Chapter 15: Shitty Mother

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El's pov

It's been 2 hours since hop and Joyce left. I've been worried, we all were. Max is still sleeping. Jonathan and Nancy went in his room and told us to call them when thet come back. Steve and Robin got hungry and went in the kitchen to eat. The rest of us just relaxed on the couch and we fell asleep.

Nancy's pov

The kids fell asleep on the couch. I was worried about max, I felt so bad when I heard everything she's been through. Me and Jonathan went upstairs.

Steve's pov

Me and Robin went in the kitchen to eat something. The kids fell asleep. We tried not to talk much so we don't wake them up. They were all tired, worried and upset about Neil and everything they've done to max. We heard the door open. It didn't wake up the kids though. Joyce and Hopper got in, they saw them sleeping.

Hopper's pov

Me and Joyce walked in the house. As soon as we saw them sleeping on the couch, tired and worried,we've stayed quiet. I saw max sleeping on El's lap, El was asleep too. Max really needed El in her life. I looked at them for a second and then went over to Steve and Robin since they were the ones awake. "how long have they been sleeping" I whispered. "they fell asleep like 2 hours ago" Steve replied. "how is max?" Joyce asked. "not so good, we tried to make her laugh and make her feel better and I think it worked" Steve said. I was proud of everyone, they're the best friends. "we told max to sleep at first but she couldn't, after we had a funny conversation El insisted telling max to sleep and relax and she did. Then the others fell asleep too" Robin explained. "so what happened?" Steve asked. "we got him" I said smiling. They smiled too. "fucking finally" Robin said. Mike woke up hearing us, stood up confused. He asked us and we told him. He started by waking up El first and then the others. Max woke up and saw me, she immediately got nervous. "how did it go?" El decided to ask first not to make it difficult for max. I smiled and said. "we got him" they sighed relieved. Max stared at me for a second then quickly hugged El, putting her head on El's neck sobbing. El put her arms around her hugging her tightly, not letting go. "it's okay, you're safe now" El kept saying quietly to calm max down.We all waited patiently to hug her as well. Max looked at us and immediately ran to hug me first after El.I was so glad and relieved she was finally safe. I hugged her tightly. I told you we would get him kid" I told her. She couldn't stop crying. "thank you.." she said while sobbing. The others got emotional too, seeing their friend struggling broke their hearts and max never told them anything until now. Her friends immediately came to hug her. Joyce called Nancy and Jonathan to come downstairs. There was a big silence. We were all just hugging her, crying and everything. She went in the bathroom to wash her face and calm down. El immediately came in my arms. She was crying too, not so much she didn't want to worry max more. She started crying in my arms. I immediately understood. "it's alright, she's safe now kid" I told her. She didn't respond. She pulled away and we all sat down.

El's pov

The phone rang. She came back. "um, its your mom, she wants to talk to you.." Joyce said sadly. Max began to look nervous again after she calmed down. "oh, um, okay ill-ill go"max said." you don't have to" Dustin said sadly. "I have to, she'll come find me if I don't anyway"max said. We all nodded." I'll come with you" El said. "you can't, I don't know, you know -" I cut her off immediately understanding what she meant. I nodded. "here I'll drive you there" Joyce said. "no it's fine I have my skateboard" max said. "no, there's no way I'm leaving you alone okay?" Joyce said. "I'm not a baby guys, I can deal with her, I got used to it, plus if she sees you came with me she'll pretend that everything's alright and when you leave she'll be herself like always" Joyce nodded. "ill drive you there but I'll wait outside without her knowing it okay? In case something bad happens" Joyce said. Max realised nothing would change Joyce's mind. I gave max a hug and they left. We patiently waited for them to come back.

