Chapter 23 : Promise?

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Still max's pov

Robin gently shook El to wake up. She opened her eyes. Her eyes were even red from crying. She looked at me, mad, upset, disappointed and so many emotions. "alright, I'll leave you two alone, just talk about it and everything's going to be fine" Robin told El and kissed her head. Nancy and Robin both left and went upstairs. "look-" I started. "max, stop" she said. "no, I'm not going to stop because I swear to god I didn't kiss him!! I would never, I was skating in the park, lucas came and talked to me. Just like friends do. But-then he just randomly kissed me El" I said with tears in my eyes. "then why didn't you pull away or at least try to avoid it" she asked mad and upset. "first of all, the kiss didn't last more than 2 seconds, I was so shocked that I just stood there not knowing what to do, and it happened you were there and didn't see that he kissed me first,i like girls El, I love you.. Not lucas.. Not anyone, I know its hard to believe me but trust me I would never do that, lucas thinks just because we used to date that we he might have chance, he apperantly doesn't want to believe I'm gay"i said. "lucas called, quiet sure you told him to" she said. My eyes widened. "what??" I asked loudly. She looked at me. "I didn't tell him to do anything, I just yelled at him and left" I said. "I heard you yelling but I didn't hear what exactly, and yes I ignored you but if you were in my place you would have done the same thing" she said. "he explained what happened as well, he said it was an accident and that it's his fault" El said. " I don't want to lose you El.. Just because of a kiss I didn't ask for I'm sorry" I apologised.

El's pov

I could tell that she may be telling the truth. She looked at me desperately hoping I forgive her. I instead just kissed her. She kissed back immediately. "can I just slap him tomorrow" I joked. She laughed at my comment. "I'll definitely come with you, he deserves a punch actually" she said.
Robin suddenly came. "hey, can someone tell lucas to stop calling, he's been calling all day" Robin said. "he called again?" I asked. Me and max looked at each other. "yeah he wants to talk to you" Robin said. " I don't want to, I already heard what he said to you" I said. " I swear to god I will never talk to them again if that's what they want, please, El it wasn't max's fault,i kissed her, I don't know why but I'm telling the truth" lucas said. El started crying again. A few tears fell down her face. "okay" I said. "okay?" lucas said confused. "I believe max, not you, just give me time I don't know if I'll forgive you" I said. "okay, okay you're right I don't blame you" lucas said. Robin finally hung up. "phew, damn max we thought you cheated, I mean to be honest I never thought you would so I didn't believe it at first" Robin said. "no, I would never, I went to the park on my own to relax and have some privacy until he came" max said. "why were you there?" max asked me. "are you serious max?" Robin said. "what? I'm just curious on how she got there" max said. "Steve took me there, when I saw the note I came over to see you but it didn't go well" I said. "I'm sorry" max said. "it's fine" I replied. "I promise I won't ever hurt your feelings and cheat on you? Okay?" max said looking at me. "promise?" I said quietly. "yes, promise" max said. "wooo fucking finally, the love birds are back" Robin cheered. "still Robin" I joked. "you'll never stop will you?" max asked laughing at Robin's actions. "nope, I already knew you two wouldn't break up, I'm glad you didn't" Robin said. We both nodded in response. "wait, what did we tell hopper" I asked confused. I didn't even think about him all day. Max looked at me confused as well. "I told him that El would be staying over at my house" Robin said. I nodded. "I told him I would be staying over at Mike's since he was the only one who told me to come over, obviously he was confused on why we both didn't go to the cabin so I told him what happened" max said. "you told him you cheated?" I said. Robin and max looked at me. "I didn't cheat" "she didn't cheat" Robin and max said at the same time. "yeah sorry" I said. "we should call him, tell him we're fine" I said. They both nodded. I called him. "hey, who is it?" hopper asked. "hey dad, it's El" I said. "oh, El, are you okay?" he asked. "yeah, I'm fine, what max did wasn't true, lucas kissed her" I said. "are you sure? Is she with you at the moment?" he asked. "yes and yes, she came over to explain since I denied talking to her through the phone, lucas even called me, he said its his fault" I said. "alright, I believe max as well, but be careful, can you let me talk to her?" "yeah, max come here, hop wants to talk to you" I siad. "uh oh" Robin said. "hey" max said scared. "hey max, so um, is sinclair telling the truth" hopper asked. "yes, I was skating in the park h until he came and suddenly and randomly kisser me, I would never hurt your daughter, I'm sorry" max said. "okay, since El believes you, then I do too, just promise you won't do anything to her?" hopper said. "yeah, I promise, I lov- I-I would never hurt her" max said. Robin smirked knowing what max would say but obviously ashamed telling that to hopper. "alright, I have to go, so you'll both stay in Robin's for the night?" hopper asked. "yes" "alright" ee hung up. After all that Robin got on bed and she let us sleep on the couch. Max wasn't sure if she could cuddle me after what happened so she just put blankets on the floor Robin gave her to respect me. I looked at her. I wanted to cuddle her. I missed that a lot. Even though its only been a day. "max?" I said quietly to we don't wake up Robin. "yes? Max replied." can you come here with me on the couch? "I asked." do you want me to? "max asked confused." yes, of course I want to" I said. She smiled at me and laid on the couch with me. I let her cuddle on me. Her face on my chest, her hands around my weist "I missed you" max said. I think she was crying. "I missed you too? Wait, are you crying?" I asked. "no, I just don't want to argue like that ever again, I thought I lost you" max said sobbing. She really is crying at the moment. I had tears in my eyes as well after she said that. "you didn't lose me, I knew you wouldn't cheat on me, I didn't want to believe it" I said. After that she squeezed me, hugging me even tighter. I played with her hair. "I love you" she whispered. "I love you too" I replied kissing her head. She got off me and gave me a passionate kiss. It was filled with emotions. We pulled away. And then we got in bed. We were supposed to have a sleepover at Mike's basement today but after the party heard what happened we cancelled it. Mike said we'll do it tomorrow.

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