Chapter 37: First Day Of School

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Max's pov

At school we can wear whatever we want so we didn't have to go buy clothes for school (a/n:dress codes😒at my school we're only allowed to wear black, grey or white clothes, or boy's hair have to be cut and not long, not allowed to dye our hair and some other nonsense things, not one asked but okay haha). It was Friday, Mike told us to come over for a sleepover. We were going to stay over two nights and leave on Sunday morning.
*at Mike's House*

"ughhhh why do we have to go to school" Dustin whined complaining. "yeah I want to die" lucas said. "why are you all complaining?" El asked. "cause school sucks, we have to wake up at 7 in the morning which is early as fuck, get ready so we can be there at 8,so it's a pain in the ass every morning" Dustin said. "oh god, I don't like waking up early" El said. "no one does" all of us said. "well we'll live" will said and we nodded. All of us were basically talking about school until Mike clapped his hands to get our attention. We stopped talking and looked at him to see what he wanted. "alright, as we know, school sucks, sorry El but it's true, our friend group gets bullied like every year but as I said we'll have each other no matter what okay? They're just jealous of us, our party is strong, got it?" Mike said seriously. "yeah of course" we all said. "why do they bully you?" El asked mostly the others since I already told her about me. The boys looked at each other. "sorry-if you want to answer sorry-" El said feeling bad for asking. "what no no it's fine we'll answer, you're gonna find out anyway" Mike said smiling. "okay well" Mike started. "they call me frog face, fag, will call him fag and other slurs, he's shy and quiet and all, they make fun of dustin's teeth, lucas because he's black and max because of the way she dresses and.." he said but trailed off. "call me dyke, you can say it mike I already told her " I finished the sentence for him. "oh" El said quietly. "sorry about that" El said. "it's fine" Dustin said. "like Mike said, we'll stick together like always and not care about them, we won't let them ruin our friend group" lucas said. "yeah" El and the others said. We spent the weekend playing video games, board games and talking about random stuff, went to the arcade at some point. Until it was the day... when school starts yay. Hopper woke us up at 6:30 in the morning. Me and El groaned. "come on kids you don't wanna be late in the first day of school do you?" he said shooking us to get up. "okay okay we're up" I said annoyed. "sorry hop you're gonna have to get to used to that when I wake up" I said rubbing my eyes. "it's fine, it's normal" he said. "Ellie you have to get up" I said gently shaking her to wake up. She finally got up as she rubbed her eyes. "okay finee" she said. I giggled. "how do you feel" I joked. She glared at me. "okay sorry sorry" I said raising my hands up. "terrible" she said. "you'll get used to it, it still sucks but we'll get used to it" I said as she nodded. Hopper made us breakfast. We sat down still sleepy. "come on kids have some energy it's the first day" He said laughing. "it's not funny" I said. "I know" he replied chuckling. "alright time to eat, I made eggos for today" he said as el's eyes lighted up excited. Me and hopper laughed at her reaction. "what?" El asked staring at both of us. "nothing" me and hopper said. "okay then" she said as she started eating. "hey it's gonna be okay, if kids make fun of you or something ignore them alright? They're not better than you" hopper said grabbing el's hand. "yeah I know" El replied quietly. "pretty sure max is gonna protect you but max try not to beat up anyone got it?" he said. "yeah okay, I'll try" I said. He raised his eyebrows at me. "okay okay" I said as he smiled. "alright time to dress up" he said. We got in the room and put on our clothes. I wore a black and red flannel with black ripped jeans and vans, El wore blue ripped jeans with a purple hoodie that had a small black butterfly on the sleeve. She looked adorable. "is this okay?" she asked as she put on the hoodie. I frowned confused on why she asked that. "yeah why" I asked. I realised after a second. "oh, baby of course its okay, you wear whatever you want" I said holding her hands. She smiled at me. "yeah you're right, I won't do what they want" she said looking at me. "are you sure?" I asked. "yeah, I want to wear what I want, comfortable clothes" she said. "yeah of course" I said and kissed her softly. "and you look adorable so if anyone makes fun of you, their loss, they're just jealous" I said smiling and staring at her. She giggled. "really?" she asked. I nodded. "if you say so, you look amazing too maxie" she said. I blushed. She noticed and laughed. "aww maxie my badass girl still blushes?" she said mockingly. I rolled my eyes playfully. "oh come on so do you" I said smirking. "you're right, I mean how can I not, look at you" she said smiling. I blushed again. "same with you darling" I said. She giggled and hugged me. "come on kids you'll be late" we heard hopper. We pulled away and laughed. "okay" El yelled back. "alright let's go" I said. We took our school bags and left.
*at school *
