Chapter 2: Secrets

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Max's pov

We walked in a classroom and everyone looked at each other thinking if they should tell me everything or not. I just rolled my eyes and said "so are you gonna tell me or what".

"just one promise one thing max, don't tell anyone not even your family" okay I'm quite sure my family doesn't even care about my life but okay so I just nodded. Lucas started telling me about will and how he really got lost.

He said he was in an "upside-down" thing. Then he mentioned a girl's name. El. They said they found her alone in the woods, she escaped from a lab. They explained everything about her. I was actually impressed by this girl.

Unfortunately they said they lost her while fighting a monster. I didn't really believe them tho. It sounded so fake. I said "hmm interesting, how did you think of all of this?" I laughed a little.

Mike stood up "YOU THINK WE MADE ALL THESE THINGS UP?" he reaised his voice again. I tried to act cool and not flinch this time and said "it sounds fake I don't know about you-" Mike started yelling again "WE TRUSTED YOU AND NOW YOU'LL GO TELL EVERYONE AND RISK OUR LIVES" for some reason they seemed so serious about this whole thing.

I started to believe them. "okay before you yell again, first of all, I know no-one except you and my family who don't give a shit about me anyways so I won't tell anyone" I said. Dustin spoke "so you believe us?" they were surprised.

"yeah kind of". They explained all the things they were discussing when I was outside. It all made sense. Will has been having episodes and it might be because of the trauma he had in the upside down.

Why would they lie to all those things tho. I could clearly tell that will was not okay and he needed help.After they finished I started to think about that girl El again. "So this girl El is gone now?" Mike seemed very sensitive when I mentioned her.

I could tell that they were together before she left. Lucas said "yeah she just disappeared" they all were upset. She sounds so cool I wished I could meet her.

No one's pov
A few days later things started to get worse with will. We've discovered that a thing called mind flayer and its inside of will. One day, while we were in the lab,the doctor was checking on will.

The mind flayer was in him so whenever he needed will he made him do things. But we didn't know that. A day ago we went to look for hopper in the hole where the upside down was. Hopper somehow discovered that and decided to get in. He got lost so we went to find him.

Bob helped a lot too. Some guys started to burn the things in the upside down (sorry idk what it's called, if you watched the show you probably know) will could feel what the mind flayer felt. He had a seizure.

He kept screaming and saying "it hurts, it burns" the doctors couldn't see any burn on his body they were all confused. They brought him back to Dr. Owens. Suddenly will said "they shouldn't have done done that" everyone was so confused.

Joyce asked "what do you mean honey". "it upset him" will started to cry. Mike was so nervous and he started saying "it's a trap" "the mind flayer is in him, if will knows where we are so do the demogorgons" that's when we heard loud voices.

The guard didn't know what to do with those demogorgons so they started shooting. They dragged will to sleep. *time skip when Bob got killed " we finally got oht of the lab. Nancy, Jonathan, Dustin, lucas, max and Steve were out of the lab.

All of them happened to meet at the same time looking for hopper, Mike, will, Joyce. They could see that something was wrong cause the power went off. It came back and then hopper appeared and we the kids got in the car.

698 words

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