Chapter 55: What?

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(a/n: mostly byler on this chapter)

El's pov
*Monday morning*

"ugh, people are gonna start asking questions on why my face is beaten up and its too early for that shit" max whined. She refused to get up. "come on baby, it's gonna be fine just tell them you got into a fight and that's it, it's none of their businesses" I said. "and if they ask who? I don't think Eden wants the whole school to know that she's gay. No matter how much I hate her I'll never do that" max said. I looked away for a second. "oh.." I whispered. "yeah.. I didn't think of that..won't they see eden's face as well though?" I said. Max sighed. "yeah I know, they will for sure assume it's her but if they ask why, I don't wanna out her even though I hate her so much" max said. "plus she will definitely use some dumb excuse just so she can't come out to the whole school" max said. "okay how about we talk to her first thing we arrive at school and talk about it?" I asked. "okay.. I guess" max said quietly. "okay baba now.."i said. " get up"i said grabbing her hand. "oh come onn" she whined as I laughed. "Max come on I don't want to be late, Mike told me to arrive earlier" Will suddenly came in the room out of nowhere. He was downstairs eating breakfast so he scared us. We both yelled as will's eyes widened up in surprise. "Jesus will you scared us" max said, her hand on her chest. "oh.. sorry" Will apologised. "why does he want you to arrive earlier?" max asked after she calmed down. "I don't know.." Will said quietly. He then walked here and sat on his desk chair in front of us. "I'm just worried, he's been acting weird these days and distant but he won't tell me why" Will said.

Max's pov

I think I know why Mike has been acting weird lately. I mean he told me that his parents are arguing every day but I didn't know he hadn't told Will. He didn't tell me on why his parents are arguing. "I mean, he did told me that his parents are arguing every day so maybe it's that?" I said. Will's face soften. "oh.. why didn't he tell me?" he said quietly. El and I shrugged. "I don't think you did something wrong Will, maybe he just prefers not to tell you" el said. "but why? I'm his boyfriend" Will said. "he probably doesn't want you to worry" I said. "just like you did to us? What Neil has been doing to you and you haven't told us?" Will said. He's kinda getting mad for some reason. I didn't know what to say. He mentioned Neil. "Will that's a different thing" El said quietly as Will felt guilt. "you're right-I'm sorry max" Will said looking at me. "it's fine Will.. Just-when something is going on in anyone's family it's not easy to just tell people, it's not that easy. In my case I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about what Neil did to me because I was scared of him so there must be a reason why he didn't tell you and will probably tell you when we go to school"i said. El and Will both stayed silent. "you're right..." Will said after a few seconds. "kids you have school" we heard hopper yell from downstairs. We stood up and got ready. I wore a light brown hoodie with blue jeans, el wore a light blue sweatshirt with blue jeans.

Will's pov

We were in the parking lot of school. I saw the boys waiting for us in the entrance. "hey" we greeted each other. I looked at Mike and he looked at me. "can I talk to you?" Mike said and I nodded. He brought to the side of the school where no one was there at that moment. Mike sighed nervously. "Mike? Are you alright?" I asked worried as he stared at me. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. I took his hands gently. "babe? What's wrong" I asked again. "I'm-I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you lately" he started. "it's just-its not your fault, it's because of my parents" he said avoiding eye contact. "What's going on Mike?" I asked. "my parents have been fighting every single day this week and it's just been hard, I didn't sleep well because of the yelling but I still shouldn't have been distant in general-" he said rubbing his neck. I squeezed his hand and he finally looked at me. "Mike.. It's okay, why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I don't know-its just they're fighting because of.." he said with struggle. "because of.. us" he whispered the last part. "what? Mike I don't understand-" I said worriedly when it hit me. "you w-want to break up?" I said, my voice breaking as Mike looked down. "I-I don't want to, they're forcing me to-I overheard them saying that they're married only for us and my mom won't get divorce because of that so.. my dad is forcing me to-b-break up with you or-I'll get kicked out" he said a bit faster this time, I could hear his voice breaking too slightly. My heart dropped. I didn't know what to say. It wasn't exactly his fault but I didn't know what to do so I just... left. "I-I'm sorry-" he said as I was walking away.

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