Chapter 20: Found Them

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Third person pov

Billy and Susan were in a cabin in the woods. Susas was terrified of Billy. They sat on the couch in silence. Both of them thinking. Billy was scared too,but he wouldn't show it. "Billy.. Just let me go" Susan said quietly. Billy turned to look at her. A tear fell of Susan's eye. "and why would I do that" Billy stood up facing her. He had an angry and scared expression on his face. He doesn't know what to feel and how. "I won't tell anyone, please just let me go" Susan pleased. Billy shook his head. "no, I know that's shit you're saying is crap, of course you will, you would be dumb if you didn't" billy said. Susas realised that he's right. "I won't tell-" Susan tried. But someone barged in. It was the cops. After hours of searching they finally found them. All because of El, hopper didn't tell them about El. He just made up a story. That someone might have seen them and stuff. He told them to search the woods close to the 7 eleven store. And they did. After a few hours they finally found it. "POLICE COMING IN, DROP YOUR GUN" the cops yelled. Billy turned around confused and scared. "drop the gun" hopper said pointing at Billy with his gun, so did the others. Billy aggressively grabbed Susan and put his gun on her neck obviously threating her. "Billy don't make us shoot you, let her go" hopper said. "why would I do that? SHE TOLD ME TO FREAKING GO GET MAX TO COME BACK, SHE COULDN'T DO IT HERSELF-" Billy started yelling. Susas cut him off. Billy still held the gun so the cops couldn't do anything in case he shoots her. "NO, I TOLD YOU TO BRING HER HOME, NOT SHOOT HER GIRLFRIEND" Susan yelled back sobbing and scared for her life. " Billy drop the gun!" hopper said. " I did as told, I thought you would be proud of me for once, since my father left and you only had me-" hopper cut him off. "Billy this is your last chance drop the-" hopper said. Billy started yelling again. "NO, NO ONE CARED ABOUT ME, NO ONE DOES AND NO ONE WILL" Billy said. He started crying realising he messed up. He kept thinking about all the things he's done. He has no life. He has no one now. He has always been a terrible person. It was his father's fault he turned out like that. While he said that he pointed himself instead. Everyone realised what was about to happen. They tried to get him, without shooting him but surprisingly Susan did something unexpected. She punched Billy so hard that he fell on the ground unconscious, not dead. Billy tried to kill himself after all. Susan hates him for everything he did but she didn't want him to die, that's why she punched him. Hopper ran to Susan to check if she's okay. "are you okay?" hopper asked. Susas breathing heavily, shaking and scared. "hey, breath" hopper tried to calm her down. It worked. "don't kill him, arrest him" Susan said still scared. "yeah of course, the purpose was to arrest him, not kill him. Unless he makes us to do so but he tried to... do it himself but you saved him, that's brave" hopper said. Susan was feeling better. "yeah, thanks for coming" Susan told everyone. "that's our job" a police man said. Everyone laughed. "how did you find us?" Susan asked. Hopper didn't know how to reply. "I can't tell you how and all, but El did" hopper said. "El? Max's..?" Susan asked. Hopper nodded. "oh.. say thank you for me please" Susan said. "no, you'll come with me, you have to see max, you'll thank El when you get there, they're together in the hospital" hopper said. "oh my god, she's still in the hospital? It's all my fault, I shouldn't have never told billy to get max-" hopper cut her off. "hey, it's not your fault, you didn't know he would shoot an underage girl, I know you wouldn't want him to do that, it doesn't mean I forgive you for everything you and your husband did to max but now we got Billy and we're all safe, will you come with me to see max? She's so worried about you" hopper said. "she-she is?" Susan said shocked. "yeah of course, why wouldn't she, you're still her mother, she doesn't want you dead, just out of her life, just like you agreed right? If she wants to come back to you she will but I don't trust you" hopper said. "yeah I know, you're right, you.. you have every right to not trust me, that's why I let her go, thank you for taking care of her" Susan said. Hopper nodded. After a minute they got in the car to go back to the hospital.

Max's pov

I couldn't stop thinking about my mom and Billy. She could be dead at the moment without me knowing. We were all sitting on the room with El, the others fell asleep on the chairs. I don't think El fell asleep though, I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise she wasn't sleeping. She was still holding my hand. While I was lost in my thoughts, for some reason I began to feel nervous and shaking. Apparently El wasn't asleep and squeezed my hand. "max" El said. I wasn't listening. "max!!" El said louder. I finally turned around t look at her. She was worried. "max, you're shaking, are you okay?" El asked. "yeah.. I'm-I'm fine" max said. El wasn't convinced. Of course she's not okay. "hey, I'm sure hopper found them and save your mom" El said trying to comfort me. I just nodded while crying. She rubbed her thumb on my hand. I turned to face her and smiled. She then wiped the tears of my face. I laughed at her action. "what? I don't want my girl upset" El said laughing too confused. "you already made me feel better" max replied. El tried to come closer to kiss her but couldn't. The pain in the stomach wouldn't let her move. Max noticed and leaned forward to kiss her.

Third person pov

After a few minutes both of the girls fell asleep, still holding hands. Hopper came back. He first called Joyce. They arrived. As soon as they walked in they saw all the kids sleeping. Susan saw the two girls holding hands sleeping. She smiled. Susan was truly sorry and felt guilty about everything but nothing can excuse her actions. She knows it herself. Joyce slowly shook max to wake up. She opened her eyes. As soon as max saw her mother in front of her ran to hug her. El woke up too,sighed relieved seeing max's mother safe and fine. Max cried while hugging her mother. "I'm fine, I'm fine, don't cry" Susan kept saying to calm her daughter down. When she pulled away from the hug she immediately hugged hopper next. "thank you.." max said hugging him. "I told you we would get them kid" hopper said. "did you arrest him?" max asked. "yeah" Hopper said. Max turned around to look at el,realising her girlfriend isn't in danger anymore. Max without thinking she ran to her girlfriend. She kissed her head glad knowing her girlfriend is safe and pulled her into a hug, El still can't stand up to hug her properly but they sitll managed to while sitting. All of them stared at the two girls happy,all of them relieved and happy. Billy has been bothering them this time and stressed them out a lot. Knowing they're in danger, mostly their friend El. Max didn't care about her mom seeing them together. "I'm haply for you" Susan said laughing. Max pulled away from the hug confused. "what?" max said shocked. Her mother never said that she's proud of her. "I have to go, I'll go somewhere safe and leave you alone for once, you're with kind people and I'm so proud. I'm sorry for everything again-" max cut her off by hugging her. Susas was about to leave whe but turned around. She sat next to El. El was confused by her actions, so were the others." hey, um, thank you so much for helping your dad finding me, you saved me, thank you" Susan said as she took el's hand. "I know you care about my daughter a lot, so does she, I know you hate me for what I did but thanks for taking care of her, she cares about you a lot and the rest of you all" Susan said looking at El then at everyone. Susan wanted to say something but knew it was dumb to say. El apparently understood. "I won't, I promise" El said. Susan and the others looked at El confused. "you won't what?" Susan asked. "I know what you're trying to tell me, I won't hurt her, I promise" El said. "yeah I know you won't, thank you" Susan said quietly. El just nodded. Susan then left. Max still cared about her mother but couldn't forget everything she's done to her. After she left max went and kissed El. "thank you" max said after she pulled away from the kiss. "of course" El said kissing her again. Max went in the bathroom to wash her face. The boys decided to get home. They were all so tired but stayed for El and max. The two girls fell asleep after this day they had.

Sorry for taking long time to update

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