Chapter 88: I'm A Freak

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Max's pov

Joyce arrived. "what happened?" she asked worried as soon as we got in. "nothing" will said. "that's not nothing will! Your face is bruised. "I'm fine mom let's just go home" will said getting annoyed.

"fine, you will explain when we get home" Joyce said. Obviously she wouldn't let it slide. And it's reasonable. I grabbed El's hand and held it as we were driving home.

*later at home*

We sat down in the kitchen island. Joyce made hot chocolate. It was will, El, Joyce and I. Jonathan was upstairs and hopper was at work. We explained everything and Joyce was in shock.

"Why did they do that?!! I can't believe people I'm so sorry about that girls" Joyce said. We nodded. "it's okay" we said. "look honey, I'm so glad you stood up for el and max but you could have just walked away, you didn't have to get into a fight" Joyce softly said.

"I know.. I'm sorry" will said. "did.. Something else happened?" Joyce softly asked. It's like she knew or something. "no" will said. "are you sure honey? You can talk to me" Joyce said. "it's nothing mom" will insisted. Joyce nodded.

"can we go upstairs now?" will said. "will, what's with the attitude? This isn't you-" Joyce said confused. "mom, I said I don't want to talk about it" will calmy said. Joyce nodded again.

Will is kinda scary if/when he gets mad because it's pretty rare. He's always calm, patient etc. We walked back upstairs. Will sat on the bed, elbows on his knees holding the ice back on his eye. El and I just stood in front of the door looking at him unsure what to do.

"hey, are you feeling better?" el softly asked. "are you okay?" he asked quietly. We looked at each other confused. "yeah we're fine,you're the one who got hurt though" I said. "I know those words hurt max, and I am not sorry I punched him" he said.

"it's okay, you're right, just don't do it again unless you'll get yourself hurt again" el said. "I won't, I just lost control okay?" he said
We nodded knowing he's overwhelmed.

The phone rang. Will agreesively stood up and picked it up. "hey? Will is that you, can we just talk please-" we heard matt's voice through the phone. "What is it that you don't understand matt? I. Don't. Want. To. Talk. To. You" will angrily said.

"but-" Matt tried but will hung up. We just stared at him in shock. "can you stop looking at me like that please? I'm just so tired of everyone" will said. I could tell he was holding back tears even though he looked and was pretty mad.

El walked towards him and tried to pull him into a hug but he backed up. "No, I don't want your empathy stop feeling bad for me. I deserve what both Mike and matt and everyone who is making fun of me did to me. I'm a freak after all I domt care" will said.

"will-no-you're not a freak please stop calling yourself that-" I tried. "I am max and we all know it! I was never I never will be normal and enough for anyone" he said. It broke my heart hearing him talking about himself like that

"that's not true will! You've done the biggest mistake will, you let people get to you" I said. "Then what am I supposed to do? Huh max? Since they're calling me all those stuff and matt cheated on me I obviously have down something wrong and I'm not good enough" will said.

"will-that's such nonsense, none of those things are true" el said. "It's not nonsense, I'm just being realistic, you're a freak too so you feel me,they're bullying you just for the same reason except you're happy, you've never gotten heart broken, you're happy with max, I'm happy for you but don't pretend you understand because you just don't so stop playing nice and lying-" will said walking closer to el. I walked quickly and grabbed el by the arm.

"Will!! You've gotten out of control again, this isn't you, you may be mad but don't you dare call my girlfriend a freak just because you're upset! We're only trying to help you. You won't let us help you.. Fine deal with it alone. El and I will leave you alone in this room for a couple hours to get your things together and start thinking properly and stop blaming yourself and el" I said loudly pointing at him.

He stared at us. He looked like he felt bad but didn't say anything. With no second thought i dragged el, grabbed my skateboard and my backpack next to me and walked out of the door not saying anything.

I quickly and angrily walked down the stairs. "max it's okay, I'm fine-" el said. "No, he could have hit you, the way he walked towards you..that wasn't will. He was mad and lost himself, let's just leave him alone for now" I said standing in front of the front door making eye contact with her as I spoke

She stared at me and nodded. "You're right" el said opening the door. "Hey! Where are you two going?" Joyce asked. I wanted to walk away but I felt bad for Joyce. It's not her fault after all.

"uhh we're.." el said looking at me not knowing where we're going to. "Uhh, we're going at the skatepark" I finished for her, I said the first thing that came into my mind. Joyce nodded.

"It's 4 pm though" Joyce said as we were about to walk out. "we will be back before 7 we know" el said. Joyce smiled and nodded. She at least trusts us because we always come back in time.

983 words. To be continued!! Btw two more chapters will be posted tomorrow or I will post the first one tomorrow and the other one on Wednesday. I assume you prefer both of them tomorrow? Idk
I just got back home from an entire day without WiFi😍I wrote at least. But anywayss, goodnight for now!  (for me at least😂)

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