Chapter 6: Sleepover

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El pov
I got back to the cabin. Mike offered me to walk me home but Will said he could do it instead. While we were walking Will spoke. "so you and max are friends now?" I nodded. "that's nice, I always knew you both wanted each other" will said. I was confused by the way he said it. He must have noticed. "I mean, wanted to be friends with each other" he said embarrassed. "did Mike tell you not to talk to her?" Will asked. "um I don't know, he's calling her annoying, I could tell that Max was trying to talk to me Mike always was on the way so max never came anymore. I don't know if he did it on purpose" I said. Will nodded "sometimes Mike isn't very kind, trust me Max is literally the sweetest girl she's just tough and badass" will said chuckling. I chuckled too. "yeah" I said. Will looked at me. "why didn't you talk to her sooner?" he asked. I stayed quite. "if you don't mind telling me, I'm just curious you don't have to-" he started saying but I cut him off. "it's fine, I don't know why I havent done it earlier. Maybe i was scared that Mike would be mad. Cause you know..they aren't on good terms." I explained. He nodded. "yeah I know" he said. "Mike always talks bad about her and complaining that she's in the party which apparently doesn't like so I just avoided her. Before that, it was because I saw her with Mike before I came back to you all who thought I didn't make it but hopper had me"
I continued. "what?? Where?" he asked confused. "um,I don't think you were there. Max told me earlier that they were looking for dart? Something like that" I said. "oh, I was there but I had an episode after I didn't know what happened in that moment" he quietly said. "oh I'm sorry about that.." I told him. " to talk about it?" I asked. I didn't really talk to Will before because he seems mad about seeing me and Mike, I still don't understand why though.It looks like he hates doesn't like me much. But now that hop and Joyce are basically seeing each other but they don't admit they're dating so me and Will have been hanging out sometimes. "no it's alright, it's in the past, so you saw them together?" he asked. I don't know why he's so curious about this thing with me and Max. Him and the others are surprised they act like a miracle happened. "um, I saw Max skating around in circle while they were both smiling at each other"i said." oh.. " he said quietly." "I guess I misunderstood them, I thought he..replaced me or something. It was stupid though I shouldn't have done that to Max" he nodded. "well, after you realised that they both didn't like each other why didn't you talk to her, I've seen her trying to approach to you but-" "but Mike got in the way" I said. " did you know what I was going to say?" will asked. "i mean I noticed that Mike doesn't want me to hang out with her so I didn't" Will was looking a bit sad. "yeah but Mike doesn't decide for you, you know, he's my best friend but I know when he's doing the wrong thing" he said. "yeah I agree that's why I decided to give her a try maybe she's good" I said smiling. He smiled back too. "I'm sure you it will be okay, you guys seemed to be having fun in the arcade though" he said smirking. Why was he smirking? I decided to ignore him. "yeah we did" I replied. He smirked again "I saw you two holding hands, that was cute, I-mean- in a friendly way of course" he said nervously at the end. What does he mean of course in a friendly way, what does the other way mean. "a friendly way?" I asked confused. "why wouldn't it be friendly? And we weren't holding hands she just put her hand on top of mine to show me how to play"
Will's pov
Shit. I realised what I just said by the 'friendly way' I'm quite sure she doesn't know what the other way means so I was relieved. I tried to ignore her question. "oh okay, I just thought it was cute since you guys became friends now, you looked genuinely just glad you've made a new friend! A girl too, it must be tiring with boys only" I said laughing trying to save my mistake and it worked fortunately. She avoided the question so it's alright now. "yeah I hope she doesn't hate me" she said. Hate her?! I could see that Max wanted her since the first day. In a 'friendly way' of course. "hate you?no she's been wanting to be your friend since the first day you two met"i told her." really? She still wanted to be friends after I ignored her? " she asked. I mean isn't it obvious?" yeah of course, she even asked me why you hated her in the start but I didn't know the answer so we were both confused" I said.
El's pov
Max wanted to be friends with me even after what I've done. I felt my checks going red. I don't know why. It's not hot or anything but I decided to ignore this weird feeling inside me."oh really, I'm happy to hear that. I still feel bad though" I said. "hey, don't be I'm sure she's she's okay with it. She's happy you finally talked to her. She deserves happiness you know, and a girl friend." will said. He resured me and I was glad I had someone to talk to. We arrived at Will's house since Hopper told me he's there with Joyce. I had a sleepover planned though so I decided to tell hop to get home so Max can come. Before me and will got in and said "hey will,um I might have asked Max to stay over the night to hang out and have fun and she said yes" "oooo really? That's great!" he said excitedly. "yeah but I didn't know we would come to your house" I told him. He caught up. "ohhh I didn't think about that, you're right, we could ask my mom if max can come here to hang out with you, I don't know how long you and Hopper will be staying" "um alright ill ask hop" I said. We got in the house and hop hugged me and kissed my head. "how was your day kid?" Hopper asked me. "it was pretty good, I had fun" I said smiling. He smiled back "I'm glad to hear that" i wanted to ask but I feel embarrassed too. "hey dad, um, I asked Max to spend the night at the cabin with me can I?" I asked. He looked confused "max? Who's max?" he asked. "max our friend" will said. "ohhhh yeah right Mayfield um I would love to but we decided to stay over here with the Byers you can tell her to come over some other time" he said. I was a little upset when he said that. "hey, we could tell Max to stay here and spend the night with el and will if she wants!" Joyce suddenly said,she might have seen my sad expression. I smiled Hopper thought for a second "are you sure you don't mind? We can just invite her tomorrow or-" Joyce cut him off "of course I don't mind, I love the fact that el made a new friend!" she said smiling. I smiled too. "thank you!!" I said and went over to hug Joyce and Hopper after. "alright alright you can tell her to come" Hopper said. Me and will went upstairs to his room. I realised I don't have max's number so I asked will. "hey will, do you have max's number?" he looked at me. "uh yeah of course one second" he told me the number and I called Max.
Max's pov

