Chapter 46: Gone

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Max's pov

Robin let me stay in her apartment for now. Today I would go visit my mom for the last time in the hospital.
El and I are still broken up. I wanted to apologise. I shouldn't have yelled at her. When it happened I didn't think properly,now that I've thought about it Nancy and Robin were right. It's Mike's fault. I was lost in my thoughts. Robin and Nancy were watching TV. I was supposed to watch with them but I kept thinking about el. I really miss her. I was biting my fingernails. Robin hit my arm. I groaned. "what was that about?" I asked frowning. "for biting your fingernails obviously, and stop thinking about el and just go apologise to her, you miss her and she misses you, she keeps calling me to see if you're okay!" Robin said looking at me seriously. "she does?" I asked quietly. "yes, you idiot, whenever she calls you, you don't even care" Robin said. "of course I care! All I think about is her" I said angirly. "I know you do! So go talk to her! You're hurting no one but you and her by doing this and it's pointless" Robin said. "and let's be honest, it's neither of you girls fault, it's all on Mike" Nancy stood up in front of me saying. "El just took it as a friendly way, because Mike is joking around most of the times but she then realised it's different and TOOK your hand and secondly you had every right to be upset and jealous, who wouldn't? What you did wrong is the way you handled it" Nancy said. She was right. "I'm not ready-I know she hates me now" I said. "she doesn't! Damn it max" Robin said loudly. Suddenly the bell rang. "I'll go get it" Nancy said as she stood up. I was laying on the couch thinking about el and my mom. Suddenly I saw el walking in. Why did she come. I really wanted, no needed to get back with her but I felt so bad for yelling at her. I kept telling myself I don't deserve to be forgiven. "we'll let you talk" Nancy said grabbing Robin's arm and left the living room. I sat up and el sat down next to me. We didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry-" we both suddenly said at the same time. "look-I wanted to apologise but I couldn't, cause I know you hate me-" I said. "same max, i thought yo u still hated me" el said. I looked at her sadly. "No I was just mad at you for no reason, it was Mike's fault and I was so stupid to realise I'm wrong and messed things up with you and me-" I said. "It's okay, I would be jealous too if I was you" she said. "but I yelled at you" I said. "so did I max, we both were upset and mad" she said. "you're right, I realised my mistakes after and I'm so sorry" I said looking at her sadly. "so am I" she said. "it wasn't your fault el" I said. "you took my hand trying to tell me that Mike is making you uncomfortable but I didn't notice and when I thought about what happened I realised you didn't do anything and I was just yelling at you" I said. "it's okay, it's all Mike's fault after all" she said. "of course it is, I hate him" I said slightly laughing, so did she. "yeah same" she said. "okay so we both forgiven each other?" I asked softly. She nodded smiling. I smiled. "I missed you a lot, I wouldn't admit it" I said smiling. "i missed you a lot too" she said taking my hand. "sorry for ignoring your calls, I really wanted to tell you how sorry I was but I couldn't for some reason" I said. She put her hand on my cheek. "it's fine maxie" she said caressing my cheek with her thumb. I missed this. "I think it's time to go see your mom" she said. I frowned. "look baby-max, I know we broke up but I won't let you go through this thing with your mom passing away alone, okay?" she said softly. "yeah.. thanks" I said kind of disappointed. "what?" she asked. "we're not getting back together?" I asked quietly looking down. She looked at me in awe. "I wasn't sure you wanted to get back together" she said. "of course, I never wanted to break up with you" I said. She smiled. "me either" she said. "so, we're good?" she asked. I nodded happily. She smiled widely. "come here" I said pulling her in a hug. "I missed you so much,my little Teddy bear" I joked. I missed her hugs, everything about her. It hasn't been long since we broke up but for me it felt like decades. She laughed. "I missed you too maxie" she said. We then pulled away, looked each other in the eyes for a minute and then leaned in. After a few seconds we pulled away. I sat down on the couch. El sat next to me. We were going to visit my mom in like 2 hours. El cuddled me as we were sitting on the couch. I couldn't help but blush and smile. Suddenly Robin and Nancy came back. "woooo finally" Robin cheered. She then hit my head from behind. "hey, what the hell Robin?" I whined annoyed. "that's for being stupid" she said. El laughed. I missed her laugh as well. "I'm so glad you two are back together max was a pain in the ass" Nancy joked. I gasped."im joking" Nancy said laughing. "me too" el said smiling. "why are you watching it, you said it's terrible show earlier when me and Nancy were watching it" Robin said. "well it looks kind of interesting" max stuttered. Robin laughed. "it's because you came" Robin whispered to El. I threw a pillow at Robin as Robin laughed.
*at the hospital *

