81: Break My Heart

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The following morning arrived and it didn't seem like the greenette wanted to do anything. She laid in bed and could tell her eyes were puffy and tired and her body was tired of all the crying from the night before. 

"My head... I don't think I've cried this much in a while..." she told herself as she tried to lift up her body to sit up. 

That didn't help her any better since she felt like her head was throbbing now that she was sitting up. 

"Hah- I didn't understand why Kacchan has been so distant, but now that I know it's because of Camie... there's no point in me even trying." she told herself as she went to reach for her phone but stopped herself.

'Why should I even check it, I'm sure it's gonna be a waste to even look and see what he's messaged me for.' she thought as she ignored her phone and got out of bed. 

She walked around the empty mansion and could hear it pouring outside. 

'Seems like I'm not the only one depressed today...' she thought as she looked out the window to see the pouring rain. 

When she walked back to her room, she looked at her desk to see her computer and thought maybe she could write something. But once she sat down in front of her computer, her mind was blank, she couldn't think of anything happy to write away since she wasn't feeling it herself.

"Hah- what's the point, I can't write, I can't think, and I can't even be happy! Now what should I do? Movies don't sound interesting, eating will just make me more depressed... maybe... I should go visit dad?" she asked herself. 

She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. 

"I'm sure he wouldn't be happy to see me looking like a mess just to visit him, but I've got nothing else to do today since I don't even feel like going to the library. Might as well go since I haven't visited dad since his passing, let's just hope this doesn't make me even more depressed." she told herself as she stood up from her desk, changed her clothes and was out the door with an umbrella.

She walked all the way to the train station since her dad's old car was still in repair, but at least this gave her some time to get some fresh air, some fresh and very wet air. 

She took the next train and waited for a good hour before finally arriving at her stop. She noticed how the rain slightly lightened up in the area, but not by a whole lot, but she continued onward. 

She stopped by a flower shop, grabbed a bouquet of flowers and arrived at the cemetery to see all the dreary and soaking graves around her. 

After walking past all the small graves, she stopped in her tracks right in front of a large gravestone.

She read the inscription and sighed; 

Yagi Toshinori; a wonderful father, husband and friend

Izumi placed the bouquet in front of the grave and closed her eyes and paid her respects to her step-father. After paying her respects, she knelt down in front of the grave with her umbrella keeping her dry. 

"Hey dad, I know it's been a little while, and I'm sorry for not visiting you any sooner. Things kept happening and I just couldn't find the time to see you..." she paused. 

"Mom's doing a lot better now since she's almost done with her Chemotherapy, and I've been writing my next novel, and I just went back to college again. But of course, I wouldn't have been able to do all this without Kacchan's help-" she stopped herself and sighed.

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