Chapter 58: Movie Night

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Max's pov

*after we got home*

Joyce put my flannel into the washing machine. I'm praying that it gets cleaned cause I really love that flannel. Will, el and I were getting ready to go over at Dustin's place. I wore the new purple flannel, black ripped jeans, with my black vans we bought from the mall that my girlfriend showed me. El wore a light brown hoodie with a Teddy bear on it, she got excited when she saw it so of course we bought it. I love seeing her smile. She matched them with blue ripped jeans and her white converse. Will wore a light blue hoodie with black jeans. "should I wear my other hoodie?" will asked struggling to find what he wanted to wear as el and I were brushing our hair. "what other hoodie?" I asked turning around. "the black one" Will said. "no, the blue one is cuter, it suits you better, you'll look cute" max said. Will smiled widely. He likes getting compliments because he rarely gets some. "alright thanks" will said. "why can't my hair stay in place" will said after a minute. El and I looked at each other smirking. "are you trying to look good for Mike or... Matt?" el teased. Will stopped fixing his her and turned to look at us. He rolled his eyes. "none of them, i just wanna look good" he said. "suree" I said as he sighed annoyed, clearly giving up on convincing me he's not into matt.

*later at Dustin's*

Dustin opened the door and greeted us with a huge smile. Everyone was there except matt and Mike. We heard the bell ringing while the boys were arguing on what movie we should watch. Dustin stood up and he came back with Mike behind him. We haven't really talked to him after the news. "hey" he awkwardly said. "hi" we said. Mike decided to sit on the couch with lucas and Dustin. El, will and I sat on the other couch. So now we just waited for matt to arrive. After a few minutes we heard the bell again. Mike looked confused. His expression chanted from confusion to jealousy. "hi" matt said sitting down next to will. On the couch where we were sitting. "hey matt" we all said. "you already know our names I suppose" Dustin said as we laughed. "yeah we're kind of famous not really a good way, we're like the almost all gay friend group" I said trying not to be awkward. They all laughed. "yeah, I don't kind at all though you guys seem fun" matt said smiling. "you too, alright come here because we don't know what to watch because Dustin keeps saying that movie sucks before even watching it-" lucas started saying as matt stood up and sat on the couch next to the boys. The only space left was next to Mike. They both took a deep breath. I could tell they were both pissed at each other even though matt always is calmer. He casually just sat next to him and basically ignored Mike. Mike was glaring at him. I saw Will exhale annoyed. "why is he jealous?" will asked el and I. We shrugged. "oh I've seen that movie, it's so cool" matt said excitedly. "See Dustin! I told you it was cool" lucas said giving matt a high-five. "it's not cool" Mike said. "alright let's just watch the other one so everyone's alright with it. Quite sure mike didn't care about the, just the fact that matt suggested it, he got mad about it. Dustin and lucas like sitting on the floor, in front of us and the table facing the tv. Why they like watching tv while sitting on the floor, no clue. So all of us sat together on the same couch. Of course el and I sat next to each other. Will was between Mike and matt. Now how that happened, no clue. Matt happened to be the first one who walked over at the couch and will just casually sat next to him. Well Mike exists as well so the only space left was next to will. El and I were sharing a bucket of popcorn, Dustin with lucas and the three boys.

Will's pov

Mjne and matt's hands accidentally touched during the movie. I kinda blushed for some reason. So did he. I heard Mike silently sighing next to me. After we ate the popcorn I had my hand resting on my lap. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing it. It was Mike. I looked at him and he smiled. I shoved it away. He frowned and looked at me with sad eyes and a disappointed look. Mike tried to grab it again but I shoved it away again. "stop it" I said quietly. "come on, I just wanna hold your hand I missed you" Mike whispered. "too late, go hold your girlfriend's hand" I said getting mad. "I don't even like her will-" he said trying to grab it again. Suddenly, matt grabbed Mike's wrist. "he said stop" matt said. Everyone except lucas and Dustin looked at the scene. Lucas and Dustin are always in their own worlds. Mike glared at him. Mike stopped and turned to face the tv and sighed angrily. "thank you" I whispered to matt as he smiled at me. "no problem" he replied.

*after the movie*

Lucas already left. Now it was time for matt to leave. He suddenly gave me a hug for some reason, I didn't mind though. "see you tomorrow at school?" matt asked. I nodded and he walked out of the house. When the door closed Mike grabbed my hand and guided me to the kitchen so we can be alone. I frowned confused. "what are you doing?" I asked. "we need to talk" Mike said. "alright, are you alright moving on, or did you bring him here to make me jealous?" Mike asked getting straight to his point. "what? First of all, he's my friend who comforted me after" I started. "you" I said poking his chest walking closer to him. "dumped me, and secondly you have no rights to judge me, you're the one who has a girlfriend" I said looking at him sadly but mad at the same time. He just stared at me. "I don't like her Will-" Mike said with sad eyes. "I don't care if you do Mike-words are just words, you don't mean what you say" I said. "I do-" Mike said. "then act like it!" I said raising my voice slightly. "I can't-" he tried but I already walked away from him. Thank god my mom happened to arrive just in time.

*later at night*

I told max and el what happened after the movie night. "ugh, is he for real? Look I like mike but he's doing dumb stuff sometimes" max said. "I agree" el said. We were all sitting on el's and max's bed, el and I sitting crossed leg max was laying, having her hands in support behind. El head was resting on max's shoulder. I find it adorable. "not but like enough teasing, matt seems like a good guy Will if you feel something towards him" max said seriously. I wasn't sure if she was joking or not. "I don't know, I did blush when we accidentally touched hands-" I said after a few seconds. El and max gasped. "I knew it!!" el yelled in excitement. Max and I sushed her since it was like 1 am. We always have random or deep conversations at nights. "I dont know yet, I still love Mike but I might have started catching feeling for matt, Mike doesn't care about me anymore" I said sadly. "okay, just be sure you're over Mike before you start a new relationship, for the good of both of you" el adviced me. "he's straight" I said looking down. "did he tell you that?" max asked me, I shook my head. "see? I'm sure he's not straight will, or even bi I don't know" max said. "yeah I agree" el said. Then we went to sleep.

1363 words. I might not be able to update these days because I'll go somewhere sorry.

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