El's pov

We were patiently waiting at the hospital. I held max's hand for support. "I'm not ready el" she shakily told me looking at me. I looked at her with sad eyes. "I know-it's gonna be okay" I said squeezing her hand rubbing my thumb in circles. She nodded as she started crying.
*a few minutes later*
Max's pov

I got into my mom's room. I took a deep breath. "hey" I shakily managed to let out. I was so glad el was with me for support. "hey" my mom said smiling She looked more exhausted than ever. I sat down next to her. "max, I want to say sorry again, for everything I did, I treated you like shit. I was scared of your step-father max, I know its not an excuse" my mom said. I started crying. "mom-I-I told you, I forgive you" I said shakily. "but never forget" my mom said copying the words I've said month ls ago. I didn't say anything. "I really hate you for what you did but I love you mom, I always hoped you loved me, at least a little bit, I never stopped loving you mom, I was just mad and disappointed but I forgive you, I understand, okay?" I said crying. She took my hand. She nodded tiredly." el-my darling, can you promise me one thing?"my mom managed to say. She was struggling to talk. It broke my heart even more. El nodded. My mom took El's hand slowly. " promise you will take care of her she really loves you, a lot, you too. Promise me you'll keep her happy,and stand by her side"my mom said. " of course, of course-I will always be in her side, I promise"el said as she started crying. "I'm sorry-" el said quickly whipping the tears away. "oh, don't cry I'm sorry" my mom told us. "max, I'm so proud of you, do what you want in life, with whoever you want and don't listen to the bullies or anyone. Both of you are so special and I'm sorry I didn't notice it max" my mom said. "it's fine-" I said sobbing. My mom rubbed my hand. "I promise mom and-I promise I'll keep el safe and I will love her no matter what" I said. My mom smiled. "thank you" she said. "please thank everyone for me please, for everything they did for you, things I couldn't do" my mom slowly said. "of course" I said. Hopper and Joyce were here with us. "come here" my mom said asking for a hug. The last one.. I immediately went to hug her. I couldn't stop crying. She then hugged el. We stayed like that for minutes. "it's time to go" my mom slowly said. "okay" I said crying. El was crying as well,holding my hand tightly. She kissed my cheek. "I love you" my mom sadly smiled. I couldn't stop crying. "I love-I love you too mom" I said shakily. Then her heart stopped. I left the room crying. Hopper, Joyce, Robin, Nancy and Steve waited for us outside. I stood there. All of them ran to me. I started sobbing hard. "she's-gone-she's gone" I kept crying. Everyone hugged me. "can we go home" I said shakily. Hopper nodded.
*later at the cabin*
I was in the room with el. I told the adults that I needed space. They immediately understood. I wanted to be alone. Except el. I really needed her at that moment. I couldn't stop crying. I was laying on her lap, hugging her tightly as I cried my eyes out. It hurts..a lot. No matter how much I might hate my mom after everything she did, she's my mom and i loved her. El was caressing my hair, rubbing my back. She was the support I needed. I was hugging her so tightly I thought I was going to kill her. After a few hours, I managed to calm down. I was still curled up on el, cuddling her. El kissed my head softly. I sat up and looked at her. "thank you" I said quitetly my voice breaking. "of course maxie" she said. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" she said. "do you want me to bring you something? Food? Water, anything" el asked me. "I want water please and.."i said. El patiently waited for me to continue. " I just want you hug you all day"i quietly said. "oh.. yeah of course" she said giving me a quick hug before leaving the room.

El's pov

I went to the kitchen to get max water. The others were still there. They all looked at me. "is she feeling better?" hopper quitetly asked. "not really, she calmed down, I came to get her water" I said. They nodded. I got back in the room. She drank water and then layed kn me. She fell asleep. After a few hours the party came after school. They saw max sleeping so they waited for her to wake up.
*late when max woke up*

Max's pov

I woke up and saw the boys there sitting. "hey" Dustin said. They stood up,so did I. I ran and hugged them one by one. I couldn't ask for better friends. Even Mike came. I could tell things weren't still good between him and will. "um-im sorry about your mom" Mike said. I looked at him. "I know you hate me but we'll talk it out, now it's not the time" Mike said rubbing his neck nervously. I was too heartbroken at the moment to care. "can I hug you? Mike asked. I nodded.

1979 words.

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