Chapter 90: The Argument

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Max's pov

We sat on a table. Mike and maddie didn't notice us yet. We ordered. "oh! Max! El!" we heard maddie saying waving at us across the cafe. We waved back. So did Mike after looking at us. None of us stood up to talk to each other so we just stayed in our seats.We see each other every day anyway.

We then decided to head back home. It was probably 18:30 so we had to head back home. "We'll go! See you!" I told maddie and mike walking towards their table. "See you!" they both said smiling


We walked in the house. Hopper was back from work. He was in the kitchen drinking coffee with Joyce and that bald man Murray. "oh hey kids!" hopper said. "oh you're back" Joyce said. "hello" Murray said waving at us. "Hi" el and I both said.

We walked up the stairs not sure how to handle will or how he's been since we left. We opened the door. Will was watching Tv laying on his bed under the blankets.

"Hey" we both said. He finally looked at us. He wanted to say something but froze. "look el-" he said. "I didn't mean all those things I said-" he said sitting up. "will..i know you did and its fine, let's just let it go" el said.

"It's not fine! I feel awful I didn't mean to insult you I was just jealous of your relationship since none of mine two relationships I had weren't healthy, I'm so sorry" will said. "I was just not expecting this whole thing with matt and stuff" he said. "The why did you call her a freak?" I asked.

Will just stared at me. "I-I didn't mean that" he quietly said. "I'm sure you did will and its true, I know I'm a freak so let it go" el said. "No! You're not a freak, I don't know what came to my mind I-I was just mad and jealous-" he stuttered.

"so you decided to call me a freak to hurt my feelings just because I'm in a happy relationship and you're not?" el asked. "I-no-" he said trying to find how words.

"then what did you mean but freak will, I'm genuinely curious because you're confusing me" el said. "Look its just... They bully us for the same reasons and I called myself a freak and it accidentally came out that you're a freak too I'm sorry- will said.

"Will.. You literally called me a freak I know what I heard" el said. "I heard it too will" I said calmy as I tried to stay that way. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

He groaned and put his hand in front of his face in annoyance. "You just don't understand! I'm not like you! You have everything you wanted! You have max, love, a father who cares about you and Joyce-" will said.

"What the fuck will!? Did you forget that her own biological father is a criminal, her mom is not okay, she doesn't even remember her, she's been in a lab for 12 god damn years, a fucking experiment, bullying at school! Have you considered all that?" I said to el.

"since when do you speak for her?" will asked. I frowned. "since anytime! Why do you care! You're just so fucking jealous and I feel bad for that but stop acting like that! I'm so so sorry you had gotten your heart broken but stop blaming it on us just because we're happier than you. We're trying to help you and you're pushing us away in the worst way ever! "el angrily said.

"You just don't understand how difficult it is, there are just some things you don't get! I've been called a zombie my entire life and been in the upside down-" he said as el froze. So did will after realising what he said. "Oh so you're saying I'm dumb too? Not just a freak, thanks will" el sadly said.

"no you're not dumb I didn't mean that-" he tried. "save it, I know what you meant and they're all true so congratulations, i already knew how I was, it's not the first time" el said leaving the room. I just looked at will with pure rage in my eyes.

"okay! What in the actual fuck will?! What the hell are you doing?!! You never reacted like this, what is wrong with you!" I yelled. "I-just let me explain myself you misunderstantood-" will said. "We already gave you plenty of time to explain yourself and you just made it much worse! She's getting called dumb every day from people just because she's 'slow' somehow which is not true and now you too?! What the hell" I yelled at him. "it's your own sister will" i said quietly leaving the room.

Joyce came upstairs running to see what happened. "W-what happened? Where are you going and why are you yelling" Joyce asked. El was already in the bathroom. "Max go get el and will and come downstairs and explain me what happened because something is quite clearly wrong" Joyce said. I knew I had no other choice.

"I'm not talking to will, sorry" I told Joyce walking towards the bathroom where I assumed el was. "what-" Joyce asked confused.

901 words. To be continued!!
How do you feel that we're 10 chapters away from the end? 😂😃 I'm kinda surprised you didn't get bored yet haha tbh

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