Chapter 48: Dustin's News

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Max's pov

*at cabin (still the same day after school)*

Me,hopped and el had dinner. After a few hours we went to sleep. I couldn't sleep. I slowly quietly got out of bed. I opened the door and sat down on the porch in front of the cabin. When I was living at Robin's for a few days, Steve came over and I stole one of his cigarettes. I know it was wrong but I wanted to try. I asked him but he refused and started lecturing me like I'm a kid. So I stole one from him. I took hopper's lighter and tried it. I started coughing but I was okay after. I was praying hopper didn't hear it. But unfortunately he did. He opened the door and gasped when he saw me. I immediately hid the cigarette. He looked at me confused and angirly. "what are you doing here in the cold? It's 2 am max, you can't be out of the cabin it's dangerous what the hell?" hopper said angirly but confused. I didn't know what to say. He sat down next to me scanning my face. He took my hand as he noticed I've been hiding something. Shit, I thought. I knew I was at that moment. He looked at what I was holding. He grabbed from my hand sharply. I flinched accidentally thinking he would hit me. He noticed my flicnh and his face soften but I could tell he was still mad. "where did you find this?" he asked me. I didn't say anything. "max.. Where did you find this?" he repeated louder this time. "uh, I stole it from Steve" I said quietly. "did he give it to you?" hopper asked. "no, I stole it" I said. "why?" he asked. I shrugged. "look-I know you're upset about your mom but smoking isn't a solution, you're 15 max, you can't smoke" he said. "I'm fine, I just wanted to try it, I'm sorry" I said. "look-its okay just don't do it again. And it's okay not to be okay max" he said putting his hand on my shoulder. I thought he was gonna kill me at first. "I'm okay hop" I said. "okay, just-please don't do it again, if you need someone to talk, please come to me, okay? You're not alone, I care about you kid and I love you" he said softly. I nodded. "yeah, I know. I'm sorry" I said. He hugged me. I started crying for some reason. "oh.. Its okay kid" he said ribbing my back. "I just-I miss her" I said sobbing. "I know.." he whispered. "and-I'm-scared" I said quietly. "for what?" he asked. I looked at him, tears still in my eyes. "I don't want to lose el-I almost did" I said. I felt like I could talk to him. He was always there for me and el. "hey, you won't lose her, she loves you so much, sometimes I feel like she loves you more than me" he joked at the end. I laughed slightly sadly. "no, I don't think that's true" I said. He laughed. "alright you should go sleep, you have school tomorrow" he said. "yeah" I said and stood up. I got to bed and thought about what happened. He made me feel better and I felt guilty for doing that. I then went to sleep.
*the next morning*
El was already up. I brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen and found her sitting eating. "good morning" she said smiling standing up to hug me. I hugged her tightly and kissed her softly. "hop told me about what happened" she said. "yeah,what I did was stupid, I'm sorry" I said. "it's okay, just please don't do it again, you can talk to me" she said holding my cheek. "yeah I know" I said smiling.