The party decided to meet each other at the entrance. The boys were already there waiting for us. They smiled widely when they saw us. They waved at us excitedly as we were walking towards them. Hopper gave el and I a quick hug. "dad not here" El said laughing. "okay sorry" He said. "how you guys feeling" Mike asked all of us. "well, sleepy" Dustin said. "of course, kinda nervous though" Mike said. "yeah same" all of us said. I wanted to hold el's hand but I knew I couldn't. I looked at El and she looked at me. She understood what I was thinking and smiled sadly. "I know it's fine" she said quietly. "sorry" I said. "it's fine" she said. As me and the boys got in everyone stared at us. "oh look who came" troy said as his friends laughed. "oh great, the dyke's back" angela said laughing. "who's that, is that your girlfriend" she mocked us. Her friends laughed behind her. "it's none of your business" I said back. "oh come on dyke we all know you are one" she said. "and we all know you are a bitch" I replied. Angela looked at me speechless but angirly glared at me. The students made a oohh sound. I grabbed el's arm and took her away from them. The boys followed us behind as they made fun of them too,calling Mike and will faggots etc. "let's go, sorry about that" I said. "it's fine" she said. We got in the class me and El were going to sit until the teacher told El to go over to him. He clapped his hands to get the student's attention. "alright class, welcome back to school you must all be very excited" Mr. Clark said jokingly. "yeah soo much" a student jokes as the class laughed. I'm so glad we had Mr. Clark for the first period. "I have good news, we have a new student this year" He said excited. "how is that good news, look at her" troy said as the whole class laughed. I tried to hold my anger for El, she told me to hold myself. "tell us some things about you, what's your name?" Mr. Clarke asked. I could tell El was nervous. "my name is Jane hopper, I live in Hawkins and I was home schooled" she said. I was proud she managed to speak. "aww are you scared and nervous" angela mocked her. "shut up Angela" I said. I couldn't hold myself. "aww did I insult your girlfriend dyke?" she said. The class laughed. "Angela stop it and greet our new student properly" Mr. Clarke said trying to drop the argument. Angela didn't say anything. "alright you sit down Jane" the teacher said. El sat next to me. I smiled at her proudly and she smiled back nervously. "thanks" she quietly said. I nodded as a 'no problem'. Some students threw papers at El as I angirly took one of them and threw it back at them. They laughed. "wow your dyke girlfriend is protective huh?" Angela said. I was so furious. "what a shame, you're too pretty to be a fag" a boy said. The whole class laughed. "no wonder you have no girls" Mike suddenly said. I was surprised cause he doesn't really talk back to the bullies. "oh yeah I forgot about you frog face" troy said. Mr. Clarke slammed his hand on the desk angirly. El flinched. I felt so bad for her. "alright enough, stop it now, or you'll go to the principal" He said as all of us stopped. The rang bell and we sat on the table to eat. There was no point of hiding our relationship, of course they would know. "are you okay?" I asked. "yeah" she faked a smile. "sorry about them, don't let them let you down okay, we have each other" I said softly. She smiled at me. "yeah I know, thanks for keeping me safe" she said. I smiled and nodded. "also thanks to you Mike as well" El said. "yeah of course, it's never gonna stop but we have to get used to it, remember the words we said yesterday" He said as we all nodded. "I feel bad" El randomly said after a few minutes. We stopped eating and looked at her confused. "for what?" Dustin asked, his mouth full. "that you guys have to defend me and I just can't do anything about it, that I can't stand up for myself" she said quietly. "it's alright, we don't really do much about them mocking us, we tell them to shut up but they don't listen so we just try to ingore them like that" Mike explained. El nodded. As we were speaking troy walked behind Dustin with his friends and hit his head. Dustin groaned and regonized his voice, already knowing who it is. "sup toothless, you gained more weight huh?" troy said laughing so did his friends. "so what? Did I ask you why your hair looks like a bird's nust" I said glaring at him. I don't randomly just go and insult people but when they do it either to me or my friends I have to, to defend us. Troy looked at me angrily and scoffed. His friends. Angela came and stood next to troy. Here we go again with that bitch. "says you the dyke whose hair looks like ketchup" troy said, his friends laughed again. At this pointed the whole cafeteria turned to look at what's going on. Before I could speak El spoke up. "leave her alone" she said. "El it's fine-" I tried to stop her. Troy scoffed. "oh I didn't know dyke's girlfriend could speak" Angela said. "or what" he said. El didn't say anything just stared at him angrily. "how do you even date that little dyke over there and hang out with these idiots, oh my god, we have 4 faggots, how awesome" Angela mocked us. I was getting more and more angry at every word that came out of her mouth. I was so close to hitting her but I tried. "you don't know a thing about her and my friends" El said. I was shocked she spoke up for herself, I knew she was scared but tried to hide it. I could tell the others were shocked as well. Angela and troy laughed. "yeah sure" she replied clearly not knowing what to say. "I feel bad for you" I said. Angela frowned at me."what?" she asked laughing. "your life must be so shitty that you start bully people for no reason, apparently for 'fun', it must be depressing" I said. Everyone made a 'ooohh' sound. "you all are just idiots and my life is perfect, I at least don't hang out with those idiots" she said. "just leave us alone since we're idiots and you hate us why do you bother-" Dustin said. "exactly, and those idiots you call" I said pointing at my friends. "are real friends, just