29: Tear Drop

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"Ah- I do need to ask before we have lunch, but... why're we at a high school?" 

"Oh silly me, I forgot to tell you, I'm a teacher here!" Uraraka said happily. Izumi was surprised, she wasn't expecting to hear her college classmate was now a teacher. 

"Y-You're a teacher, that's different from what I thought you would be doing." Izumi said. 

"Yeah, let's sit down first and I'll explain everything." Uraraka said, grabbing the greenette's hand. 

'Back then, Uraraka told me she wanted to work in a business. I wonder what happened to change her mind.' Izumi thought.

The two women sat down at a bench, Izumi had to look around and noticed they were on school grounds as they were just a few feet away from the soccer fields where high school students were playing. 

"Is this your lunch break?" 

"Yup! I'm so glad you were able to come see me in such a short span of time." Uraraka said. 

"Right, so how did you end up changing your career, Uraraka?" Izumi asked. 

"Oh that, it's actually really easy to explain. You see, I've been known for dealing with kids for a pretty long time. Back then I didn't want to teach young kids, specifically kids in elementary school." 

"Yeah but... aren't teenagers a lot worse?" 

"That's true, but I've gotten used to teenagers, I was one at one point a teenager too. Besides, teenagers are much more interesting... because I'm the kind of teacher who can make couples bloom just by assigning seating. Aren't I the best?" Uraraka teased. 

"You really are something, Uraraka."

"Anyway, I realized that I didn't want to live my life stuck in an office all day, that just sounds boring. So I became a teacher right after I graduated with a Bachelor's degree! What about you, Izumi-chan? I heard just a few months ago that you published your first novel. That must've been exciting right?" Uraraka asked. 

"Y-Yes, I didn't know you knew about that." 

"Why wouldn't I? I was a huge fan of it, and it really speaks to how different you are when it comes to your writing. I never would've thought of you to write about heroes, but I love your book!" Uraraka said happily. 

"T-Thanks, I appreciate hearing that from you." Izumi said.

"That reminds me, why're you wearing business clothes?" the greenette froze. 


"When we were in college, you told me you never wanted to take an office job. Do you work at a company?" Uraraka asked. 

"I-I-" the greenette dropped her head. 

"Please don't laugh, there's a reason that I'm working an office job right now." Izumi said, glancing up at her. 

"Huh? Sure, what is it?"

Izumi explained in fine detail about how she crossed paths with Katsuki, how he's been trying to buy her house and old workplace. How she basically has to work at his company just so she doesn't lose her house or library. 

"That's pretty much it, so I'm not all that thrilled with working an office job. I had an office job back when I was still a college student and hated it since it would cause me to get behind on my studies. But here I am forcing myself to do this for an entire month." Izumi said. 

"Well at least it's just one month, what's so bad about that?" 

"Uraraka, you don't understand! I have to work for my old best friend from high school!" The greenette yelled.

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