Chapter 36: Buying School Supplies

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Max's pov

Me and El woke up at the same time, unusual but alright. It was 11 am in the morning. I slept longer this time for some reason. We asked the boys if they wanted to come with us to buy school applies and they agreed. Hopper left us money to buy them. "so are you excited about going to school or mostly nervous?" I asked starting a conversation and breaking the silence as we sat to eat cereal. We were both sleepy and didn't say a word when we woke up, except good morning and a kiss of course. She thought for a few seconds. I grabbed her hand and smiled at her. She looked up to me smiling slightly. "I'm mostly nervous for the reasons I told you but I'm excited cause I've never been there and I want to see what it's like, I know everyone hates school so I don't think I'll like it much to be honest" she said. I nodded. "yeah, well, no one likes school, you see we might hate it but we have a few good memories there, mostly because when we have friends or joke around in the class, saying jokes and pissing off our teachers but we don't really care about that" I said laughing to light up her mood. She giggled. "I'm not gonna lie to you baby, of course there are bad things as well, it's mostly because of the kids there,you know bullys" I said. She nodded. "how do you feel about it, personally?" she asked me. I had to think about it. She noticed. "are you okay? You don't have to answer-" she said. "no, no I can say I'm just thinking" I said smiling. "um, i always hated school and that's because of the kids,teachers, some of them are good some of them are not, stupid tests and yeah" I said laughing "what did they do to you?" she asked frowning. "what?" I asked frowning. "the kids, you said they're mean, what happened?" she asked a bit worried. "oh, um, nothing, there are good kids too-but yeah-" I stuttered. El grabbed my other hand as she stopped eating to look at me and make eye contact. "it's not nothing, open up to me, I'll listen to you" she said softly. "yeah I know" I said looking down avoiding eye contact. I don't know why it was difficult for me to tell her. "so?" she asked lifting up my chin to make me look at her. I sighed and started. "I've always been wearing not so girly clothes, since I was a kid, they used to make fun of me, girls were usually wearing dresses and stuff-" I said. "why?" she asked. "I just didn't want to, my mom kept telling me to but I couldn't, I refused, I just didn't like it" I said as she nodded understanding. "why is not wearing dresses not normal and made fun of you?" she asked confused. She's so sweet and innocent. "I've been wondering the same thing, apparently a girl must wear dresses and boys jeans or baggy clothes, of course now that we grew up girls can wear jeans as well" I said. "I was basically acting like a boy, I was playing video games which apparently girls can't which is not true, but I didn't stop and just not care much I always act like I don't really care-" I said but she cut me off. "but you do care" she said quietly. "yeah a little, I always just talk back to them, that's how I cope, they don't stop but I don't care" I said. "they made fun of the fact they I skate, for the reasons I told you before, my red hair, the way I dressed like a boy, never wore dresses, I just wanted to wear comfortable clothes and not dress to impress the boys or whatever they wanted, but I can't judge them, they do whatever they want, I didn't make fun of their style but they did, but that's just how people are"i said sadly but tried to look confident. But of course my girlfriend knows me too well. "did they.. hurt you?" she asked quietly. "when I was a kid, I didn't know how to handle bullying so I just let them do it, I was weak, now I just talk back to them, being confident-" I said. "a badass" she added smiling. I laughed. "yeah you could call it that" I said. There was a silence for a few seconds until I spoke up. "sorry-I'm definitely not helping, I made you more nervous-" I said regretting everything I said. She cut me off. "what no! You just informed what's it's like, I have to know those as well, don't apologise, I know people are bad " she said grabbing my cheek and caressing her thumb on my hand slowly. I smiled and exhaled in relief and nervously. "I'm sure they will bully me or make fun of me.." she said looking down. "hey, if they do, I'll kick their asses" I said laughing. "hopper said no violence" she joked raising her eye brow at me. I smirked and laughed. "well, I can't promise that, I'll try but if they take it too far, I don't care, as long as you're safe, I won't let them hurt you" I said. She stared at me in awe and softly smiling at me. "you don't have to" she said. "I want to, that's what I have to do, that's what girlfriends do, I care about you and love you so of course I won't let them hurt you" I said laughing but meaning everything I say. We then went to get ready to leave. I wore a light blue sweatshirt with ripped jeans and El wore a pink jacket with blue ripped jeans. We arrived at the store. Lucas and Dustin were already there waiting for us in the entrance. "hello" we greeted them. "hey" they said smiling. "where's Mike and will?" El asked. "well, they're late" lucas said annoyed. "again" Dustin added with the same expression on his face as lucas. We rolled our eyes. They're always late. Well mostly Mike, will is almost always on his time,he's probably with Mike right now. That's probably why. After 10 minutes they finally arrived. "hey" Mike said getting off his bike. "sorry we're late" will genuinely apologised. "it's fine" we said and headed in the store. El was excited and amazed by all those stuff. She was so cute. It's reasonable she's never seen stuff like this. She chose a light cute pencil case and chose a black one as always. I never really cared about the designs and everything. El did. We looked around to find the notebooks and stuff. While we were looking at them El gasped. "what?" I asked giggling. She showed me a notebook that had cute modern designs on it. She smiled widely finding it pretty and it was pretty. Her smile immediately faded. "what is it?" I asked worried. "they're gonna make fun of me right?" she asked. I frowned and confused. She read my mind. "if I buy these notebooks, cause there are designs on it and stuff" she said. "I don't think so, I mean people