Chapter 12 : Rain Night

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El pov

Nancy told us to bring our raincoats with us in case it rains. And it did. We arrived here at 13:00 pm and now its 16:00. It started raining. We don't all fit in one car so in Jonathan's car we're Mike, Lucas, Dustin with Nancy in the front seat. Me, max and Will got in Robin's car. She dropped Will first. Hopper said he'll wait for me in the cabin. Then we got to max's house. Max told Robin to drop her off before her house so her mom doesn't ask questions and make us uncomfortable and Robin did as told. I wanted to go with her so badly. I want to tell her I feel the same but I'm scared. I know she has feelings for me but I'm still scared. Max got off the car. "Robin can you drop me off for a second, I'll be back in a minute" I asked. Robin smirked and understood where this was going and immediately nodded. "sureee, go get your girl" she cheered. "shut up" I rolled my eyes. She chuckled. I ran out of the car running to catch her up before she arrives at home. We were far enough so Robin and no one would see us. "hey max!" I yelled. She turned around confused. "yeah?" I didn't respond. "El you're gonna catch a cold" she said with worried eyes. "I don't care" I said quietly staring at her beautiful eyes. I looked down at her lips. I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't. I failed. We stared at each other for a minute. I finally decided to do what I always wanted to. I had the courage to. I leaned in. Her soft lips on mine. She didn't kiss back which stressed me out. She was standing there shocked by my actions. She then realised its not a dream and kissed back. Raindrops were falling down our faces but we didn't care. Everything is amazing at the moment so we don't care about the rain. We kissed for about a minute then pulled away. We both smiled like we were hungry this whole time. We both wanted to kiss each other but we couldn't. We both smiled and stared at each other. I was a little out of breath so I tried to catch my breath still smiling.

Max's pov

Holy shit. Did she just kissed me or is this a dream. I can't believe it. I never thought she would feel the same way. She made the first move too. I mean she first holded my hand but I refused to believe she feels the same way. I felt..happy. I couldn't stop smiling after we pulled away. We were both trying 5o catch our breaths still staring at each other. I was surprised she kissed me I couldn't believe it. She looked like she was desperate. She wanted to do it. I wished she did it earlier. I've had feelings for her for wayy too long. I don't know when she caught feelings. Maybe she doesn't want to be with me and a kiss was just a random reaction.

El's pov

She looked so shocked after the kiss. Did she not like it. Negative thoughts started going in my head. "pinch me" she said quietly. "what" I asked very confused. "just do it" she said again. I did as told. "ouch" she said. "sorry you told me to-" I apologised. She smiled at me. "I thought I was dreaming" she said still shocked. "do you have feelings for me?" she asked nervously. "y-yeah, I was scared though, when Mike said it, I-I don't know I realised I like you and I'm-I'm just scared of how they will react to that.." I said nervously. "hey its okay, they accepted me? Why wouldn't they accept you?" she asked me. "I don't know how Hopper would react" I told her. "oh, Hopper saw us cuddling and didn't even ask about it,he laughed at us. Everyone ships us now after what happened" she said chuckling. "ship us?" I asked embarrassed because I don't know the word. She just laughed. "uhh you want two people to get together, you want them to because you think they'll look good together" she said. "oh, so the others want us to get together? They're are not mad?" I asked. "no that's a good thing" she said smiling. I smiled back. "I should probably go, Robin is waiting for me in the car and probably knows what happened" I said laughing. "oh god I'm sure she's smirking" she said chuckling. I turned around to leave but she grabbed my hand and gave me another quick kiss. I felt butterflies. She pulled away. "bye, see you tomorrow" she said smiling. "see you" I replied. I got back in the car. I was soaked but I didn't care I kissed my crush. Robin turned to look at me. She smirked. "sooo how did it go?" she asked still smirking. "how did it go what?" I asked acting like I don't know what she's talk about. She rolled her eyes. "did you get your girl?" I smiled. "yeah" I said smiling and chuckled happily. "yesssss fucking finally it took you two long enough" she cheered. I just rolled my eyes and laughed by her reaction. "I'm-I'm scared to tell the others" I said nervously. I felt like I can open up to her so I did. "what?! Girl we've been waiting you two to get together, I mean sorry but it was kinda obvious and if you're worried about Hopper he told us he doesn't mind at all" she said. "I didn't tell him anything yet" I said confused. "we found out you dummy, like I said it was obvious and he doesn't mind at all which is great!" she said smiling. I sighed relieved and smiled. "I can't wait to tell the others they're gonna be happy for you two" Robin said still excited. " want of course" she said softly in the end. "it's fine they'll find out eventually, I mean we didn't confirm anything yet, I just went there and kissed her" I said. She gasped. "what?! You didn't ask her to be your girlfriend!?" she said offended. "no, I didn't know what to do" I said. "okay one of you will ask each other don't worry about it, she's had a crush on you for a while and no I could tell before Mike called her out. Gaydar power" she joked. I laughed. She started driving.

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