Chapter 26: Bowling

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El's pov

Everyone woke up except max. She must need sleep since she didn't sleep well last night. I went to the kitchen, the boys were sitting thete eating cereal. Mike's parents have gone to work so it was just us and Nancy upstairs. "good morning" they all said to me. "good morning" I replied. "how did you sleep?" Mike asked. "good" I said. I was actually worrying about max but I didn't tell them that. I didn't sleep much. "is max better?" Dustin asked. "yeah, I think so, I hope" I said. They nodded. While we were eating and chatting Nancy came downstairs about to leave. "where are you going?" Mike asked. "I'm going to Jonathan's place and then we'll probably go for bowling" Nancy replied putting on perfume. We all looked at each other, especially the boys. They were excited about something which I had no idea what it was so I just wanted to see why they're excited. "can we come with you!?" Mike said. The fact is that I had no idea what bowling was. I always feel bad because I don't know many stuff like the others and feel dumb but the others don't make fun of me. They always help me understand things and explain. Will must have understood my confused expression. "bowling is a game which you roll a ball towards pins or another target and you have to score. You'll see when we get there, if we will" he said quietly explaining the game to me in private while the others were arguing with Nancy. "why dont you let us come with you?" Mike said annoyed. "because i don't want you kids with me, I'm going with Jonathan" Nancy replied. Without letting any of us say anything else she left leaving the boys annoyed. "how about we just tell Steve to take us there?" Dustin said. "can't we just go there by our bikes?" lucas said. "no you dumb, the bowling place is far away from here, except you want your legs to hurt for an entire month" Dustin said. Lucas rolled his eyes. These two always argue about random stuff. I just sit there listening to them. I just laugh because they're funny. Me and max make fun of them. "alright alright, shut up, we'll ask Steve, let's hope he says yes" Mike said. "alright let's wake up max, it's 11 am" Mike said. "Mike,let her sleep, you know.. Remember last night?" will said quietly at the end. Mike zoned out for a second trying to process and remember about last night. "ohh, yeah, I forgot I was a bit sleepy but now I remember, sorry yeah you're right" Mike said. "it's fine" we all said. We sat on the living room playing uno and waiting for max to wake up. I love the company of the boys but I want max. The boys are just always yelling excited or arguing. But we love them. I finally understood how to play that card game called uno. I really like it. It has simple rules and easy to play. Dustin keeps complaining about how we beat him most of the times but we still have fun. About an hour later, still playing uno max woke up. She appeared to the living room. "good morning" she said. Her morning voice was so attractive I don't know why,weird but I do. As soon as I heard her voice. I threw the cards on the table not really caring about the game. "El, don't just throw them like that, we're not done yet" Dustin complained. I jump above the couch and hugged her. She laughed and hugged me back tightly. "good morning El" she said and giggled. I think I caught her off guard. "good morning" I replied. "so excited to see me?" she said smirking. "it was boring without you" I said smiling. "hey, we're not boring" Dustin said. The boys laughed,so did we. Max stung her tongue at them and making fun of them. Mike pointed his middle finger at her for revenge. She did the same. They're acting like little kids. I still don't know what that means but they just said it's a bad thing. So I don't do it. I giggled. She turned to me. Softly kissed my lips. "love birds ew, not here" Mike said to mock us. Dustin fake gagged. "it's just a kiss jeez, we're not gonna like-" she cut herself off. The others bursted out laughing. Of course me the confused one didn't know why they were laughing about. Max's face was red for some reason. The boys couldn't stop laughing. What did max say that made them laugh so hard, I don't understand. "why are you laughing?" I asked confused. Max stayed quiet, the others still couldn't stop laughing. "is anyone gonna tell me?" I asked getting a bit annoyed. "go ahead max" Dustin said through laughs. "um-it's-nothing, they're just making fun of us" max said nervously for some weird reason. "fun of what?" I asked. They've seen us kiss before, they do make fun of us for fun, mocking us. But this time when max cut herself off, she was about to say something. Clearly it was something I'm not supposed to know?. "what were going to say?" I asked confused. "it's-nothing" max said, her face still red. Max gave the others a death stare and they stopped laughing. "well-um-I'm going to eat some cereal" max said changing the subject,leaving me confused. "El" will said quietly. I looked at him. "it's nothing bad, okay? You're just too innocent to know, I promise you it's not a secret anything" will said smiling. "okay, if it's not bad then why don't you tell me?" I asked. They didn't say anything. "okay, whatever" I said. Why can't they just tell me. I let it go for now. I went into the kitchen with max. She was already sitting eating. I decided to eat some eggos. I just wanted to sit with max, so she doesn't eat alone. I sat down. There was silence, a comfortable one though. I was putting whipped cream on my eggo. "hey um-what I was about to say earlier was just a joke" max said. "what joke?" I asked. "um, you know when they started mocking us about the kiss,i basically told them we're not gonna like go further than kissing you know as a joke that's why they were laughing, it's not a bad thing okay? I just wanted you to be sure, so you don't think I'm hiding something "max said nervously." what do you mean, further? "I asked. She looked down." um, did hopper did you, the, you know-um-the talk? "max asked. I was trying to remember." the thing couples do to have babies? "I asked. She nodded." that's what further basically means, but it was just a joke, you know I told them like, since they said that kissing in front of them is gross, I said 'it's not like we would go further' or something, just a joke that's why they were laughing, can we just change the subject please, this is awkward " max said, her face was red and clearly embarrassed." well, why are you embarrassed" I asked giggling. She looked at me laughing as well. "didn't hopper feel awkward when he told you?" max asked. "yeah, he was a bit nervous for some reason, but I understand what he means, so you don't have to explain more" I said smiling lightly so she doesn't feel embarrassed. "okay, good, thank you" she said nervously laughing. She continued eating cereal. I took her hand. "guess what!" I said excited changing the subject. "what?" she asked smiling. "we might go somewhere, uh, I forgot the name, I think it's bo-wling, I-I forgot, its something with rolling balls to score, I-sorry I don't remember the name-" max cut me off giggling. "you mean bowling?" she said. I nodded. "ooo we're going bowling?" max said smiling. "yeah! Bowling that's the word!" I said excitedly.

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