Chapter 84: Matt Part 2

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Will's pov

I got on my bike and rode away to my house. I heard matt yelling my name behind me trying to catch up on me but I was quick. I was so mad and upset that I didn't even dare to look back at him.

Matt's pov

*5 days earlier*

I was having diner with my family. My mom, dad, sister and I. No one was speaking the entire time except my sister who talks about random stuff that happened at her school.

"hey matt, could you go get some snacks with your sister?" my mom asked. "Um-i can't ill go over at Will's" I said. My mom frowned and my sister gasped. "you can't be serious right now matt!!" my sister said. "Well sorry I've already got plans!" I said back. We always argue.

"You've been hanging out a lot with they will boy haven't you?" suddenly my dad interrupted. I for some reason got nervous when he said that. "yeah? He's my friend" I said trying to act cool. He cleared his throat. "yeah well.. You see matt-" he started as he dropped his fork so he can make look at me to talk

"I've heard stuff" he said. I was confused. "what stuff?" my sister interrupted. My mom shushed her. "Stuff about Will.. Matt's friend" my dad said. "a friend of mine whose kid goes to your school, told me that Will is a fag" my dad said. That's when my heart stopped working

I stopped eating. "So?" I asked trying to stay calm. "What do you mean 'so?', you can't hang out with him! He's gonna infect you" my dad said. My sister gasped as my mom shushed her once again

"Infect me?! What is he? A zombie dad? What the are you saying? Will is my friend, I won't stop hanging out with him because of that" I said.

My dad sighed angrily. "What your dad is trying to say honey is that-we don't want will to affect you-" my mom calmy said but I interrupted. I got mad as I was holding back tears

"Affect me? What do you mean" I asked playing dumb. I didn't know what to do. "We mean we don't want you to become a fag just like him!" my dad said loudly. My heart broke. "Why would I?! I'm not gay" I said lying defensively. I didn't want to the say the slur everyone is calling us.

"You better not be" my dad calmy but angrily said. "don't you like any girl?" my mom randomly asked smiling. "No I don't" i said. "see! He's a fag" my dad said. "Just because he doesn't have a girlfriend it doesn't mean he's a fag! I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not a fag" my sister said.

I for once agree with my sister. I'm surprised she doesn't really mind. "Zoe! Do not get involved, it doesn't have anything to do with you" my dad said. My sister stopped talking.

"Such a nice young man like you should been having a girlfriend! You're a teenager" my dad said. "yeah well I simply don't have a girlfriend dad!" I said getting mad. "but do you have a boyfriend?! Is this what you're trying to tell us?! I will fucking kick you out if you are because fags should go to hell! They're siners" my dad angrily said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My own dad saying those stuff.. When I'm here literally a 'fag' he calls us. It just hurts a lot.. "Edward enough" my mom quietly told my dad. "Enough?! Don't you see what's going on?!" my dad loudly said.

"You want me to get a girlfriend so I can prove that I'm not a fag?!" I angrily said. "The only thing you have to do is to simply just stop hanging out with that fag! He's going to affect you terribly and you will regret it! If I ever find out you're a fag too you are no longer allowed to live in this house!" my dad yelled.

A tear fell down my cheek as I stared at him in shock. "Edward-" my mom tried to calm him down. I stood up quickly and left. "don't walk away from us! Come back" I heard my dad yelling. I ingored him and walked into my room slamming the door. I've never been this mad

It's no fair. That's it. Not fair at all. Just why? I asked myself. Why do I have to be like this? Why can't I just like girls like normal people? I feel so disgusting.

I jumped on the bed and started uncontrollably sobbing as quiet as I could. After like 10 minutes of still sobbing I heard a knock on the door. I didn't answer. "Matt? Can I come in?" I heard my sister's voice speaking

I sighed. I knew she would do something stupid like always and I wasn't in the mood for it. "Go away I don't want to go buy snacks" I quietly said. She walked in. "I domt want snacks" she said walking in. Of course she would come in anyway. Why did she ask if she could come in even though she would anyway. She does that all the time so I've gotten used to it.

"I um, you didn't finish your meal and I know you love mom's pasta"she said sitting down on the bed as I was facing the wall. I frowned because she's never done such a thing. "you want a favor don't you?" I asked. "no, I hated the way dad talked to you and I wanted to come see you" she said. I was totally not expecting that from my sister

She's usually like I don't give a shit about anyone. Especially me because we always argue. I sat up. "Wanna play video games?" she asked excitedly. What if she was trying to somehow cheer me up or something? I thought. I smiled and wiped my tears

I nodded as she passed me my controller and we started playing. It was distracting me at least. It made me stop thinking about my dad's words he spoke earlier they broke my heart into millions pieces.


El and I were sleeping. Will was not in the room so we assumed he was either out or just downstairs. "good morning" I said smiling at her. She looked at me, one eye closed because she was blinded by the sun in the window, sleepy with slightly messy hair. She looked adorable even with messy hair

"good morning" she replied smiling. I sat up and were about to stand up but el pulled me by the weist making me fall on her. I gasped, clearly not expecting such a thing. I then giggled once I realised it was el after like a split second

"Don't leaveee" she whined jokingly as we sat on the bed and she hugged my weist tightly so I don't leave and rested her head on my shoulder. Hugs from behind hit different too. I giggled. "Okay mom" I joked. She laughed

She then kissed my shoulder gently making me blush and shiver. Suddenly someone walked in. It was will.

"oh hey will!-" el smiling said but trailed off because we noticed him crying. His eyes were red and puffy, his face soaked with tears. "Woah.. What's wrong will?!" I asked worriedly as I stood up and walked over to him. He just stared at me sadly and ran to hug me. "what happened?" I quietly asked caressing his hair gently as I hugged him.

El was also gently rubbing his arm as we both made eye contact feeling bad and worried about will..

1295 words. To be continued!!
Hii :)

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