because yours suck you don't have to make fun of others" I said. They made that sound again. "shut up" she told them all. The students stopped laughing. "listen you dyke you have no idea who my real friends are and it's none of you business, you know nothing about my life" she said. "exactly you know nothing about our lives either so why do you bother" Mike said. "shut up frog face no one asked you to speak" troy said. "so do you" Mike replied as troy glared at him angrily and grabbed him by the shirt. "I said shut up" troy said. "leave him alone" lucas and will said. "oh yeah will the fairy right sorry I insulted your faggot boyfriend" troy mocked as the others laughed. Will stood up and grabbed Mike as he looked at troy angrily. "you're not much of a pussy suddenly huh" Angela said. "just drop it, leave us alone" I told them. They didn't reply. "nah I just got tired of your Shitty face" will said. I was proud that he finally stood up for himself. "what did you say stupid bowl cut faggot? Say that again" troy angrily took will grabbing him by the shirt yelling at him. Me and the boys tried to stand up to get him off him but a teacher came before us. "what the hell is going on" the teacher angrily said. "if you do this again you'll go to the principal got it" He said angrily. "GOT IT?" he said louder, all of us nodded and he left. "we're not done idiots" troy said as he left with his friends. Angela threw a grape she was eating from her mouth to el's face as she walked away. I couldn't handle myself that was too much. I stood up angrily but El stopped me by grabbing my hand pulling me down to sit. "maxie it's okay leave her, I'm fine" El said. "no it's not fine she just spit out that disgusting grape on your face from her mouth" I said. El sighed. I could tell she was serious and stopped. "just-hold on" I said grabbing a napkin. I cleared her face gently. "thanks" she said. "we really stood up for ourselves this time huh" lucas said laughing. "hell yeah we did" Mike said. "we gained confidence this year, I never talked back to them" Will said. "it's probably because El is here" i said. "yeah, I'm proud of us actually" will said smirking proudly. "hell yeah, let's keep it this way" Dustin said. "let's try not to hit anyone, we don't want detention" Mike said. He said that especially to me as they all looked at me. "look-I agree but if they take it too far, I can't just let it slide" I said. "I agree you're badass when you hit" Dustin said smiling, lucas hit his arm. "ouch dude" Dustin whined rubbing his arm. "you hit them before?" El asked surprised. "are you surprised?" Mike asked her. "not much to be honest" she said smiling. "yeah once when they were about to hit will and pushed him, called him bad slurs and stuff, I went and punched troy in the face" I said. They all laughed. "did you get in trouble?" El asked. "I got a week detention so did troy though so it wasn't so much unfair" I said. "my parents were pissed" I said laughing. El looked at me frowning. "did they just yelled at you?" she asked. I nodded. "liar" lucas said. "fine, Neil beat the shit out of me as mom yelled at me that's it" I admited. The boys looked at me shocked. "was that why you had a bruise on your chin?" Dustin asked. I nodded. "you told us you fell from the skateboard you lied to us" Dustin said. "yeah I couldn't just tell you that my Shitty step father hit me every day, now you know, its no big deal" I said. "it is max, don't lie again, okay? Do you trust us" will asked. "yeah sorry, I couldn't tell you obviously and yeah I promise no secrets" I said. "alright no secrets" Mike said. All of us agreed. After lunch we got into the class. They started laughing behind us, of course it was about us but we ignored them. And we let the day go like that. Hopper was already waiting in the parking lot for us. We got in the car. "so how did the first day go?" hopper asked smiling, he was nervous as well,i could tell. "fine" me and El said. I wasn't sure if El wanted to tell hop about the bullies. "do kids bully you? Be honest with me please" hopper said stopping the car to look at us. Me and El looked at each other, she nodded to me. "uh yeah" I said. Hopper sighed angrily. "want me to go to school, I can deal with them" hopper said. El shook her head as a no. "no its fine, we can handle  them, we defended ourselves today, all of us not just me and el" I said. "are you sure?" He asked. "yes dad, I've got supportive friends.. And girlfriend" she said. I smiled at her. "yeah I'm aware" he said smirking. "you didn't beat up someone did you?" hopper asked. "no" I said. He reaised an eyebrow at him. "okay fine, we'll tell you later okay dad" El said. "okay, let's go home" He said.
*at home*
It was dinner time and we sat down. We basically told them what happened. "I'm proud of you two actually, but try not hit anyone if that's possible" He said. "if they take it too far I can't do it hop to be honest" I admited. "yes I know, but try" He said and I nodded.
*later at the room*
"thanks for everything you've done to me today" El said while cuddling me. "of course, I won't let them hurt you" I said playing with her hair. "I don't deserve you" El said smiling. "no I don't deserve you" I said back. She laughed. "okay I guess, I love you" she said. "I love you too darling" I said. We watched a movie. I randomly kissed her. She was surprised at first and didn't kiss back but after a second she did. After a minute we pulled away. "I wasn't expecting that" she said giggling. "sorry I wanted to do that all day" I said. She smiled at me. "yeah me too" she said. We then went to sleep.

3285 words.

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