Chapter 17: Billy

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El's pov

We arrived at the cabin. "alright kids, you should go sleep it's been a long day you need rest" hopper told us. We nodded. "okay we'll go in my room and then sleep" I told him. He nodded. "alright goodnight" he said kissing my head. Then he did the same with max. We got in my room. "alright, wanna go to sleep?" I asked max. "I don't know, can we watch something before? I've been sleeping for 2 hours before in the byer's house" she said chuckling a bit. I chuckled with her."yeah sure, I forgot about that" I said. I layed on my bed and I saw her standing there not knowing what to do. I was confused. "what are you doing, is everything okay?" I asked confused. She looked at me. "I um, can you like give me some blankets to sleep on the floor when we get to sleep and-" I cut her off. "what are you talking about? Are you saying that I'll let you sleep on the floor?" I said laughing. She laughed nervously. "I mean, I don't wanna get your bed, you won't have space if I sleep with you" she said. "max, are you serious? Of course you won't, come on" I said,pointing next to me on the bed so she can sit next to me. She just nodded and obeyed. "alright, what do you want to watch?" I said excitedly. "how about we watch it2?" she said matching my energy. I was glad she was smiling, at least tried to after this horrible day she just had. "oh my god yes, I forgot to watch the second movie, that's a great idea" I said. "yeah I haven't watched the second movie too, sooo let's watch it" she said. "unless... you want to watch something more scary such as... conjuring" she said with a scary voice at the end. My eyes widened. Then I laughed. "no I'm okay, I'm not looking forward to seeing nightmares tonight" I joked. She laughed. "yeah I don't want to be responsible for that" she replied joking as well. "well, pennywise is creepy though but I liked the first movie" I said. "it's fine, you'll have me when you're scared" she mocked me. "shut uppp, don't act tough and everything, you know deep down you're scared too" I said raising my eyebrows on her. She just rolled her eyes playfully. "okay whatever you say" she said. I laughed and put on the movie. It's been like 5 minutes so far and I felt max in my arms. She wanted to cuddle with me. I was smiling and accepted. I'm usually the one who like cuddles,max is more tough but only soft to me soo. I find that so cute. We continued to watch the movie then I saw that she fell asleep. I slowly layed down with her, trying not to wake her up. Apparently I failed. She opened her eyes. "oh, sorry we're gonna sleep" I said whispering. "is the movie over, oh no sorry I fell asleep" she said. "it's not over yet but we both need to sleep and rest so we'll do that" I said. She smiled at me and kissed my lips. Then we slept, still cuddling.
*the next day *

Max's pov

I was the first one awake. El was still sleeping. When I went in the kitchen I saw hopper. "good morning" he said. "good morning" I replied. "are you okay? Do you feel better?" he asked. "yeah, thanks for letting me stay, I can leave if you want I don't want to-" he cut me off. "hey, you can stay, I want you to and El",okay? "he said. I nodded." do you me to make you something for breakfast before I leave for work? "he asked." no, I'm fine I can eat some cereal "I said." alright, see you,i have to go "he said." okay, see you"i replied.

Hopper's pov

I was driving to go to work and Joyce called me. "hey, um can I talk to max?" she asked. "oh um, I just left for work" I replied. "oh okay" she said. "did something happen? Is everything okay?" I asked getting worried. "it's just-max's mother called, she says she's sorry and wants her daughter back and more but it's max's choice if she wants to go back" she said. "yeah" I replied. "is she at the cabin with El right now?" she asked. "yeah" I said. "I'm thinking of going there to tell her if that's okay?" she asked. "yeah of course" I replied. We hung up and I went to work, hoping nothing bad will happen.

Max's pov

I was eating cereal when I heard a knock on door. El was still sleeping, hopper just left for work so who could it be? I went to check on the windows first. Hopper has a secret knock only El knows, for safety but it was a normal one. I checked the window and it was Joyce. Why is she here? I don't have a good feeling about this. I opened it. "hey honey, how are you?" she asked smiling. "I'm good, what about you?" I said. "I'm good, can I come in?" she asked. I nodded and let her in. "so, your mom called" she started. I began to get nervous. "she says she's sorry and wants you to go home-" I cut her off. "it's a always happens, it's her way to talk to me and then go home just to yell at me, of course she's pretend" I said. "yeah, do you want to try and go? It could be true. I can drive you there, I'll come with you" she said. "okay I'll just go there, if she yells at me, I'll go with it, and I can go on my own it's fine, you have to go to work anyways" I said. "okay then, good luck, and call me if anything happens okay? Don't hesitate" she said. "okay" I replied. "tell El to come with you" she said. "it's fine I can go on my own, I don't want to bother her" I said. "you won't bother her, she cares about you... a lot" she said. "I know..but I can go its fine, I'll tell her when she wakes up" I said. She nodded and left.
*10 minutes later*
El woke up. I was sitting in the living room watching TV. "hey" I said smiling at her. She was rubbing her eyes still sleepy. "good morning" she said yawning. She then smiled at me when she saw me. She ran to me and sat next to me. She hugged me immediately and caught me off guard. I laughed. "good morning" I replied. "did you sleep okay?" I asked. "mhm" she said still cuddling me. She put her head on my lap. I played with her hair while cuddling. "how long were you awake?" she asked curiously. "oh um for maybe like an hour" I said. "Joyce came over and.." I started. She stopped cuddling me to look at me waiting for what I'll say next. "she said that my mom called and says she's sorry and wants me to go back but I'm so sure she's lying and pretending but Joyce convinced me to just go there and see what happens and I agreed. And I'll go like right now" I said. "oh, I'll come with you" she immediately said. "no, my mom won't want someone with me, otherwise she'll pretend again and I'm fine on my own thank you so much, I can handle her. I'll be back as soon as possible" I said. "okay, I'll stay here if that's what you want of course" she said. "alright, see you" I said kissing her. "see you" she replied after pulling away.

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