Chapter 97: Camp Trip Part 4

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Max's pov

We walked back to the cabin. We've already settled our stuff. It was time we change into our pyjamas. "I don't want to get undressed with them here" Angela said dramatically. "Angela come on" a random girl defended us. "I don't want them looking at my body as I change!!" Angela loudly said.

"What makes you think we want to see your body or other's" I interrupted. "maybe because we're girls and you're interested in girls" Angela said with a disgusted look on her face.

El stopped as she took her pyjamas out of her back. I sighed and just stared at Angela not knowing what to do. "Screw that, come here el" I told el holding my arm out for her to hold it. El looked at me confused but did as told.

"what are you doing?" Angela asked confused. "I'm doing what you all are pissing us off to do, we're gonna go change somewhere else" I said angrily. "Where exactly? In the woods?" a girl asked laughing.

"In the toilets you" I said rolling my eyes. "As you should" Angela said. I faked an ironical smile, grabbed my clothes and left the cabin as el did the same. Maddie followed us. "be careful, don't stay too long in there-" a girl mocked but I slammed the door slightly and left without her finishing her sentence.

"It's cold out here" maddie said Rubbing her arms. "Well, look like we don't have a choice, you can go back maddie it's fine" I said. "Are you sure?" maddie asked. "yeah, we'll be back in 2 minutes" I said. Maddie nodded and walked back into the cabin with the other girls.

Maddie's pov

I walked back to the cabin. Everyone stared at me. Most of them already got changed. In total, our class had 12 girls (and 12 boys). "What's wrong with you? You damn well they wouldn't even look on your way" I said calmy but mad.

"how do you know that?" Angela asked with a bitchy tone. "I just do! Max and el know how to respect, if boys were here they of course would look but of course you don't understand. I get and understand that you want privacy, sure. But they won't look" I said.

The girls laughed. "that's so funny isn't it" I mocked ironically. "Yeah actually it is" Angela said. "Can't you just treat them like humans for once? They've done nothing to you" I said. "They've done nothing wrong?!" Angela asked walking towards me.

"yes, exactly" I said. "They one main thing they've done wrong is to just simply.. exist" Angela slowly said looking at me with an evil look. What is wrong with you. I slapped her. Everyone gasped as Angela yelped in pain.

"What the fuck you bitch?!" Angela said holding her cheek. "I did what you deserve, how dare you tell someone that they shouldn't exist just because of their specialities???" I asked angrily.

"Because dykes are simply sinners, disgusting, rats, stupid and-" Angela said. "Stop! Just stop! Before I punch you" I said. She scoffed. "you?! Punch me, you don't have the guts" Angela said laughing.

"and how exactly do you know that?" I asked. My main goal was to just ingore them but what they said pissed me off. "you could have asked them politely" a girl told Angela the others.

Angela laughed. "there's no way they would listen-" Angela said but was cut off by max and el coming back to the cabin. Everyone's eyes were on both of them. Neither el and max said anything and just walked to their beds.

"Happy now?" maddie asked. "very" Angela repleid as everyone laughed. Everyone sat on their beds with their friends and stuff. El and max sat on El's bed, legs crossed and I sat on max's bed next to them racing them sitting with crossed legs as well as we chatted. "Why was Angela's cheek red earlier when we walked in?" el whispered to me.

Max leaned in to hear as well. I noticed max smirking. "maddie what did you do?" max asked pretending she doesn't know. "Nothing, just what she deserved" I said proudly.

"why? What did they say this time?" el asked. "same shits, there's no need to know" I said. They both nodded understanding.

The beds across us were close to each other so unfortunately the others were close to us too. They were talking loud. They were talking about boys..

"you can join them if you want" max asked. I frowned. "oh hell nah, there's no way I'm hanging out with them" I said. "some of them are nice" el said. "yeah I know" I said. "But I prefer my friends" I said smirking. They both giggled.

"don't they have something better to discuss other thank boys?" I asked max and el laughing. "For real, it's been an hour and they're still talking about boys" max said laughing. We've read magazines. It was quite late. Maybe like 1 am or something.

"Ughhh they will wake us up tomorrow to go hiking AT 8 AM!!" a girl groaned just as everyone was about to go to bed. Everyone was annoyed. Sure we can go wherever they want, what's the point of camp trip if we don't do stuff like this obviously.

But at 8 am. Because it's not too cold or too hot so we can walk but alright. We closed the lights and we all went to sleep.

916 words. To be continued!!

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