Chapter 33: Birthday Party Plan

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Max's pov

It was 8 am in the morning. I told hopper to wake me up pretty early to go buy El a gift. Tomorrow is her birthday. I told Nancy yesterday if she can pick me up at 9 to take me first to her house and then to the starcourt mall. She's the only one who agreed since our kids can't drive. Steve said he wants to sleep, you know, Robin the same. I asked the boys to hang out pretty early in the morning so El doesn't know, before she wakes up. We wanted to surprise her tomorrow. I already told hopper the night before when El was in the bathroom, we planned to have a party tomorrow in the cabin with all of our friends and family after we surprise her in the morning. "hey" I said getting in the car. I know El doesn't wake up before 10 so I think I have time before she realizes I'm not home. The reason I told hop to wake me up is because if I put an alarm El would wake up too, so I had to wake up when he was about to sleep. I told Nancy to be here at around 9, it was now 9:15 and she arrived. "good morning" I said as I got in the car. "good morning" she replied. Will, Lucas and Dustin will be at Mike's as well to tell them about tomorrow. We arrived at Mike's. Nancy got off too. "alright tell me when you're ready to go to the mall" Nancy said. I nodded and went in the basement where Mike was at. Fortunately we managed to wake up. Even though he was sleepy, sitting on the couch eating cereal. He was so sleepy that he didn't even hear my footsteps from coming down the stairs. I looked at him for a few seconds and giggled. His sleepy face was so funny. Apparently I accidentally scared him. He screamed. "Jesus max, I didn't hear you!" he said annoyed. Now he was fully awake. I laughed. "okay where's everyone else?" I asked. "they told me they'll be here in a few minutes, don't worry, you're here early"mike said still a bit sleepy. He's right I accidentally came 15 minutes earlier." oh yeah right"i said. "oh well you're excited about you're girlfriend's party" he said smirking. "of course I'm excited, I can't wait to see her face" I said smiling. He smiled. "aren't you?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "of course I am, I wouldn't wake up this early if I wasn't excited, also who doesn't like parties" he said smiling. "yeah" I said. 2 minutes later the doorbell rang. "I got it" Mike's mom said just as Mike was about to stand up. He immediately sat down. I laughed. "why do you keep laughing at me today?" he asked frowning confused. "I don't know you're just funny dude" I said laughing. He stung his tongue at me. I did the same. Yeah I know we're acting like little kids, like siblings but okay. Will suddenly came downstairs. Mike gapsed and jumped to hug him. Will smiled and hugged him tightly. They're so cute. They started making out. It's been more than 1 minute and i began to be a bit uncomfortable and I just waited the awkwardly. "okay lovies enough making out" I joked. Mike pulled away and looked at me. I giggled. "I don't interrupt your kisses with El" he said. "yeah you do" I said. "yes you do" will said laughing. "what?!" he said looking at will disbelief. "you too?" he asked him. "just the facts babe" he said giggling. Mike couldn't stay serious and bursted out laughing. "okay whatever" he said giving will another kiss. We heard the ring bell again. "oh thank god whoever it is thanks for saving me from this" I groaned dramatically. Mike took a pillow and threw it at me. "ow" I said. "will your boyfriend is bullying me" I joked. Will laughed. "no I'm not" Mike said. "enough kids" will said. Me and Mike stopped and suddenly laughed again. Will rolled his eyes annoyed. We're a bit annoying to be honest, me and Mike. This time lucas and Dustin were together. "hellooo" we heard Dustin yelling coming downstairs. We all laughed. "okayy let's settle the party" lucas said dancing a bit. "okay sit down" I said. They sat down on the couch and I sat in front of them. "it's like you're a teacher" Dustin said laughing. The others then laughed as well. "well I am.. I guess" I said giggling rolling my eyes playfully. "okay, so tomorrow you'll come over by the cabin at like 8 or something-" I said. "8 again? You said El doesn't wake up that early, you said after 10"dustin said." well she might get up earlier from excitement I don't know, it's her birthday