8: Make It

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The following morning arrived and the greenette forced herself to get out of bed. The second she put her feet on the floor, she realized how sore her calves were from wearing those heels the night before. 

'This is why I don't wear fancy clothes.' Izumi thought. 

She stumbled through her room and changed her clothes and walked out of her room to see all the staff were already cleaning for the day. 

'What time is it?' Izumi thought. 

"Good morning, Miss." Izumi looked up and saw Mrs. Flora. 

"Mrs. Flora, what time is it?" 

"It's almost noon, Miss." Izumi froze.

"Noon?!?! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Izumi yelled. 

"Well I assumed you wouldn't want to get up since you had a long night last night." Mrs. Flora. 

"I- Hah- well at least you guys haven't made a lot of noise." she muttered as the old woman smiled. Izumi looked at her phone and noticed it was Sunday. 

"Hm, I hope visiting hours are open today." Izumi said. 

"Visiting hours, are you planning on seeing your mother today, Miss?" Mrs. Flora asked. 

"Yup! I haven't visited her since I started working at the library for her. I hope she doesn't get mad that I've waited this long." Izumi said. 

"I'm sure the Madam will be thrilled to see you, Miss." Mrs. Flora said happily. 

"Hmph, you're right about that!"

Katsuki laid there, sweat dripping down his face, and he pushed the covers away from him. He kept hearing and seeing things as he laid there, he started shaking his head back and forth. 

'No- please- no-'


His eyes popped wide open and he quickly sat up from the bed, trying to catch his breath. 

'A dream... that stupid dream again.' he thought, rubbing his head. 

"Is everything alright, sir?" 

Katsuki looked up and saw his Secretary entering his bedroom. 

"I'm fine... just-" 

"Did you have that dream again, sir?" Sirius asked, handing his boss a cup of coffee. 

"Yeah... haven't had it in a while. Ah- did you look up who that girl was from last night?" Katsuki asked. 

"Of course but-" Sirius paused himself as he remembered what happened the night before.

( Flashback )

Right after Katsuki realized the Silver haired woman vanished from the garden, he turned to look at his Secretary. 

"That girl..." 


"Find out who that girl is, this is your fault for distracting me and letting her get away!!!" Katsuki growled, his eyes looked like a beast. 

"That girl, yes sir. I apologize for interrupting something then." Sirius said, bowing to his boss. 

"Tch- whatever, let's just get back before that stupid presentation starts." Katsuki said, walking past his assistant. 

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