Chapter 81: Will You Come To the Camp Trip?

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Max's pov

I walked as fast as I could to the bathroom once the principal talked to me. I opened the door. It was empty of course. "el?" I called. "el? I know you're in there love" I said.

El's pov

Max's walked into the bathroom. She didn't come right away which surprised me but at the same time I wanted to be alone. But she didn't deserved to be pushed away. Last time I pushed her away and I regret it. I don't want it to happen again.

It was the time people started saying slurs to us just because we cuddled, hugged basically. By my mistake, I broke up with her even though it wasn't her fault. Something similar is happening right now.

Angela was having an argument with the principal because she doesn't want max and I to the camp trip because we're gay. Dykes actually. She says she 'feels uncomfortable'. I just couldn't stand hearing her talking like that so I stormed out of the classroom.

I've wanted to leave that classroom the moment I saw Angela talking to the principal which I knew it was about us before I could even hear what they were arguing about. But I didn't want to be dramatic and leave, make my friends worry and max.

But I just couldn't handle it anymore. So I left. I don't want to push max away because of Angela again. She doesn't deserve it. It's not her fault Angela is being a bitch

"I'm here" I quietly said. "where?" max asked. "in the third stall" I replied. I unlocked the stall door. She walked in. "hey.." she quietly said sitting down next to me. "hi.." I said. "you okay?" she asked as she grabbed my hand.

I nodded. "it's a dumb question.. I know you're not" she said softly. "I'm sure you're not too max.. It's okay" I said. I remember last night. It was horrible, seeing my girlfriend cry like that because of Angela. I want to use my powers on her and everyone that's hurting us. But I can't, it's the rules, hopper will kill me.

It's not worth it anyway. Angela said she would stop but she never did or never will be. People can't change after all. It's rare anymore. Most bad people can't change. There are a few who can which is good at least.

"it's okay if you don't want to go to the camp trip-" max said. "I don't know what I want" I interrupted. "what do you mean?" she asked. "I don't know if i want to go to the camp trip. They will for sure do something to us and you know it, I don't want them to hurt you, emotionally or physically" I said.

"we'll have our friends during the day at least, we can handle them but I'm not sure if I want either. I won't pressure you on anything" she said smiling softly. I smiled. "what do you truly want?" I asked. She frowned. "I just told you I don't know what I want baby" she said chuckling slightly.

"I know you did.. Deep down what do you want" I said. She looked away for a second. "I-I want to, I mean, it's a camp trip, who doesn't want to go? The only reason I'm hesitating is the Bullies, I just know they'll do something to either you or me or both of us" she said.

"I know.." I said. She put her hand on my cheek gently, caressing it. "it's Tuesday today, we've got time to think right?" she said softly. "we don't have to decide now" she said. "yeah you're right" I said smiling. "thank you" I said staring at her gorgeous blue ocean eyes.

"for what?" she asked smiling staring back at mine. "for.. always being here for me, I-I just appreciate it-a lot.. I don't know what I would do without your support and love" I admitted

"of course.. Thank you as well, you do the same" she said smiling. I smiled. I leaned in and kissed her soft lips softly. She kissed back. We pulled away after almost a minute

Suddenly there was a knock on our stall. We flinched not expecting it. "max? El? Are you in there?" we heard maddie's voice. I love how maddie is always here when we're upset. She's a really good new friend

I mean the boys can't come in the girls bathroom but I'm sure maddie would come either way. "yeah we're here" max said. We opened the door. She stood in front of us. "hey, are you alright?" she asked us. We both nodded.

"uhh the teacher is asking for you to come back to class" maddie said. "it's quite boring I know but we have to.. Angela is with the principal at the moment" maddie said. "she is?" I asked. She nodded

"I hope he gives her a detention or something" maddie said. "yeah" max and I both agreed. "let's go" we both said and stood up.

*in class*

All eyes were on us the moment we walked in. "hello girls.. are you okay?" the teacher asked. Fortunately she's a nice teacher. We both nodded. "alright sit down.. I'll repeat what we've said so far since you weren't here" she kindly said

"I bet they were making out in the bathroom" a boy said laughing making some students laugh. "Jack! Stop talking! It's none of your business, the girls were upset earlier because of Angela would you like to go to the principal too?" the teacher said

The boy didn't say anything else. The teacher looked at us and smiled, we smiled back in return. Believe it or not there are some few good people as well. Not homophobic at least. Only a few..

Max's pov

The bell rang. We met the boys where we usually meet in the breaks. "hey you okay?" will asked us as we sat down on the big bench that we all fit to sit. We nodded. "I want to rip her head off but I'm okay" I said. Will widened his eyes. "I'm joking" max said. "I know" will said giggling

"will you come to the camp trip?" Dustin asked. "we don't know" I said. "oh come on! You can't miss the trip guys" lucas said. "I prefer my girlfriend safe lucas stop winning! You think we don't want to go? Of course we want but we can't" I said mad

"of course you can! What is she gonna do? Kill you in your sleep?" lucas said. Maddie and Mike who were sitting next to him hit his arm in sync. "you never know-" Dustin said but he was cut off by Mike hitting his arm

"I don't know what they'll do! Angela and her stupid friends are capable of anything at this point!" I said angrily. "we've been, you've been dealing with them this whole time! You won't miss having fun because of them max! It's a shame! You deserve to have fun, I don't know what will happen at nights but you'll be with us literally all day" lucas said

"lucas! Just stop! You don't know how it feels! They're literally acting like we're rats or a disease or many other bad disgusting shits!" I said louder this time

"yeah dude, it's not your choice to make" Mike said. "why is everyone attacking me?" lucas said. I sighed in annoyance. "We're not attacking you! We're just being reasonable! It's max's and El's choice end of discussion" maddie said

Lucas finally stopped talking and sighed. "we'll see" I said. They all nodded. After a minute of talking about random stuff el cutely tapped my arm like a kid. "I've brought grapes! I know you loved them last time I brought them!" she said smiling. Okay, I don't know why but I found that cute. Maybe it's the way she said it I don't know

I smiled sweetly. "oh my god yeah thank you my love" I said smiling. She blushed and put the box of grapes on the bench so we can both eat. I noticed will looking at us. He smiled. I smiled back.

1371 words. To be continued!!

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now