65: Candy

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"Oh yeah, and what'll you give me? Your house?" 

"In your dreams! I'd rather kiss you than give you my house!"

Both of them froze after the greenette clearly yelled that at his face. 

"Ah- I didn't mean-" 

"I-It's... I know you didn't..." 

Both of them were tongue tied, and Izumi could tell this was only going to get awkward if she tried to explain it. 

"I-I- I'm gonna go get some rest... it's been a long day. Excuse me..." Izumi mumbled and walked past the blond. 

Once the greenette was out of his sight, Katsuki had to lean against the wall to catch his breath. He knew she just blurted that out without thinking, but it still surprised him to say the least. 


Izumi slammed the door behind her and felt her face turning red. 

'Holy Woah, why'd I say that!?!?! That was much worse than when he tried to play the stupid Pocky Game with me when we were on that trip!'

( Flashback )

"Hey everybody! Let's play the Pocky Game!!!" someone yelled. 

Everyone knew what the Pocky Game was, the question was, why should they do it? 

"Why though?" 

"Because, we don't have any new couples in our class this year yet! So the first pair that loses the game are the new couple of the year!" they yelled and everyone got interested, well, except for Izuku and Katsuki. 

"Kacchan, are you okay, you look a little tired." Izuku asked. 

"Tch- I'd be better if all of 'em weren't so annoying." Katsuki said, without looking at the greenette.

"Hey Midoriya, come play the Pocky Game with us!" someone yelled. 

"Ah- I-I don't think I'd be good at that game..." Izuku said nervously. 

"Aw what're you talking about, play with Bakugo!" both of them froze. 

"Huh?!?! You think this is all a game, don't you!?!?" Katsuki yelled. 

"Kacchan, it's okay... We're gonna pass, thanks!" Izuku said and assured Katsuki out of the room.

"This is stupid, why the hell did you make me come here?" Katsuki said. 

"I didn't make you come here, Kacchan. I just suggested it and you said okay." Izuku said. 

They ended up walking outside and noticed they were the only ones out since it was almost time for them to sleep. 

"If only you went on the trip last year, everyone was a lot worse than they are now." Izuku said. 

"Tch- like that matters, they're the same to me." 

"Yes but... I was kind of... lonely on the trip last year..." Izuku mumbled, as she rubbed her arm nervously. Katsuki wasn't surprised, but he suddenly wanted to try something.

"Let's play that game." 

Izuku looked up at him. 

"Huh? What game?" 

"That one, the one everyone else is playing right now." Izuku froze. 

"Ah- but I thought you said you didn't want to-" 

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