Max's pov

We arrived at my house. I know everything will go wrong but I didn't want to make everyone more worried. I knocked on the door. My opened it for me. Checked around to see if someone was with me. I got in and she immediately started yelling at me. "HOW STUPID ARE, WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" i wanted to cry but I tried to hold the tears back. "Because, you may love him but mom, he hurt us, he hurt you and Billy. Can't you see that? I've told you so many times that we're not safe and you kept pretending that everything's alright. I got tired of all of this!" I said upset. "did you really enjoy watching Neil beating Billy and then me slapping me for no reason and punching me?!" I said starting to cry from anger and sadness. "BE HONEST WITH ME MOM, FOR ONE, FOR ONCE PLEASE, DID YOU EVER CARED EVEN A LITTLE ABOUT ME?!" I said upset. "YES YOU'RE MY DAUGHTER" she yelled at me again. "I don't think that's true you're not treating me like that? You literally watched him every day slapping me or punching my stomach like you were watching a movie and then you dare to call me your daughter!?" I couldn't hold it in anymore. She was speechless and just because she had nothing to reply she slapped me instead.

Joyce's pov

I heard yelling inside. I immediately got out of the car, I told max to not lock the door so I could come in, in case something happens. I was too late though I got in and I saw her own mother slapping her and yelling at her. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I yelled at her. "WHO ARE YOU?" I asked. "HER MOTHER, WHO THE FUCK ARE YIU?" Susan yelled back. "I DONT BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE, MOTHERS DONT LET THEIR KIDS GETTING BEATEN IN FRONT OF THEM, ARE YOU SICK IN THE MIND?!" I yelled again. "do you really believe what she says?!" Susan said. "yes" I replied. "IT'S YOUR FAULT YOUR FATHER IS IN JAIL" susasn yelled. I was about to say something but max spike up yelling. "NO MOM, HE IS NOT MY FATHER, MY FATHER IS IN CALIFORNIA, YOU TOOK ME AWAY FROM HIM TO MARRY THIS MAN WHO WAS BEATING US EVERY SINGLE DAY " max yelled. "and you didn't even care..." she said sadly. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe all this. Susas is the worst mother I've seen in my family. "SO WHAT, ARE YOU GONNA GO STAY WTIH THIS STRANGER?!" max cut her off. "NO THIS PERSON WHO YOU CALL STRANGER, HAS BEEN MORE THAN A MOTHER THAN YOU! I'VE NEVER GOTTEN SUPPORT FROM ANYONE EXCEPT HER AND MY FRIEDNS, I FOUND PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ME, I'M SICK OF YOU MOM, SUSAN" she said crying but angry. I knew deep down, she didn't want to leave her mom, it's still her mother but she hated her, she couldn't do it anymore. I grabbed max by the arm and took her in the car. She sat in the front seat breathing fast, she panicked and cried. All I did was hugged her tightly. "it's okay, she's gone now, everything sha said are not true, you're the bravest girl I've seen in my life, don't forget that, I'm proud of you" I said while hugging her. "she's right - she's right, I'm just a piece of shit who can't control her feelings, her family hates her and-" I cut her off. I couldn't help it anymore. I started crying too."don't you ever say that again okay sweetheart?" she nodded while hugging me. "crying is good, let your emotions out" I told her quietly. I held her in my arms for minutes until she calmed down. "can I go upstairs when I get in before the others ask me please I need to be alone.." she said shyly and quietly. "of course honey, of course" I told her. "thank you.. Mrs-.. I mean Joyce so much, I don't know how to thank you-" I cut her off. "you don't have to thank me, I care about you and I won let anyone hurt you again, okay?" I said. She nodded. I didn't want to say anything else while driving. She needed space. We arrived. As soon as I got in the house everyone stood up worried. I told max to go upstairs. The others were confused." she needs time to be alone right now" I said. "yeah of course" the kids said understanding. "what happened?" hopper asked. "oh, um so many things, she just needs some alone time at the moment. She just had a panic and anxiety attack after we left the house in the car, we stayed in the car for a long time to calm down" I said upset. Everyone's jaw dropped, worried and upset. They started tearing up for their friend. They all sat back down, shocked. "she called her bad things, asking her why she did it, I think she slapped her before I came in after I heard yelling, she told me to stay outside, telling her its her fault that her father is in jail, what broke me that I didn't know is that....the poor child wanted her real father. She immediately corrected when her mother called him her father. She mentioned that her real father is in California. She literally took her away from her dad to marry his disgusting man.. I can't believe it.. "I started crying as well.Hopper immediately came to hug me." sorry I can't hold it in anymore, I was trying to stay strong for max. "I said." it's alright, you can't imagine how good you are to her" hopper told me.

1743 words.

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