bring those so it's alright and if they do make fun of you,don't listen to them, those notebooks you're holding right now are so cool and pretty, those over there are not so pretty right?" I said smiling pointing at the other notebooks." if you like them just buy them, you shouldn't do things worrying about others do what you want darling "I said giggling. She sighed relieved and laughed." yeah you're right"she said. We bought pens, files etc. We suddenly heard Dustin and lucas next to us arguing about something. "here we go again" I groaned jokingly and El giggled. "Dustin buy more correction tapes this time, you always steal mine" lucas said annoyed. I laughed and El looked at me confused. "what's 'correction tape'?" she asked copying luca's words. I walked towards Mike who was holding a correction tape, he was about to put it in his bucket but I grabbed it from his hands. He groaned annoyed. "what are you doin-" He asked annoyed and confused. "one second, I'll bring it back" I said turning to El. "Correction tape is an alternative to correction fluid used to correct mistakes during typing or writing something on the paper, I'll show you when we use it after" I explained. She nodded still confused. I gave it back to Mike. We also bought bunch of these and everything we needed etc. We got out of the store. "wanna go to the arcade?" Dustin suggested. Mike and will extcited agreed. "wanna go?" I asked El. "or watch TV at home and cuddle at home" I asked smirking. "make out?" she asked smirking giggling. "yeah" I replied and she smiled. "hopper is working so... We'll have the couch and we can cuddle and kiss without him whining " El said laughing. He's always watching TV after work or in the weekends when he's bored so we usually watch TV when he's at work. I nodded. "uh El and I will head home" I said. "oh come on" Dustin whined. "okay see you, have fun" Mike joked making kissing noises. I help up my middle finger at him for revenge laughing, he did the same and laughed. "maxine, don't do that" she demanded hitting my arm jokingly. I laughed. "sorry mom" I mocked her. "did you just call her mommy?" Dustin joked. We all glared at him with wide eyes. "jesus Dustin what's wrong with you" I said. "ew" all of us said. "I'm joking chill" Dustin said. "whatever" I said. El looked at me confused. "it's a dirty joke" I said annoyed. It's always awkward when I have to explain the apparently funny jokes the boys make fun it's alright. She understood that it's weird one so she just nodded laughing. "have fun" Mike said making kissing noises again. "don't act like you and will don't make out all the time" I said back mocking him like he did to us as his and Will's faced turned red. I laughed. "whatever" Mike scoffed. "I can't come with you guys sorry" lucas said. "seriously you too? Why?" Dustin said annoyed and disappointed. "I told Sarah to hang out" he said. We all made an ooo sound and smirked. "shut up, grow up" lucas said. "says you" Mike said raising his eyebrow at him. Lucas just scoffed and shook his head. "whatever" he said. "is it a date?" will asked. "not just a hangout" lucas said. "where are you taking her?" Mike asked. "to a café" he said. I gasped. "to a café??" I said. "yeah what's wrong with it?" lucas asked. "nothing, I think it's better you take her somewhere to eat, be a bit romantic, not so much for a start" I said. El laughed, so did the others. "isn't that too far?" he asked. We shook our heads. "okay I'll ask her" lucas said as the boys cheered. "alright we're gonna go, and be a gentleman dude" I said while turning around. "okay" he said. I heard El giggling next to me. "sorry I had to, he gotta learn" I said. She smiled. "yeah I agree, you're a pretty good gentleman" she said as she paused. "more like gentlewoman" El said. I looked at her and laughed. "is that a real word?" she asked. "well it's gentleman but you could call it that since I'm a woman so who cares" I said smiling. "yeah, you're my gentlewoman" she said holding my hands. I blushed and skilled. We hopped on the bike and left.
*at home*
We arrived back at the cabin. As soon as we got in El started kissing me. I kissed back melting into the kiss. I smiled while kissing her. "you couldn't wait huh?" I joked smirking. She laughed. I held her up and brought her on the couch as she sat on my lap. Me started passionately making out. We were making for about half an hour so far until El broke the kiss and pulled away. "wanna watch back to the future I forgot I had it, hopper showed me yesterday" she asked excitedly. "oh come on, do you suddenly want to now" I whined. "what? You want to make out more?" she asked giggling. I nodded. "well maybe later" she said. I rolled my eyes playfully and nodded. "okay, wait back to the future that movie is amazing" I said excitedly. "you've watched it before?" she asked. I nodded. "but I don't mind watching it again" I said. "oh okay" she replied. El cuddled me as we were sitting on the couch watching. After an hour or so El suddenly sat on my lap. "what?" I asked laughing. She didn't say anything, just smiled and started kissing me. I pulled away after a second and smiled. "I knew it" I joked. She hit my arm playfully. We then stopped kissing because we wanted to watch the movie as well. "alright this time don't fall asleep again" I said. She rolled her eyes. "it's not night-time so you don't have an excuse if you do" I joked. "okay darling" she said smiling. I smiled back. "let's watch darling" I replied she giggled and cuddled me. Then hopper came. "hey" we greeted him as he got in. "did you buy the school supplies?" hopper asked when he saw the bags on the ground. We nodded. "don't let them on the floor in middle of the place, I could have tripped" hopper said. "sorry" we both apologised. Afte the movie ended we got into the room and el asked me to explain some things about school, the supplies we bought and stuff. We then layed on the bed to sleep cause we were tired. I layed on top of hair and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back. "I love you" I said looking up at her smiling. "I love you too maxie" she said smiling. "so, so much" I said kissing her cheek with as I said 'so'. She blushed and laughed. "alright enough kisses, time to sleep" she said. I looked down. "okay finee" I said as she laughed. She gave me a last kiss and we fell asleep cuddling.

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