Chapter 52: The News

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El's pov

"do you think is good news or bad?" Will asked me quietly as we waited for Joyce to come pick us up. I shrugged. "I think she would tell you if it was bad, or maybe can tell by her tone?" I said. "I don't know, her tone was normal, so it should be fine" Will said. I nodded. "hey you good?" max whispered. "yeah I'm just curious what Joyce and hop want to tell us" I said. "I'm sure it's not something bad" max said. Suddenly Dustin gasped. "What if she's pregnant?" Dustin said. Our eyes widened. "ew Dustin" Mike said. "what? They're dating, so there's a chance" dusitn said. "oh god Dustin shut up, I'm gonna throw up" Will said. "that's so dramatic" Dustin said. "yeah imagine you have a baby brother suddenly in your life" I said. "no I don't want a sibling right now, maybe when I was younger, I don't have time to babysit" Dustin said. "exactly" Will said as the others except Will, Dustin and I. "we could just call Steve to help you" lucas joked. "oh god, he's had enough" lucas said. We laughed.

Max's pov

El suddenly cuddled me. She put her hands around my weist and burried her head on my shoulder. I hugged her back, putting my arms around her. "are you okay?" I whispered. "I'm not upset babe, I just want to hug you" she said softly. I smiled to myself and caressed her hair gently. "you two are adorable" Suzie suddenly said after like 5 minutes. I smiled instead. "yeah you too, with Dustin" I said. I felt El's stomach growling a bit. I laughed silently. El giggled. "are you hungry?" I asked her. I felt her nodding. "Dustin, do you have something to eat?" I asked him interrupting their conversation. Dustin looked at me for a second processing my question. "oh yeah, why?" he asked. "el is hungry" I said. "oh okay, I'll be back" he said walking to the kitchen. He brought her some snacks and stuff and she got off me to eat.

*a few minutes later*

El's pov

Joyce had arrived. "hey kids" Joyce said smiling as we got in the car. "is everything okay?" Will asked. "yeah why wouldn't it be" she said. "I don't know you said you and hop have some news" I said. "yeah we'll tell you when we get there" Joyce said smiling lightly. Will, max and I just nodded, knowing she won't tell us until we get there.

*at the byers*

Hopper kissed my head as we got in. We sat down in the living room. "alright, we're gonna be honest with you kids, we're not sure if you'll like these news or not. I assume and hope you'll like the idea" hopper started. "alright tell us" Will said. "We're thinking of... living together" Joyce and hopper said at the same time holding each other's hands. The three of us were shocked to be honest. "I can't tell if you're happy by your reactions" hopper said as his smile started to fade slowly. "live where?" I asked. "here at Joyce's, I don't think we can all fit in the cabin" hopper said laughing. I mean he wasn't wrong. "only if you agree, we don't want to pressure you kids. We assume since you're all friends that you'll be okay to live together" hopper said. "wait-me too?" max asked. Hopper and Joyce frowned. "of course you too sweetheart, why would you ask that" Joyce said confused. "I don't know" max said. "don't you dare say you feel like burden max" hopper said seriously as max hesitated. "I wasn't planning on it" max said. "I know you're lying but okay, so what do you say?" hopper said. "is it okay if max and el stay in your room Will, we have space" Joyce asked Will. "be honest kid" hopper said smiling at him, as Will smiled back. "yeah, sure, where are we gonna sleep though?" Will asked. "we're gonna buy an extra bed since hop told me that max and el sleep together. It's easier for us as well if you don't mind" Joyce said. "yeah sounds great" The three of us said.

Max's pov

I'm gonna be honest. The thought of living with such a great family made me so happy. I still feel bad for being in their way somehow but I know they don't mind, I just feel like it. And Will is one of my closest friends so it will be fun.

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now