Chapter 87: The Fight

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Max's pov

We arrived at the arcade. All the boys are there. I noticed maddie there as well. El and I looked at each other and smirked. Mike must have invited her. As he should!!

"hey!! You guys came after all!!" Mike said smiling. "yeah" we all replied. We all hugged and stuff. "are you okay will? You seem a bit off" Dustin asked. "yeah" will replied

"don't lie will I know something is wrong" Mike said. We've been friends for so long that we can all immediately tell when one of us is upset.

"Matt cheated on me" will said. "WHAT" they all said loudly. "HE WHAT?" Mike yelled as will shushed all of them. Maddie hugged will. He hugged back. "I'm okay" he said. "no you're not dude" lucas said.

"Oh I'm so going to kill him, where does he live?" Mike angrily said. "Don't worry, I already slapped him" I said. "Slap only? Oh hell nah he deserves a punch" Mike said. "calm down Mike, it's okay. Max handled it" will said once him and maddie pulled away from the hug

Mike sighed. "let's just..go to the arcade and stop thinking and talking about it, okay?" will calmy said. We all nodded. We walked inside. El tapped maddie's shoulder as the 4 boys ran to their favourite arcade game like little kids. She turned around

"oh hey!" maddie said smiling. "soo are you and Mike..?" el asked smirking. I smirked too. Maddie blushed. "uhh kind of?" maddie replied. "Kind of?! Didn't he ask you out yet" I said. "We hung out a few times" maddie said.

"he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend?" I asked. "no" maddie said. "oh jeez, just so you, know he's so into you. He's just nervous and shy and scared that you'll reject him" I said. "yeah" el said agreeing.

"I don't think he will, have you seen how protective he is for will earlier, I don't think he's over him" maddie said. El and I looked at each other. "No I don't think so, trust me he likes you!!" I said. El smiled.

Maddie smiled. "oh okay, I guess we'll see" maddie said as we both el and I nodded. "hey maddie, wanna come try this game?" Mike said across from us. "go" el nudged maddie's shoulder for encouragement. "Uh yeah sure" maddie said smiling nervously.

Mike made eye contact with el and I while maddie was walking towards him. El and I gave him our thumbs up smirking. "stop" he mouthed. We both laughed. "can i?" I said looking at our hands.

El looked around. People were so focused on playing. She then looked back at me. She smiled and nodded. I smiled and grabbed her hand and held it. "Oo wanna go play pac man?" I asked excitedly.

"oh my god yes!! I love that game" el said. We walked to the other side of the arcade to the pac man machine, still holding hands.

I stopped and looked at her i front of the machine. "remember when we first talked here?" I asked. She stared at me confused at first hut then realised. "oh my god yeah!!" she said smiling. "It was the first I've built courage to finally talk to you after ignoring you for months" el said giggling.

I laughed too. "I'm so glad you did" I said smiling staring at her gorgeous brown eyes as she stared back at mine. "me too" she quietly said. "I wanna kiss you so bad right now" I quietly said. She giggled. "so do I" she said. We couldn't sadly.

Just as I turned to my left to put money in the machine so we can start playing, El grabbed my face gently, made me look at her and leaned in. She kissed my lips quickly. I was surprised. We both looked around. No one saw us. We laughed.

"naughty girl" I joked. She laughed. I leaned in and kissed her quick as well. She blushed and smiled. "Let's play" I said. She nodded and we started playing pac man. "woah you're making so much progress el!!" I said smiling impressed and proud.

"thank you!!" she said smiling proudly. 3 boys were next to us. It looked like they wanted to play and since we're been playing for some time we decided to let them play and backed up.

"You can play" I said smiling at them, to be kind. They all looked at us in pure disgust. What the hell? "yes, no?" I said. "I've seen you two disgusting dykes earlier kissing each other, I'm not touching that after you played" he said in disgust.

My heart dropped. I've heard lots of disgusting things homophobic people say to us but this, this is too much. Those words hurt so much that for the first time neither of us reacted and just stared at them in shock and disbelief.

How can people be so cruel? We noticed will behind us. He must have heard. I think he was playing a game with lucas next to our machine. "What the hell??" will angrily said. "who the fuck are you?" the boy asked.

"Who are you?" will said. "why did you say that!!" will said angrily but calmy somehow. "said what?" one of them said. "You know damn well what you said" will said.

"will it's okay-" el tried by grabbing his arm trying to leave before a fight starts. "They're disgusting!! Girls kissing isn't natural" the boy said.

"do you know how absurd that sounded? You don't want to use the same machine just because they touched it earlier?" will angrily said.

"Yes because they're a disease!" another boy of the 3 of them said. Will did something really unexpectedly. Like will would never do.

He punhed the boy who said it. We gasped. Lucas left to get Mike, Dustin and maddie. They all ran here. Will looked kind of shocked but you could see rage on his face

I think he got so mad because of matt as well not just what the boys said to us. I was about to grab Will's arm to leave but the boy punched him on the face.

Finally Mike, Dustin, lucas and maddie came quickly. They gasped when they saw the scene. "Hey! Leave him alone!" lucas and Mike went in between the two so they don't get hurt again.

"Or what!?" the boy said face to face with Mike and lucas. Mike grabbed the boy by the collar. "Guys let's just go!" I said. I got so worried. They stared at each other. "Mike" maddie said. He finally turned around. "come on, it's not worth it, let's go" maddie said.

Mike let go of him and walked back to us. "Don't you ever fucking say that again" will said before walking away. El grabbed his arm in case something in him wants to go hurt someone again.

We sat somewhere next to the arcade. For a few second no one said anything. We were in shock. Because will never had done such a thing. He never punched someone

"what the hell just happened?" Dustin asked. "Oh um, as we were playing pac man with el, we backed up because the boys looked like they wanted to play. They said that he saw us kissing earlier so he won't touch the machine after we used it because we're disgusting dykes, will heard it and got mad" I explained since will wasn't talking

He seemed shocked too. El called Joyce to pick us up. "What?!" all of them said at the same time. "I'm sorry, I got out of control" will said. "it's okay" el said. "you didn't have to, we could have just left" I said. "I know" he said. "it's fine, thank you for standing up for us" I said.

"I was just.. Surprised that neither of you said anything, especially max. It looked like those words hurt" he said. "yeah they did" el and I said. "Are you okay, does it hurt?" Dustin asked.

"what do you think Dustin?" lucas said annoyed. Dustin rolled his eyes. "yeah but I'll be fine" he said. "it's okay, Joyce is coming" el said. "max?" el said. "yeah?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I kissed you in public-" el said. "No! Don't ever fucking apologise again, I'm so tired! It's not your fault they're shitheads!!" I said angrily. "she's right" maddie said. El nodded. "plus it was a literally quick kiss on the lips! We didn't start making out in the middle the freaking arcade! So why were they bothered by just a quick kiss" I said.

"because they're homophobic, even if you simply held hands they would have reacted the same way" lucas said.

1462 words. To be continued!!

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