Chapter 53: Moving In

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Max's pov

We woke up at around 8 am. El and I started packing. I was shoving clothes in my suitcase. "max?" el suddenly said. "yeah darling?" I said. "can you help me get that frame from that shelf cause I can't reach it, hop made it a bit taller than me" she said trying to reach it. I laughed softly and grabbed it. I was just a little bit taller than her. "thanks" she said kissing my cheek gently. I smiled when I saw the frame she was holding. It was a picture that she had taken me when we went picnic. A picture of me having that white flower in my hair. She noticed me blushing and grabbed my cheek gently and giggled. "what?" I asked laughing. "you're so cute when you blush" she said smiling. "you're taking this picture with you?" I asked. "of course, it's one of my favourite memories with you and its just... you so yeah I'll take it" she said smiling. I blushed even more and smiled. I have taken pictures of el as well just like she had when we were hanging out and stuff. We had them all hanging around the mirror. I looked at her and smirked, she raised her eyebrow. I pulled a picture I had in my pocket. She gasped. It was a picture of el smiling. "when did you take this?" she asked. "when it was your birthday party, you were opening Dustin's gift which was socks" I said laughing slightly. "oh yeah! I still have them and wear them" she said excitedly. "I didn't notice you taking the picture to be honest" she said. "well you were too excited to notice" I said. "you had it in your pocket this whole time?" she asked in awe. "yeah I usually have it in my school bag and my pocket" I said smiling. Her mouth was open in shock as she looked down with a flattered smile. "is it.. weird or creepy?" I asked nervously as confusion took over my eyes. "what? No-not at all, it's so cute it's not creepy" she said staring at me in awe. I exhaled relieved. "oh okay" I said smiling."I already took down the pictures we had taken and put it in my bag" she said. We had taken lots of pictures by the Polaroid camera. "oh okay great" I said smiling. After a few seconds of staring at each other's eyes, she looked down on the frame she was holding and smiled. She then kissed it softly. I raised my eyebrows and she giggled. "is this your way to ask me for a kiss?" I said laughing. "maybe" she said smiling. I learned in. I smiled through the kiss. Suddenly hopper bursted in. "oh come on girls we have to leave in a bit" hopper said as we pulled away quickly. "we're almost ready we weren't making out all the time" I joked and el hit my arm. "she's right" el said. "yeah okay, whatever just come in like a few minutes to help me get the boxes in the car" hopper said and we nodded. As soon as he got out of the room el and I laughed. "hey have you seen my skateboard I can't find it" I said searching for it. "oh I put it in the car" she simply said. "oh, why?" I asked. "just in case we forget it, cause there might have been a redhead who forgets easily" she said. I laughed. "I don't forget easily" I said defensively. "most of the times no, but sometimes yeah" she said. "okay whatever" I said as she laughed slightly. After a few minutes of shoving stuff I heard el gasp and I jumped in surprised. She looked at me confused. "oh..are you okay?" she said quietly as I put my hand on my chest. "yeah you just scared me" I said. "oh.. sorry" she said looking down. "it's fine, what did you want?" I said smiling. "oh..did we get the magazines and comics?" she asked. "oh... OH! I forgot them" I said gasping. I leaned down to get the magazines from the drawer. "how did we forget it's literally our favourite things to do before going to sleep" I said shoving them in a bag. She laughed and shrugged. "I know right, well anyways I think I'm done" she said.
After we started putting the boxes in the car and headed over at the Byers.

*later at the Byers*

We rung the bell and Will was the one who opened it. He smiled and hugged us when he saw us. "hello new roomates" he joked as we laughed. "hello William" I joked. "don't call me that" he said. "okay sorry" I said laughing. "hey girls" Joyce appeared smiling at us. "hi" we both said.

El's pov

We got into will's room. He helped pick up the boxes and stuff. I mean we didn't bring much. "why do you have a box full of magazines,you must be really obsessed with these" Will said putting down the box in exhaustion. "yeah we are, I mean what else are we gonna do in our free time" I said. "I mean yeah, or draw? Watch movies, play video games or is it a girls thing?" He said. "wait boys don't read magazines?" I asked. "I mean not much, mostly comics which apparently you got lots of those as well" he said going through the box. "yeah that's true, now stop going through our stuff, unless you want to accidentally see a bra or something" max joked as will gagged. "max! That's traumatising" Will yelled. Max and I both laughed. "for you, so yeah stop going through our stuff then" max said. "I will, I will" he said. "awww" he said opening a bag. "Will we told you stop going through our stuff"max said. " I'm helping you unpack"he said defensively. "he's right" I said. "okay whatever but look you got so many pictures together that's adorable" Will said smiling looking at them. "don't you have with Mike?" max asked. "I do, he doesn't really like them though because he feels insecure" Will said. "for what?" I asked. "I don't know he says he looks skinny and ugly, it's the bullies fault" Will said sadly. We just nodded not knowing what to say. It was true. No matter how hard you try to say fuck the bullies,deep downs those words hunt you forever and kept thinking about them over and over again until you think they're right. But we try not to do that. "anyways you can put all the pictures in that drawer" he said pointing at the drawing in front of his bed. "oh okay thanks" we both said. "hey, you can put whatever you want in my room i don't mind" Will said. It's like he could read our minds. "are you sure? We don't wanna ruin it" max said. "I'm sure" he said smiling reassuring us. We then went downstairs to help hopper and Joyce.

