Chapter 21:Finally Back Home

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Max's pov

I was sleeping on the chair until I woke up. El was still sleeping. For some reason hopper wasn't in the room. He probably went to the bathroom or something. I was staring at El. She was sleeping so peacefully, like an angel. I was smiling hard. After 2 minutes hopper got in the room. He saw that El was still sleeping. "max come over here" hopper whispered so he doesn't wake El up. I got out of the room and followed him. "what is it? Is everything okay?" I asked a bit worried. "first of all, are you okay? You can still go with your mom if changed your mind, but I really want you to stay" hopper said. "yeah I prefer staying with you if that's okay, I still feel bad though about me staying like an orphan" max laughed. Hopper frowned. "what are you talking about? Are you crazy? You're not an orphan and I don't mind at all, don't feel guilty about anything, I was the one who asked, how many times do I have to tell you max" hopper said. I could see in his eyes that he's serious. "okay, I'm sorry" I apologised. He just smiled at me. "it's fine". "so um, I have good news, the doctor said that El can leave" said excitently. "oh my god, really? She's gonna be so happy" I said smiling and happy for my girl. Hopper smiled too. "should I wake her up?" I asked. "I think so, she's been sleeping for a while" hopper said. I nodded and went inside. I softly shook her to wake her up. "what?" El said sleepy. "I have good news" I said smiling. "what news" El said rubbing her eyes. "the doctor said you can leave!!" I said. "what?! Really?" El said excitedly. "yeah!" I replied smiling. Suddenly she took the blankets off her and sat up to hug me. I was surprised cause she's not supposed to get up. "El, I love hugging you but the doctor said not to" I said giggling. "I'm fine, doctor said I can leave" El said. "okay" I replied. "alright kid, I packed your stuff, we can leave now" hopper said coming in the room. El run to hug him. "did you tell the others I'm leaving?" El asked. "no, not yet" hopper replied. "oh! I have an idea,we should surprise them" I said like I had the best idea ever. Both El and hopper laughed. "yeah" El replied. "I'll call Joyce to see where the boys are" hopper said. We both nodded.

Hopper's pov
I called Joyce. "hey Joyce, i have good news" I said. "what is it?" Joyce asked. "El leaves today!" "oh my god, really? That's great." Joyce said. "yeah, do you know where the boys are, max had the idea to surprise them instead of telling them to come" I told her. "uh, I think they're at Mike's house, will just left an hour ago" Joyce said. "okay, thank you, don't tell them we'll be there"i said." okay, bye" "bye". I hung up. I got in the room to tell the girls to leave. "alright, Joyce said the boys are at Mike's house, let's go" i told them. They nodded.

Max's pov

We arrived at the wheeler's house. Mrs wheeler was the one who opened the door. "oh, hey, oh El you're back!" Mrs wheeler said hugging her. "we're here to surprise the boys" I told her. "oh! That's amazing, they're in the basement" Mrs wheeler said. "hopper you can come inside to drink some coffee, Ted is here too" Mrs wheeler suggested. Hopper agreed and we got in. Me and El slowly went downstairs in the basement. "If you're Nancy, leave we're busy" Mike said, not even turning around to see who it was. "actually it's not Nancy" El said giggling. They all turned around at the same time. "El!!" all of them said at the same time running to hug her. "they let you leave" will said excitently. "yeah" El said. "we wanted to surprise you" I said smiling. They all smiled back. "we should have a sleepover!" Mike suggested excited. "I can't tonight, my mom is busy and she won't let me" Dustin said sadly. "how about tomorrow?" Mike said. "yeah, I think I can tomorrow" Dustin said. "so, do we all agree on tomorrow?" Mike asked. El went upstairs to ask hopper and he agreed. So did lucas and will. We stayed for 2 more hours playing board games and just chatting. It was 5 pm and we decided its time to go home.