I was laying on my bed thinking about what happened today. It was unbelievable. She finally talked to me it took her a while. Goddammit Mike he's such an idiot, why wouldn't he want her to hang out with me? What did I do to him. We don't like each other but he doesn't get to choose el's friends. While I was lost in my thoughts I heard my phone ringing. I sighed. "what do you want Lucas?!" I asked annoyed knowing it was Lucas. He has been asking me a lot of questions about eleven after the arcade hangout. He's not jealous of it. The boys were surprised about me and el. We just talked to each other why are they making it such a big deal. I'm so happy about it but the boys are annoying sometimes. I didn't heard anyone talking on the phone. "hi um, it's not Lucas I'm el" I heard her soft voice. I felt embarrassed about the way I answered the phone. "ohh I'm soryy el I thought you were Lucas, what did you want" I said. My cheeks were red and I was smiling like an idiot. Her voice on the phone was even cuter and soft. "remember about our sleep-sleepover?" I laughed a little bit to myself, she's so cute when she's trying to spell some words. I'm not making fun of her I find it cute. "yeah, do you want to cancel it?" I asked a little disappointed because I've been waiting for this sleepover. "oh no no I was just wondering if you could come over to Will's house instead" I was confused. "at Will's?" "oh yeah Hopper is hanging out with Joyce a lot lately and in the last minute he told me to go there instead and spend the night there. I told him about the sleepover and if we could go back to the cabin so we can meet but he didn't agree and said we could hang out some other time" she said. I was a bit upset but I let her continue. "but Joyce recommended you come over here at Will's! If you want" she said excitedly. I smiled again relieved. "yeah yeah sure I would love to, I'll be there in 20 minutes!"i told her smiling." nice okay! See you Max! "" see you " we hung up. I was blushing hard. Why am I feeling like this again it's just a Hangout with el. We just became friends. I mean that's what I wanted but I feel a little bit nervous but excited at the same time

1816 words
I will continue this story, I'm writing it!

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