Chapter 67: Robin&Max

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El's pov

I just messed up badly. Really bad. I broke up with max. I heard someone opening the bathroom's door as I was still in the stall crying. "El?" I heard a voice. I was hoping it was max but it wasn't.

"el I know you're in there. It's maddie" the girl said. Oh. I remember her. "can I come in please?" she asked. I felt bad so I slowly reached the lock and unlocked it.

She opened it and walked in. I was staring at the ground as tears kept falling. They wouldn't stop. She slowly sat down facing me. I was sat down on the floor against the wall. Maddie sat opposite me.

Suddenly she pulled me into a hug. It was unexpected. I didn't hug back at first but then I did. I just started crying again on her shoulder.

"I screwed up" I quietly said crying. She rubbed my back in comfort. "what happened?" she asked pulling away. "I-I broke up with max" I quietly said sniffing.

She looked at me sadly. "what? Why?" she asked. "I-I don't know.. I got upset because of what happened outside and I pushed her away for no reason. I'm just so tired of everyone that I thought breaking up with max would fix this but I-I don't know" I said slowly trying not to break down again

Thankfully she waited patiently. "oh.. Hey its okay we can still fix this. How about we go find her after school? I'll come with you if you want" maddie said. I smiled softly and nodded.

"thank you" I said. She smiled at me. "of course, now let's go because the boys are worried and we have to go to class" she said. I nodded as she helped me stand up.

We walked outside, I saw the boys. "hey, are you okay?" will asked. "no" I said. "what happened?" Mike asked. "I-I'm not in the mood to talk I'm sorry" I quietly said and walked away. I just wanted to disappear.

Third person pov

"el broke up with max because of the bullies and stuff and she's pretty upset, she regrets it" maddie said. Our mouths fell open in shock. "max and el broke up?"I loudly said. No one was around us. Maddie nodded. "They never fight what-how!" Mike said.

"Mike calm down" lucas said. "How am I supposed to calm down? The bullies managed to ruin them and you expect me to calm down. I was admiring el and max for that but its now ruined" I said. Everyone stopped talking.

"Mike" maddie said. I looked at her. We made eye contact for a second before speaking. I felt butterflies for some reason. "yeah?" I asked. "el and I will go find max after school and they'll get back together it's gonna be fine" she said.

"you don't know max" lucas said. "what do you mean?" maddie asked. "when max is too upset or someone hurts her she can't really communicate with anyone. She's pushing us away" lucas said.

"then what are we gonna do?" maddie asked. "We have to at least try" maddie said. We all nodded.

We suddenly saw el walking past us. We all looked at each other confused. Didn't she just tell us she was going to class? Or at least we thought so?

"el! Where are you going? We gotta go to class" will said. She didn't even turn around. We ran after her. "where are you going?" I said grabbing her arm.

"I'm going to find max" el seriously said. "What? El you can't just leave, the school will call hopper-" Dustin said. "I don't care" el said trying to release from me.

"you don't even know where she is" maddie said. "That's why I said I'm going to find max plus she's most likely at Steve's place or something" el said.

Before we could say another word a pissed principal was behind us. Shit. "Where the hell have you been? Are you trying to sneak out of school! The teacher is waiting for all of you! Go to class before I give you a detention!" he said. We all nodded.

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now