Not An Update Just Talking About Volume 2

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~Stranger things s4 volume 2 spoilers ~

To people who still might read this, have you guys seen volume 2??? I'm crying so much right now, if you know you know, we did get elmax this season and a reunion, the scenes weren't happy but it's so cute that El came to save her friends especially max, they're best friends in the show but it's fine, I like the other ships as well such as lumax, byler, mileven etc but elmax has my heart and I like it more in my opinion. The scene when max was about to die hurt soo bad I can't explain it and lucas and El next to her sobbing and her last words oh god. Also the reunions we've asked for they're here. Elmax reunion, jopper (plus dating), the party reunion (minus max 😭she's in coma, I believe she will survive in S5 but I'm sad we're gonna have to wait again for how many, 1-2 years? Idk. Or when will was talking about his feelings to Mike, not exactly telling him he likes him but yeah, I feel so bad for him, the way he looks at Mike and El hurts him inside and can't say anything, quite sure Jonathan knows but doesn't want to ask will about it. Anyways I'll shut up, I know no one probably will read this paragraph but okay just wanted to express my feelings. I'm quite sure the whole world is crying at the moment. Oh my god, Eddie's death though dustin's reaction hurt so bad. Basically almost everything in volume 2 hurt. I loved it but we're all hurt right now, thanks to duffer brothers.. We love them though. Anyways I'm planning on continuing writing this story I would like to write a few chapters about when school starts and things happen, if and when I have the motivation I'll write about it, I know its probably boring that I'm making so many chapters and it's okay if you don't want to read, I just like writing the scenarios I have in my head. I wasn't really expecting to have reads to be honest but thank you so much. I'll try to update as soon as I'm in the mood to after what happened today, I'll see. On my way to watch more stranger things tiktoks, it will hurt my feelings again after I managed to stop crying but okay

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now