17: Bonnie & Clyde

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"You think I wouldn't recognize you even in that disguise, huh? Toshinori's daughter?"

Izumi froze, just hearing those words meant all too well that her disguise was pointless now. 

"H-How did you know?" She asked nervously. 

"Cause I'm not stupid, since the last time I met your 'cousin', she has a metal right arm, and you don't." he said with a smirk. 

He still held his grasp on her wrist as he slowly stood up from his seat and walked around his desk and towards her. 

'Crap, I knew Emra has a fake right arm, and I used the wrong arm to grab his tie.' Izumi thought.

She tried to walk backwards and away from him, but because the blond still had a strong grasp on her wrist, he was walking with her. 

'Wait- why's he... why's he following me?!?!' Izumi thought, trying not to panic. She took one last step only to realize her back touched the wall and she couldn't move any further. 


"Looks like you really thought you could pull off your little trick." Katsuki said still carrying a smirk on his face. 

"I-I- you-" 

"So... what's the real reason you came here?" Katsuki interrupted, resting his right arm on the wall behind her while still holding her right wrist with his left hand.

"Erm- you think it's funny that I don't have a job now because of you?" Izumi said, trying not to blush.

"It's not like it's permanent, you'll get your place back in a month, that is... if you can deal with it for a month." he said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"One month, work for me for one month." The greenette froze. 


"If you can work for me for one month, I'll give you back your workplace and I won't try to buy your house, sound fair?" Katsuki said. 

'What kind of deal is this?!?! He's basically forcing me to work for him just so I can keep my workplace and house? Kacchan... you've changed...' Izumi thought.

"What if I say no?" 

"Then you won't get that library and house back. I'll do what I need to do business." he said. 


"I could do worse than that if you don't like my deal." he teased, moving his face closer to hers. 

'One month, this is a terrible idea! But if I don't have any money, then I can't pay for mom's hospital bills. But I won't have as much time for my writing, but I need the money!!!' Izumi yelled in her head. 

She slowly peeked her eyes up and saw his piercing Ruby Red eyes staring down at her. 

"J-Just one month?" 


'I'm gonna regret this.' 

"Fine, one month, and if I can't deliver, then it's yours." Izumi said, sounding defeated. 

"Hmph, we've made a deal. Which means you start tomorrow." he said with another smirk. 

'I hate you, Kacchan.' 

'This is gonna be fun.'

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