33: A Little Space

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The greenette slowly walked through the mansion, she was strangely nervous, but at the same time... relieved? Yes, she was nervous because this meant she now had to have a one on one conversation with her old high school friend now boss that still hasn't recognized her yet. 

But relieved? 

The only reason she was relieved was because it just happened to be Katsuki of all people who she drank with and ended up waking up at his house. 

Then again, she got nervous because she couldn't remember anything that happened the night before and was hoping Katsuki wasn't going to ask her anything too serious.

She turned the corner and saw the blond sitting the farthest seat at the dining table, she felt herself shaking right away. 

"Miss Toshinori." 

Izumi looked up to see Sirius was holding a chair out for her and she nodded. She sat down in the seat and held her hands tightly as she had no idea what she was about to face. 

'Geez... please don't tell me I did something stupid or embarrassing?' Izumi thought. 

'Shit... now that I see her right in front of me... this is a lot harder than I thought- focus!' the blond thought.

"Umm, Mr. Dynamite-" he looked up at her right away. 

"I just want to say thank you for letting me rest here for the night. And... I'm really sorry if I troubled you in any way last night. It seems I can't remember a thing that happened last night and I'm a little worried I might've said something or did something stupid." Izumi said. 

Right away, Katsuki felt his heart racing and his face getting warm, he quickly tried to clear his throat. 

"No- you didn't do anything wrong! I just wanted to-" he paused to think of the right words to say. 

"I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay since... you did get a little emotional once you started drinking." Katsuki said nervously. 

"I did?!?! I didn't say anything stupid, did I?" 

"No! Nothing bad at all!" 

The blond realized he said that a little too quickly and that caught the greenette off guard.

He took a deep breath and exhaled to try and get serious again. 

"But, because I took the time and effort to carry you around and bring you back to my place, you will face a punishment from me." he said, crossing his arms. 

"T-That's fine! I'm sure I- wait- what will the punishment be?" Izumi asked. 

"Hm, you think I was perfectly fine taking you to your place only to find out that everything was locked? And then I had to carry you all the way back to my car and bring you here- why don't you have a key to your place like a normal person?!?!?" Katsuki yelled. 

"Eh? You could've just asked me for my key, I would've given it to you-" 

"You really think I was gonna be able to do that when you were sleeping?!?!" 

"Then why didn't you wake me up?" 

The blond froze, he was trying really hard to stand his ground, but with each answer she had, it got harder.

"Hah- anyway, because I had to do so much for you when you were drunk... you will be forced to work at my company longer! So now your contract will be extended for you to work for 3 months for me!" he yelled, pointing at her. 

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