tomorrow its reasonable "I said seriously." ohh yeah sorry" Dustin said. The others nodded. "okay so we basically settle everything up as quietly as possible without waking her up and when we're done I'll wake her up if she doesn't by herself, you all are just gonna hide and then come out surprising her, then she'll open up the gifts and everything and then the party begins"i said smiling. "ohh sounds great, I already bought the gift a week ago" lucas said. "really? I'll go today" dustin said. "same" I heard will and Mike say at the same time. "yepp me too" I said. "I'm gonna go buy it right now before El wake up" I said. "I'll actually go with my mom today to help me if that's okay" will said. "okay sure, I'll go with max so she can help me" Mike said. "okay sure, I can stand him for a bit I guess" I joked. He hit my shoulder and I did the same.
. "can we come with you, we were gonna go today anyways with will" Mike said. Dustin said he already bought a gift yesterday. "sure" I said. "you can stay here Dustin and lucas until we're back if you want to play dnd or something later, you and El can come too" Mike said. "sure" lucas and Dustin said. "just don't mess up my room or the basement just hang out" Mike said. We already know they will but okay. "okay okay" Dustin said. Me, Mike and will told Nancy to take us.
We arrived at the mall. Honestly the boys wanted to come with me cause they had no idea what to get her since she's a girl and I know her better. I found a really nice necklace. It was a shinny gold heart. I also bought her a braceled and a little teddy bear, and a sweatshirt. Hopper gave me some money but I had some extra my mom gave me before she left and I wanted to buy her more than one gift, I want to make her smile. Mike got her some clothes I suggested she might like. Nancy said she already bought the gift a few days ago with Jonathan so she just followed us. Me and Mike got out of the mall proud. Mike was smiling like a kid, he was happy he found a gift. "thanks for the help, I don't know what I would do to be honest" Mike said laughing. I smiled. "yeah obviously boys don't know what to buy for girls" I joked. He looked at me frowning. "and you know what to buy for boys?" he asked. "well depends, I know you guys so I probably would know what to get you, it's gonna be a little hard of course" I admitted. "yepp" he said. It was now 11 am. We tried to buy something as quick as possible. Nancy drove me to the cabin, I thanked her and got out of the car waving at Mike and Nancy. I got into the cabin with the extra key hopper gave us. I went to check on El. She was still sleeping fortunately. I mean it wasn't a secret that I went to buy her a gift it would just he better if she doesn't know and sees it tomorrow instead. She was curled up sleeping like a baby. I went to change and sat down on the living room to watch tv until she wakes up. Its boring when I'm not with El. After about an hour later she woke up. She kissed my head behind me, caught me off guard as I was sitting on the couch. She sat next to me. "good morning" she said smiling and gave me a peck on the lips. "good morning" I said. We pulled away and she hugged me. "how did you sleep baby?" I asked her. "good, you?" she said. "good" I replied smiling. "you don't have nightmares right anymore?" she asked. "no" I replied. "you sure? Friends don't lie" she said. I smiled and chuckled. "I'm not your friend remember?" I joked smirking. She rolled her eyes playfully. "okay, no actually baby I don't have nightmares anymore don't worry" I said. She stared at me. "baby I'm not lying, I would tell you if I did" I said. She looked like she's scanning my eyes to see if I'm lying. I was actually not lying. The fact she cares about me melts my heart. "okay" she said quietly. I leaned it again. She sat on my lap still kissing me. We started making out. Honestly not telling her about the surprise was hard. Because she thinks that we're just gonna spend a normal day without a party and I feel bad. But a surprise is a surprise its gonna be much better I can't wait for tomorrow. We made out more, while sitting on the couch. We then decided to go to the park to walk and drink milkshakes. We spent the day like that, enjoying each other's company. It was now night and i was ready for tomorrow.

1683 words  (sorry this chapter is kinda short)

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