El's pov

We got back from Mike's house. I finally got back home from the hospital. It was so tiring and boring. Even though I was feeling better, the doctor wouldn't let me go. He finally decided its time. "alright, max welcome to your new home, it's not the best, it's a cabin but yeah" hopper said laughing. "no, of course, it's perfect, the cabin, I couldn't ask for more, I appreciate it, for letting me stay here, thank you " max said smiling. "of course, now go unpack your stuff in el's room. Obviously you'll be staying there since it's the only room, if you don't mind" hopper said. "yeah of course" max said turning to me smiling. I couldn't stop smiling. The thought of staying with max every singe day made me so happy. She's the best thing that happened to me. I'm so glad hopper likes out relationship and doesn't judge us. Its a big relief. Max went in my room to unpack. She turned around seeing that I don't follow her. "El, are you coming?" max asked. "yeah go, I'll be there in a minute" I told her. She nodded. "hey dad, thank so much for letting max stay here" I said hugging him. "of course, I want her to stay with you, she's a good girl, I know she makes you happy, does she really make you happy?" hopper asked. I pulled away to look at him. "yeah she does" I said smiling. I was getting emotional by this conversation for some reason. "then I'm happy, as long as she treats you right" hopper said. I know he was trying to tell me that he accepts me as long as she treats me right. "yeah I know, I'll treat her right too" I said. "yeah of course" he said laughing shooking my head. "hey you'll ruin my hair dad" I said laughing annoyed. I then got in the room with max. As soon as I got in the room max ran to hug me. "thank you" she whispered. "of course maxie" I said. She pulled away confused. "maxie?" she said laughing. "yeah, it's cute" I said. "okay fine, as long as you say it, if someone else called me maxie I would probably punched them" max said laughing. I then leaned in to kiss her. I missed hugging her and kissing her. I was at the hospital so I couldn't hug her properly because of my stomach. I was on the bed for weeks. I finally got out of that place. I at least had my friends coming over every day and max by my side. "so what do you want to do?" I asked pulling away from the kiss. "I don't know, I haven't finished unpacking"she said. I smiled." yeah right, I forgot "I said." I have space in the wardrobe, you can put your clothes there"i said pointing at the wardrobe. "okay thanks" she said smiling. "stop saying thank you" I said laughing. She turned around to look at me. "okay, sorry" she said looking down embarrassed. She's so cute. I walked forward to her. "stop saying sorry too" I said giggling and cupping her face with my hands kissing her cheek. She blushed. She tried to hide her face. "maxiee stop hiding, you're cute when you blush" I said. "I'm not cute, i look like a tomato" she said laughing. I playfully poking her shoulder. "then you're a cute tomato, if that's what you want to hear" I said. She faked an offended look on her face. "I'm joking" I said giggling. She stared at me for a second. "oh no,max don't" I said knowing what she would do when she looked at me like that. She attacked me tickling me. I started laughing uncontrollably. I fell on the bed weak, s tickling me. "stopp" I said through laughs. "nope" she said laughing. "you're not a tomato, I was joking" I said. She giggled and finally stopped. "okay fine, you're too cute to say no" she said. I blushed. "now you look like a tomato" she joked. I was about to attack when she stopped me. "haha, too bad I'm not ticklish" she said proudly. "oh yeah?" I said tickling her. "okay, n-nevermind, maybe I am a little bit" she said laughing telling me to stop. We suddenly heard a knock on the door. "come in" I said. Hopper got in. "hey, stop tickling each other and come to eat, dinner's ready" he said smiling and annoyed at the same time. As soon as he left, we both looked at each other and burst into laughing. We finally managed to stop laughing and went in the kitchen to eat. "did you pack your things?, did you forget anything" hopper asked while we were eating. "yeah I packed and no I don't think I forgot anything" max said. "alright if you need anything from your house I'll take you there" hopper said. "okay" max replied.

Max's pov

When we finished eating, we went to sleep. El and I decided to watch a movie before going to sleep. We layed on el's bed. El was cuddled up on me. Her head on my chest, my arms around her. I felt... safe and happy with her. "El?" I said. "yeah?" El said. "I'm so happy and lucky to have you" I said kissing her head. She looked up to me. "same maxie" she smiled at me. "okay, Ellie" I mocked her. "Ellie? Alright then" she said laughing. We continued watching the movie. Although it's been an hour, El fell asleep. I slowly layed completely down and turned the lights off as quiet as possible. Fortunately I didn't wake her up. I was thinking about many things. I couldn't sleep. How things turned out. Billy almost killing my girlfriend, threating her after, making us all worried and scared. El suffering in the hospital while he was out there hiding from the cops. Fortunately, El found him. My mom suddenly felt sorry. It was so weird but made me happy. I forgave her but I never forget what she's done to me. I decided to stay where I'm happy at. She respected that. I thought she would force me to stay with her. But she didn't. She either just didn't want me on her way anymore since Neil left, got in jail and same to billy now. Or she was just truly sorry and let me go. Whatever it was, what matters is that I'm finally in a safe place. And I'm so happy here. It was 1 am. I was still awake. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realise what time it was. I tried to sleep. This time it worked.

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