Chapter 86: Will

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Max's pov

"he has been sobbing because of you dumbass" I said angrily. He stared at me sadly. "Don't give me that face I know you regret nothing so leave please" I said trying my best not to yell at him.

"I-I swear I love him-" he tried. "you don't cheat on someone you love!" I said slightly louder. "Can I just come in-the neighbours will hear us-" he said. I scoffed. "That's the only thing you care about matt!

So people don't hear you or find out what you are, I understand this a lot from my personal experience but that doesn't mean you have to hurt your own boyfriend's feelings for it! It's not his fault, he respected you and kept it a secret. And you..and you go cheat on him? "I angrily said.

He didn't know what to say so he just stared at me as I was glaring at him. I was about to walk away and close the door but he cut me off. "I thought you out if everyone would understand" he said. I frowned. I slowly turned around. "What" I asked still mad.

"you-you know how scary that shit is!! And it's not Will's fault I know.. I just didn't know what to do-my own father said he would kick me out if I turn into a fag so I had to prove him wrong-" he said crying.

"yes I know how scary it is indeed but the way you handle it, that's the problem. You think it's nice if I just go like right now, cheat on el with a boy so people at school stop calling me a dyke? I didn't come out yet but some of them think that I am but anyway, does that sound nice matt??"I said

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw el and will coming down the stairs. "baby, stop it's not worth it" el softly said walking towards me. "will I'm sorry-" Matt tried. "I heard everything matt I don't care, I don't care what other excuses you have" will tiredly said before slamming the door.

Matt kept knocking on the door begging us to open the door. Will just leaned against the door and started crying again. I walked over to him and hugged him hearing matt's stupid voice behind the door. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to him I tried to make him leave" I said rubbing his back as we hugged

"it's not your fault, thanks for yelling at him" he said sniffing. "no problem" I said. We walked back upstairs to our room. Will started drawing. He's doing that when he's upset. I felt so bad for him. He deserves the best.

First Mike and now matt. What the hell. Suddenly we heard the walkie talkie. "hey! Does anyone copy, over?" we heard Mike's voice. "yeah I copy, over" we also heard Dustin's and luca's voice speaking. "uhh I copy, over" I said.

"oh cool!! Do you guys wanna hang out?, over" Mike asked. "sure, where?,over" lucas asked. "Maybe to the arcade, over?" Mike asked. "Yess let's go, over" Dustin excitedly said. Dustin is literally the definition of excitement. If that makes sense.

"cool, max, El and will? Will you come? Because you didn't answer, over" Mike said. El and I looked at each other and then at will. "uhh we're not sure, over" I replied. We weren't sure if will wanted to go because he's way too upset. "So yes or no?, over" Mike said.

I rolled my eyes. I got tired of saying over at end of my sentence but they're serious with that for some stupid reason so I do it anyway. "we might, over" I said. "Okay then. See you in 10 minutes, we'll meet at the entrance as always, over" Mike said.

"obviously at the entrance you've been telling us that for years we know Mike, over" Dustin said. "Okay jeez just making sure, over" Mike argued back.

"alright see you, over and out" Mike said turning off his walkie talkie. "uh will?" I asked. He turned around. "you guys can go, I'll stay" he said. "We can stay but hey will, maybe its best your come. To get your mind off things. You can stop thinking about matt" I said.

"well I can't stop thinking about him" he said. "I know will, do you prefer to stay here and cry all day? Matt doesn't deserve you crying all day because of him. Come with us and try to have fun. I know it won't stop hurting but at least you'll be with us and our friends" el said.

He stared at us for a few seconds. "fine, let's go" he said tiredly. He's been crying a lot. "Great! Just so you know, whenever you felt like leaving just tell us and we will, okay?" I said. He nodded. We then went to get dressed

I wore black jeans with a green hoodie, El wore a light blue sweatshirt. She looked cute as always. Will stared at his wardrobe for a few seconds.

He was wearing one of matt's sweatshirt he gave him before.. What happened you know. He took that off and out a blue hoodie on instead. We then put on our shoes, brushed our hair and left the house. Luckily Joyce was at the store and hopper was at work.

Because will didn't want them to see him crying and what happened. Yet at least. And then we got on our bikes and left. I shared one with el as always. She wrapped her arms around my weist so she doesn't fall and rested her chin on my shoulder. I still feel butterflies whenever that happens, since day one we've dated and I love it.

975 words. To be continued!!
Do you think will should forgive matt?? 🤨

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