, not where he was expecting to wake up. 

But his thoughts turned to dust as the smell of something burning hit his nose right away. 

'Geez, is someone trying to burn down the damn place?' he thought, pulling the blankets off and trying to remember where the kitchen was located.

Katsuki got to the door and froze when he saw the greenette in the kitchen by herself. 

"Aw geez, not again!" 

He looked around the kitchen only to find that it was a mess and the trashcan full of burnt mistakes. He watched as the greenette was getting frustrated, he smiled and laughed to himself. 

"Are you trying to burn the place down?" 

Izumi froze and slowly turned around to see the blond standing behind her. He was leaning against the wall and had his arms crossed. 

"Ka-Katsu- KYAA!!!" she screamed, not what he was expecting that early in the morning. 

"What're you yelling about?"

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