120: Luna

172 6 3

( Still in Flashback )

"I'll eat it." 

She froze and looked up at him. 


"I said, I'll eat it."

"B-But it looks horrible, and it's a mess!" 

"So, you made it." 

"That doesn't mean it's perfect! W-Why don't we go to a bakery after school and have a better cake there to celebrate your birthday?" she suggested. 


"But why?" 

"Because there's a perfectly fine cake right in front of me, and that'd be a waste if we don't eat it." Katsuki said. 


"No buts, I'm gonna eat it." he said. 

"O-... Okay." she mumbled and watched him take the first bite and he froze. 

"Aw man, is it that bad? I knew I should've just bought one from the bakery to surprise you-"

"It's good." 

She looked up at him and he was smiling. 

"Eh? It's... what?" 

"It's good, not bad if it was your first time baking." he said. 

"Erm- that means it is bad! You're just trying to make me feel better!" 

"Then why don't I make you a birthday cake when your birthday comes?" he suggested. 

"Ah- you'd do that?" 

"You put in this much effort for me, when is your birthday anyway, Deku?" 

"Oh- it's July 15th." 

"Huh- so you are younger than me, I didn't know that." 

"Erm- what does that have to do with anything? And why're you still eating it?!?!" 

"Because my best friend made me a cake for my birthday, there's no reason for me not to waste it." 

"Ah- hah- well if you're gonna eat it, at least let me have a bite!"

( Back to Present )

"Hmph, that was nothing compared to when you made a birthday cake for me on my birthday. It looked like you bought it from a bakery because of how pretty it looked. It's a shame I ran away before we could celebrate each other's birthdays when we were third years." Izumi said. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't do that now." he said. 

"Yeah, that's true. I'm sure you had a lot of great birthdays when I wasn't there." Izumi said. 

He didn't like how she phrased that, so he stopped eating and turned his head to look at her. 

"Oi- Izuku." 

She turned her head and felt his lips slam onto hers without any warning. She was in awe, but felt herself cave in from the sweet taste of the birthday cake and she wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes.

When they broke away, they looked into each other's eyes and then their lips a couple times. 


"Deku... the only time I really enjoyed my birthday was when you were there." she froze. 


"For the past 7 years... I've waited to do something like this with you again, and this is by far my favorite birthday, because of you." he said, leaning his head and his lips were close to her ear. 

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