Chapter 49: Studying

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El's pov

It'd Thursday afternoon. Tomorrow we have a test on maths. Me and max have been studying all day. "okay I'll try again" max said. I was studying on my bed, the bed full of notebooks and papers etc. Max was studying on the desk. She was wearing a light blue sweatshirt with black sweatpants. She had her hair up in a messy bun. She looked adorable, even with the clothes she wears at home. She had one leg on the chair, she had a pencil in her mouth biting it nervously as she was thinking.. Wait pencil?. "max!" I said and she jumped, I caught her off guard. "what? You scared me" she said gasping. "stop eating my pencils! It's the third one" I said. She frowned. "I'm not eating it!" she said defensively. "yes you are" I said laughing. She rolled her eyes playfully. "just use a pen" I said throwing her a pen, she caught it. "I told you I don't like using pen in maths" she said. I looked at her confused. "why?" I asked. "because I keep making mistakes and I can't erase it" she said throwing the pen back to me. I laughed. "okay fine" I said. After a few minutes I heard her groaning again. She's been doing that every 5 minutes. I rolled my eyes. She's such a kid sometimes. "what is it?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "I don't know anything and I suck at it! I fucking hate maths" she said throwing the pencil on the desk annoyed. "max, language" I joked. She looked at me. "I'm serious I'm gonna fail babe" she whined. "come here and tell me what you don't understand" I said. She stood up and sat next to me crosser legs, so was I. She gave me a kiss on the cheek quickly. I looked at her confused, of course I liked it but yeah. "did you come here to kiss me or to learn maths?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She laughed. "honestly, both" she said smiling. I rolled my eyes. "no but like actually I need help" she said looking at me with puppy eyes. "okay I'll try" I said. After half an hour she was still struggling. Maybe I wasn't good at explaining, I felt bad. "sorry I still don't understand" she said falling dramatically on my lap, clearly tired. "okay how about we try again, do these exercises and come back" I said. "actually?" she asked confused. "um, yeah?" I asked laughing. "just give me all your notes from the desk so you can't cheat" I said. She smirked. "maxiee come on its not funny we have to study" I said. She laughed. "okay fine, I will" she said standing up, passing me her notes and everything and started doing the exercises. It's been 10 minutes. "are you done babe?" I asked. "uhh I'm still halfway through" she said smiling guilty. I rolled my eyes. "sorry I'm slow plus I'm putting random things by the way" she said. I laughed. "oh god" I said slapping my face. "here let me see what you've done so far" I said using my powers to get the notebook. I gasped and raised my eyebrows. "what? Is it that bad" she asked disappointed. "no, you've gotten some right" I said. She smiled. "really??" she asked excitedly. I nodded smiling. I stared at her in awe. "what?" she asked raising her eyebrows. "you're adorable" I whispered. She smiled. "what?" she joked pretending she didn't heard what I said. "nothing" I joked back smirking turning back to studying. She smirked and did the same turning around back to work. "you're adorable too" I heard her whispering. I smiled and blushed and continued doing exercises. After 10 minutes she span around on her chair dramatically catching me off guard. "look I suck at this but I might have done at least 2 right-" she said about to stand up but she fell off the chair. She fell with a loud bang. I immediately stood up to see if she's okay. "are you okay?" I asked. It was kind of funny but I didn't want to laugh."yeah I'm okay" she said frowning. Hopper immediately bursted in worried. "what happened? Are you okay?" he asked concerned seeing max on the floor. "yeah, I'm okay. I just fell off the chair" max said. "okay, be careful next time" hopper said. Max nodded. "can you help max with maths because I suck at explaining dad?" I asked hopper. "uhh-you see the thing is I don't know maths either" hopper said rubbing his neck embarrassed. Me and max laughed. "see, I'm not the only one" max joked. "I didn't say that" I said laughing. "it's fine hopper thank you" max said. "I could tell Joyce to help you, she's good at maths" he suggested. Me and max looked at each other surprised. We nodded. "okay she'll be here in 20 minutes anyways" hopper said as he left the room. There was a silence for a few seconds until I accidentally bursted out laughing. Max was still on the floor rubbing her elbow in pain. She frowned. "seriously?" she asked. "im sorry babe but the way you fell was kinda funny" I said giggling. She laughed. "but I'm hurt" she whined. "you'll be fine, where does it hurt?" I asked giving me my hand to help her stand up. "my elbow" she said looking at me like a little kid. She's adorable. "oh I see" I joked. I kissed the bruise lightly. She laughed. "better?" I said smirking. "yes" she said smiling. I laughed. I pulled her into a hug. "my dramatic redhead girl" I joked whispering. She pulled away and gasped. "I'm not dramatic!" she said offended. I laughed. "no, you? Definitely not what do you mean" I said. She rolled her eyes. We looked at each other and leaned in. I grabbed her weist and pulled her closer as she put her hand on my cheek kissing me. My other hand around her neck. While we were kissing we heard a voice on my walkie talkie. We pulled away annoyed. "seriously" max complained, licked her lips and pulled away from me walking over the desk to get the walkie talkie. It was Dustin. "hello? Does anyone copy?" Dustin said. "what do you want Dustin " max said annoyed. The other 3 boys answered as well. "jeez, did I interrupt anything or something" Dustin said. Max looked at me and laughed, so did I. "no, we were studying" max said. I mean she wasn't lying. "yeah funny joke" Dustin said. Max gasped. "what do you mean, of course I'm studying" max said back. "you? Maxine Mayfield studying maths?" Lucas said. Max rolled her eyes. "yes, lucas really" max said. "another thing el had done to you" Mike joked. Her face was lightly red and looked at me as I giggled. "haha so funny Wheeler" max said. "okay what did you want Dustin in the first place?" Will asked. "Suzie is coming tomorrow so he at my house right after school, don't forget" Dustin said. "you already told us Dustin" Mike said. "I didn't tell you what time" Dustin said. "pretty sure you did" max said. "whatever, just a reminder I guess" Dustin said. "alright gotta go now" max said as she turned off the walkie talkie. "that was kinda mean maxie" I joked. She laughed. "eh, he'll be fine" max said. "now, I should try to do some exercises before hopper comes in and checks on us" max said kissing my forehead and sat on the bed. "okay" I said laughing.
*later when Joyce arrived*
"can I come in?" we heard Joyce saying knocking on the door slightly. "yeah" I said. "soo hopper told me you girls need help?" Joyce said. "well mostly me cause I suck at maths" max said. Joyce laughed. "it's fine, I'll help you" Joyce said. "I did try to help her but i wasn't good at it" I said a bit disappointed that I couldn't help my girlfriend. "it's fine" Joyce said.

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now