*later at school*

Me and el walked in holding hands. As we were walking I saw a boy standing in front of me. I sighed annoyed. "what are you doing, you're in the way" I said sharply not in the mood to deal with idiot bullies. He smirked at me. "I'm not here to make fun of you hottie" he said. I had a disgust look on my face. What the fuck? El had the same expression looking hurt. "I know I am, but I would like to go to class if that's okay so leave" I said. He laughed. "you know, you're too hot to be a lesbian, I bet I can change you" he said looking at me up and down. I felt sick. "you can't change me. And this is exactly the reason I don't like guys,because you're disgusting. I have a girlfriend so get the hell out of here I don't want to see you again" I said sharply. El looked at me. The tall boy scoffed as his friends laughed because he got rejected. "your loss, I don't like you anyways" he said. "oh you changed your mind cause you got rejected, what a shame" I mocked as el quietly laughed next to me. I laughed as well. I was still holding el's hand. As we were about to walk away the tall boy stood in front of me, blocking my way. I sighed loudly annoyed. "I said go away" I said. He shook his hand and pushed me against the lockers and came close to my face. I felt so uncomfortable and disgusted. El immediately pushed him away with her powers, took my hand and took me away from them. The tall boy tried to grab me but someone stopped him before el. It was Mike. Mike grabbed him aggressively. "she said stop you idiot" Mike said angirly and let go off him angrily. After the boys followed me and el in class. "thank you" I told el and Mike. "of course" they both said smiling. We sat down and waited for the teacher to come. El held my hand. "are you okay?" she asked. "yeah, that was so disgusting" I said. "yeah it was, I'm glad you stood up and talked back, I'm not good at that" el said. I smiled. "yeah, I fight with words and you with powers that's pretty badass" I said smirking. She laughed. I love making her laugh. I smiled. "can I borrow your black pen" I whispered to el smiling at her. She rolled her eyes. "is it to draw again? You have to take notes babe, we have a test on Friday" el said. I laughed. "so what? I'll fail anyways" I said. "no you won't, we'll study together" she said. I smiled and nodded. "fine, you'll copy them from me when we get home" she said handing me the pen. I smiled and thanked her. After a few minutes of drawing I saw el staring at me. "what?" I whispered. She leaned forward to look at my drawing. She smiled widely. "aww, you're drawing me?" she said. I nodded. The whole class was being loud and talking. The teacher was trying his best to make us stop talking but it didn't work so he gave up. It was almost the end of the lesson anyway. "can I see?" el asked. I nodded. "it's bad though but you're so pretty" I said. She smiled and looked at me in awe. "it's beautiful. You really think I'm that pretty?" she asked softly. I looked at her confused. "of course you are, I've told you so many times you're the prettiest person I've seen in my life" I said. She smiled. "you're so cheesy" she joked. I laughed. "but you like it" I said smirking . She rolled her eyes playfully. I laughed. "it's like you're obsesed with me" she said laughing. "because I am?" I said. "aww thanks, I am too" she said. Suddenly the teacher hit his desk making a big loud sound. All students stopped talking. Next lesson we had biology. During the lesson Dustin passed us a note. Giving us one by one,the party. 'meet me at my house at 4 pm after school, I got some news' Dustin wrote. Me and looked at each other. I gave Dustin thumps up.
*after school at Dustin's house*
We asked Robin if she could drive us there since hopper is at work. We knocked on Dustin's door. "oh hey girls come in" he said excited. "you look excited" I said laughing. "because I am" he said walking towards the living toom as we saw the boys were already there before us. "you're late" Lucas said. "it's Robin's fault, she wanted to go over at Nancy's to give her something" I said. "yeah okay whatever" Mike said. We sat down. "so what's so important" el said. "okay I have great news!!" Dustin said smiling. "Dustin just tell us already" Will said. "okay jeez" Dustin said. "you guys will meet Suzie soon!" he announced. We all looked at each. "she's coming in Hawkins?" Will asked. Dustin nodded smiling. "when?" el asked. "she'll come on Friday and stay for the weekend" Dustin said. "ooo that's amazing" Mike said. "so Suzie exists?" el joked. Dustin gasped as we all laughed. "I'm joking" el said laughing. Dustin rolled his eyes. "just be nice when she comes" Dustin said. "what do you mean we're always nice" I said. "well you're not always nice" Dustin said. I gasped. "I'm being nice when people are nice" I said defensively. "yeah sure" Dustin said. It's been an hour of chatting. El tapped my shoulder softly. I looked at her. She looked so cute for some reason doing it. "yes darling" I asked. She giggled. "can we go eat somewhere" she asked looking at me like a little kid. She looked so adorable. "yeah sure, wanna go eat crepe and waffles in the store?" I asked. She gasped excitedly. I smiled widely at her reaction. "yess" she said. "we're gonna go, I'll call Robin to pick us up" I said. "you're leaving already?" Dustin said. "yeah sorry" el said. "it's fine" Dustin said. "we can hang out at my cabin tomorrow?" el asked softly. She must have felt bad. "yeah sure" Dustin said smiling. I was dialing Robin. El was next to me. "you're so cute" I whispered as I waited for Robin to pick up. She blushed and smiled. She took my hand. "hey, Robin can you pick us up and take us for waffles?" I asked when she picked up. "ugh seriously?okay fine" Robin said. We and el laughed silently. "okay thanks Robin" I said and hung up. "she sounded busy" el said raising an eyebrow. I gasped. "do you think she found  a girlfriend? She's not going over at Steve's. Steve is on vacation at the moment" I said. "soo.. she might has a girlfriend" el said. We looked at each other like we solved a case or something. We laughed. "yeah, Robin is never busy otherwise" I said. "do you think it's Nancy? They're spending some time together lately" I said. "Nancy is with Jonathan idiot" Mike interrupted. "oh yeah oops" I said as el laughed and Mike rolled his eyes.
*later when Robin arrived*
We got in car and saw another woman next to Robin. Me and el gasped and looked at each other smirking. "hello girls" Robin said acting normal. Me and el didn't say anything. "I knew it" I said excitedly giving el a high-five. Robin looked at us confused, so did the other girl. "knew what?" Robin asked. "that you had a girlfriend" el said. The other woman laughed. "oh shut up" Robin said glaring us feeling embarrassed. "oh come you used to make fun of me and el at first, now is my chance for revenge" I said. Robin rolled her eyes. "wait you two are together?" the other woman asked. Me and el nodded as she smiled. "I'm Vickie, nice to meet you" she said shaking out hands. "I'm max and this is el" I said. She nodded smiling. "alright let's go, vickie will come with us to eat" Robin said starting the car. "ooo double date?" I joked. El looked at me and smiled. "is it a date?" she asked. "well kind of" I said. "I guess" Robin said.


"so how long have you been together?" I asked Robin and vickie as we were eating. "uhh we met at the video store me and Steve are working a few weeks ago" Robin said. Me and el smirked. "oooo that's great" I said. "is Steve still struggling to find a girl?" I joked. "yepp I wasn't expecting me to find a girl instead, but he was happy for me,of course a bit jealous but okay" Robin said. "yeah" we said. Then Vickie started talking about her life so we know her better.
*at the cabin*
We ordered pizza and then went into then bedroom. Me and el cuddled and watched a movie. "I love you" el said. "I love you too darling" I said. She laughed. "what? You don't like the nickname?" I asked raising my eyebrows. She smiled. "no I like it" she said smiling. We then shared a kiss and fell asleep still cuddling.

2217 words. Sorry this chapter is short

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