Chapter 24: Skateboarding Lesson

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Max's pov

It was the next morning. El was still sleeping as usual. Im always the one who's up first. I went to the kitchen. Robin was there eating cereal. "oh, good morning maxine" Robin mocked me as usual. I rolled my eyes. "good morning" I replied laughing. I sat down and ate with her. There was a silence for a minute until Robin spoke. "so um, did lucas actually kissed you?" Robin asked. I stopped eating and looked up to her. "yeah, wait you think I'm lying?" I said. "I'm not saying that, but max if you did kiss back, El should know, no matter how much you love her. She deserves to know if something happened" she said. I was about to speak but she cut me off before I could even start. "and no, before you speak, I totally believe you and I'm just giving you advice. I don't want you or El hurt, alright, I've been in this situation once and I promise you its not a good feeling" Robin said. " I would never and I'm never going to do that to El, I swear to god, why the hell did I leave the cabin in the first place. I didn't know that would happen" I said. "look, I know the fact that I randomly left her alone for some time is suspicious but I promise you it was just to skate, I always go in the mornings when no one is there, its peaceful but then lucas appeared out of nowhere and-" Robin cut me off. I realised that i was shaking for some weird reason. Robin took my hand gently." hey, why are you shaking, like I said, I believe you, El does too okay? I didn't mean to upset you just wanted to give you advice, okay? " Robin said softly. "i-i don't know, I'm just scared" I said quietly. "for what?" Robin asked. "I-I don't-you know what I'm gonna go check on El" I said standing up. Robin grabbed my arm. "hey, I'm sure she's fine, stay here, talk to me, sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Robin said sadly. I felt bad. "no, no it's not your fault, you're right, in just scared to... lose her, I don't want to hurt her and-" Robin cut me off again."listen you won't lose El, she loves you and you love her. She trusts you and believed you, meaning she really cares about you" Robin said. "how did she believe me, if I were her, I wouldn't believe a 'cheater' at first" I said. "she didn't believe you at first, like you said, it's very reasonable, you said it yourself, she then realised you didn't do anything since lucas talked to her and everything, she trusts you so that's what matters, so make sure you don't break her heart and she won't break yours, she isn't dumb" Robin said. "yeah, I know, thank you" I said. She smiled at me. "are fully into only girls or?" Robin asked. "I mean yeah, I used to date lucas but it wasn't really the best, it felt more like a friendship, I kept telling myself that I'm breaking up with him ofter because of the little things he does but I realised that I like girls since El came and that's how I found out" I said. "I see, a lesbian you doesn't admit it" she smirked and mocked. "oh god, come on don't tell me you've never been there" I said laughing. "uh, duh, all of us did once. That's how we know" Robin said. We were both laughing. We suddenly heard a sound behind us. It was a loud bang. We turned to see what happened and saw El on the floor. Me and Robin immediately stood up worried. "oh my god, are you okay?" I asked worried. "yeah, just don't leave your skate in the middle of the room please" El said. "sorry.." "it's fine" El said laughing. "why are you laughing?" I asskd confused, I thought she was hurt. Well maybe a bit at first. "nothing you should have seen your worried face, it's not big deal, I just fell on the floor, I've had worse" El said through laughing. Robin started laughing too. I was 100% sure Robin was trying to hold her laughter. Whenever someone falls down, she immediately laughs after checking on them first, seeing that they're fine. "well, one move, you could hit your head on the floor and die so yes I was worried" I said. She smiled at me. "alright" she said smiling and kissed my cheek. I blushed hard. Robin looked at me and smirked. "I didn't know i had a tomato in my kitchen" Robin said mocking me. El was opening a fridge and when Robin said that she turned around confused on what the hell Robin was saying. She saw me and understood and chuckled. She came over to me. "a cute tomato" she said with a cute voice. That made me blush even more. This time I shook her head to annoy her and laughed. "hey! What's up with you and hopper messing my hair" El complained. Me and Robin laughed at her reaction. "cause its fun" I replied. She just smiled at me and rolled her eyes playfully. "alright kiddos, enough flirting, I have to go in a bit" Robin said. "you're kicking us out?" I said playfully. She looked at me for a second. "I'm joking, we'll leave when we're done eating" I said. She nodded and went in her room. "sorry for yesterday" I said breaking the silence between me and El. "max, it's okay, I trust you, we've talked about this. We have to trust each other, okay? I promise I'm never going to leave you and you promise the same" El said looking at me with those adorable eyes. "I promise" I replied. She smiled at me like a little kid. She's so cute. How could someone cheat on this adorable person in front of me. "I want you to teach me how to skate" El said suddenly excited. "do you really want to or just to hang out with me?" I said smirking. "both, mostly the second but come on, that's why I came yesterday, well before that happened" El said. "well, you sure you want to go to the skate park after.. what happened?" I asked. "yes, it's in the past, it's fine, I wanna spend time with you, I don't want you to not go there just because of what lucas did, I know how much you like skateboarding" El said smiling. "really? That's awesome, I'm so glad you said that" I replied smiling. We arrived at the skate park. Only a group of 4 boys were there. Its 10 pm. People aren't usually here in the morning but there was today unfortunately. "alright, first, get on the board" she did as told. "I didn't even start yet and I'll fall just by standing on it" El said giggling. "you'll be fine, you gotta have balance" I said. " well, I don't have that" El said laughing. She was so cute trying to learn. I held her hands to help her. "alright, get down, now you put your right foot on the board and push with your left foot" I said. She was confused. "yeah, like that and then you push and skate" I said following her in case she falls. She skated for about 2 seconds and as soon as she tried to stand on the board she fell. I quickly grabbed her before falling on the floor. She couldn't stop laughing. "yeah, I literally suck on this, thanks for catching me" she said still laughing and smiling at me. I smiled at her. We forgot other people were there. El looked at me for a second and kissed my lips. The boys apparently saw us. "hey, you faggots, you're disgusting" a boy yelled. We pulled away. "well, I at least have a beautiful girl, but you don't" I said roasting him. The boy didn't know what to say. Even his friends started laughing. El chuckled next to me. The boys didn't know what else to say so they left. "you're so badass" El said laughing. I giggled. "well they at least left" I said. "yeah". I kissed her. I started teaching her again. She fell a few times but she laughed every time she did, meaning she wasn't much hurt. We then realised we forgot about Mike's sleepover. We quickly biked to the cabin to get our stuff we need for the sleepover and got to Mike's house.

Sorry for making so many chapters, I just have ideas and scenarios that I like to write down
1448 words.

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