Chapter 79: Comforting Each Other

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Max's pov

We went home after school. "what Zoe did was unbelievable" el said. "I know right.. But we won't listen to them, okay? We'll just have to.. somehow separate in that cabin before things get worse" I softly said, my hand on her cheek.

She nodded smiling. "I know.." she said. "if anyone does anything to you.. Tell me okay? We'll handle it together" I said. "yeah, of course babe, I know.. always, we're here for each other, remember?" she said caressing my other hand.

I nodded smiling as I tear fell. I didn't even know what happened. She frowned. "woah, why are you crying baby?" she asked worriedly. "I don't know.." I said looking down. "did anyone hurt you? Except them today?" she asked. We sat down on the bed

"no it's just.. I'm tired of them. And I don't want them to hurt you.. They're not killing us or something but it hurts inside.. They're trying to ruin us, but that will never happen" I said. "never.. we've talked about this.. we won't let them do anything" she said resting her hand on my cheek this time.

"I know.. I guess I just-" I said but I cut off by suddenly sobbing. She immediately pulled me into a hug. Of course I hugged her back tightly as I started sobbing into her shoulder.

My head buried on her shoulder as she rubbed my back to comfort me. "shh it's okay, cry as much as you want, let it out.. I'm here for you babe.." she softly whispered comfort words.

"I don't know why I'm crying" I sobbed. "it's okay.. You're overwhelmed with your feelings.." she said. I couldn't stop crying. I just cried and cried my eyes out. I eventually pulled away.

El's pov

Max started sobbing in my arms. My heart broke hearing her cry. She was always so tough around bullied and everything. She always stood up for us.. for me. Now she broke down. I immediately pulled her into a hug. She kept her feelings in this whole time and I didn't know..

"I'm-sorry, I just.. my life is a mess.. I'm so happy right now..with you and everything but I can't stop thinking about my-my mom.. About Neil.. the bullies who won't stop humiliating us.. people don't let us live our lives just because we're two girls in love.. I always seem to not care..

I don't really care but deep down-i do-and I hate the fact that I do.. I want to he strong and not let them affect me.."she said as I kept holding her hand when she pulled away from the hug.

"I understand... how it feels.. I Love you so much.. Please don't let them get to you.. I know its hard.. I feel the same way.. I have you and I'm so glad I do.. I don't know what I would do without you, please don't let them ruin you, you're so strong and it's okay not to be okay..I'm glad you're open to me"i softly said.

"im just... soo damn afraid.." she said looking at my eyes. "of what baby..?" I asked. Seeing her like this broke my heart into million pieces. I want to do anything to comfort her.. Be by her side.

"I'm always afraid that.. People will ruin us.. It's my biggest fear.. You're my literally everything.. I can't live without you. You're the light in my life.. It sounds too much but I truly do love you and I don't want to lose you.. You've changed my life" she said with a few tears falling down her face again.

I wiped them away gently. "they won't.. I'll never leave you.. never! You're the most important person to me.. I Love you so much too.. No matter how much it hurts.. I'll always be with you, they will never ruin my love for you" I said. I felt tears streaming down my face as well.

"I'm sorry.." she said. I frowned. "why are you sorry my love?" I asked confused. "I'm being so-dramatic.. We've already been through this conversation and I started crying like a baby.. I made you cry too.. I shouldn't be crying.. I should be strong-" she said.

"what? You're not being dramatic at all.. It's normal to feel this way, you're so strong.. After everything you've been through.. The abusion.. Your mom..passing away.. Everything.. You're the strongest person I know max.." I said caressing her cheek wiping away the tears that kept falling over and over again.

"you're the strongest person too el.. the lab and everything.. I don't know how you did it" she said. "how I did what?" I asked. My heart broke hearing about the lab.

"how you managed to live.. In that lab with that physcho man" she said. I didn't say anything, we didn't beak eye contact.. Just started at each other's eyes in pain. Going through this breakdown together.

"you were just a kid.. A literal kid.. You didn't deserve any of it.. And you're so strong for handling all the pain they gave you.. You were their experiment.. You deserve none of that" she said. I nodded slowly agreeing. "I'm sorry for bringing it up-" she suddenly said feeling regret.

"no no no, I brought up your mom and everything first, it's okay.. I'm glad we're here for each other..i don't deserve you" I said sadly smiling. "same with you baby.. Thank you" she said smiling sadly back.

928 words. To be continued!!

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now