*later at the cafe*

Will max and I were kind of late. We got into the cafe and saw the boys and Suzie already there. "sorry we're late" Will said. "wait, did you come together?" Lucas asked. The three of us looked at each other and max smirked. I remember. Oh yeah the prank. "oh yeah, we have news for you guys" Max said as we sat down. All of them were looking at us with confused expressions. "what is it?" Dustin asked. "remember how hopper and Joyce had news for us?" max asked as they all nodded. We loomed at each other. "Joyce is pregnant" max said as everyone gasped. "with hopper?" mine said. "of course with hopper you idiot" lucas said. "you're lying" Mike said. "no we're not" I said. "Will would have told me" Mike said. "maybe I would babe but we were busy" Will said. Mike raised his eyebrows waiting for him to continue. "we're gonna live together, like we actually unpacked today at my house" Will said smiling. "wait you're not mad about the new kid?" Dustin asked. "yeah kind of" Will said. "and we're gonna sleep together because we can't buy an extra bed" I said as everyone laughed. "wait what?" Mike asked. "it sounded a bit weird-" Dustin quietly tried to say but Suzie hit his arm. "stop it babe" she whispered. "how is this gonna work?" lucas asked. "they're definitely lying dude that's like impossible" Mike said scoffing. I heard max sighing loudly annoyed. "well yeah if Joyce suddenly has 5 plus 1 baby it is possible" max said. They didn't say anything until the three of us couldn't handle it anymore and bursted out laughing. "what?" they asked confused. "I knew you were lying" Mike yelled like he won't a bet or something. "yeah but you dint have to ruin it Michael" max said. "so Joyce's not pregnant?" lucas asked. "nope" I said. "but the moving in together part is true" I said as they gasped. "and you'll sleep in the same bed??" Dustin asked with a horrified look as we laughed. "no, we're gonna buy a bed so el and I can sleep" max said as they laughed. "oh" they said. "good luck staying with 2 girls will" lucas said as max and I gasped. "what do you mean by than sinclair?" I asked offended. "I'm kidding I'm kidding" he said. "I'm gonna tell Sarah that you think girls are hard to live with-'max joked. " no don't and honestly would like me or Dustin stay with you?"lucas asked. " oh god no, look I love you both but I wouldn't be able to handle you, because you both snor when you sleep or fart-"max said as Dustin mouthed a' shut up' to max with a glare. " we don't fart! "lucas said defensively. " you do"Will and I said at the same time. "oh god" I heard Suzie said as we laughed. "good luck with that Suzie if you ever live together" Mike said. "I stayed like only one night with Dustin and he was indeed snoring" Suzie said. "oh god" we all said laughing as Dustin turned red from embarrassment. "can you stop already" Dustin said. We all stopped and started chatting about other stuff. We asked Suzie if she could take a picture of max and I while drinking our milkshakes and she agreed. We both smiled looking at the picture. "we're definitely putting that on the drawer" I said excitedly. "of course" she said smiling.

*after the hangout*

We got in the house. "they actually believed it" Max said laughing. "it was so funny, did you see their faces" I said laughing, so did Will. "Mike ruined the fun though but oh well" max said as Will hit her arm. I hit his arm. "what? He's my boyfriend so I defend him just like you do, don't talk about him like that" Will said. "okay okay sorry" max said as Will laughed. "whatever, let's go" He said as we walked up the stairs."well I'll see you tomorrow morning don't forget to set your alarms for tomorrow" Will said as we nodded. "alright goodnight" max and I said. He went into Jonathan's room to stay for the night. Tomorrow we will go buy a bed so max and I can sleep on. "ooo will's bed is actually comfortable" max said laying on his bed like a kid. "really?" I asked as I layed next to her. My eyes widened in surprise. "it iss" I said laughing. "alright now get over heree" max said attacking me, grabbing me by my weist pulling me closer to her as I giggled. "I will give you cuddled babe just let me change first" I said as I tried to get off her but she hugged me even tighter. "maxieee" I whined as she let go of me and groaned annoyed. "okay finee, you're lucky I love you" she said as I smiled widely. "I love you too" I said as I got up and changed into max's black trousers and red hoodie. I love taking her clothes. It smells like her and I love it. She then went to change as well and we both went to sleep and cuddled.

2064 words. I will start writing the other elmax story I've had some ideas to put in, and I'll update here whenever something else comes in my mind because I don't now how else to continue this story.
In the next story I will probably not make everyone nice like this one, you'll probably hate me so it's fine if you don't wanna read it😂🙂

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