Chapter 18: Hospital

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"we have to take her to the hospital since the ambulance isn't coming" lucas said. We suddenly heard sirens outside. They finally arrived. They took her to the hospital. They only let one person to get in the ambulance with El. Of course hopper got in. Me and the others drove to the hospital following them. The cabin was in the middle of the woods so that's why they were late.

Mike's pov

Me and the others were so worried and anxious. Dustin was hugging max to calm her down and support her, telling her everything was going to be fine. I tired to hold my tears, not wanting to worry anyone else more than they were. I failed. I just couldn't keep do it anymore. Will was next to me. He noticed I was crying and immediately hugged me. I cried on his shoulder. "mike it's okay, I'm sure she's fine" will tried to make me feel better but I couldn't stop thinking about El and how she almost died in our arms. Lucas was crying too silently. Me and the boys don't usually show our emotions but we were all crying that we didn't care. Hopper was pacing and then Joyce told him to sit down and relax. He wasn't patient, he wanted to see if El was okay, we all wanted. "why do they take so long?" hopper said angrily. "hopper I'm sure she's fine, please just sit down" Joyce tried again. He finally sat down. After 10 minutes, waiting impatiently a doctor came. We all stood up. "is she okay?" hopper asked. "yeah, we had to do surgery to take the bullet out from her stomach, now it just needs to heal" the doctor said. We all sighed relieved hearing that she's okay. "can we see her?" I asked. "yeah" he replied. Hopper asked the doctor to go all in and he agreed as long as we stay quiet. We got in. She hadn't woken up yet. We stayed with her in the room for 10 minutes or so.

Max's pov

After hearing that she's okay I felt so relieved. I was still worried and upset what she's been through while I was away. I hated Billy so much for this. Hopper said the cops didn't find him yet. Of course he would ran away. I was still worried because Billy said he would kill her if I don't go back. I told hopper that but he insisted I don't go and we'll make sure we are all safe. Since he threatened us and mostly El. I was staring at El. Looking at her pretty face and waiting for her to wake up. "what if she doesn't wake up?" Dustin said nervous. "it takes time kid, we have to be patient" hopper said. He was freaking out the entire time before the doctor came. We all were but now he's better. I suddenly started crying again just by thinking about how much pain El is at the moment because of Billy. If it wasn't me none of this would happen. They kept telling me it's not my fault but it is. I was crying silently. Joyce noticed and came to hug me while I was holding el's hand. "hey sweetheart she's okay now she'll wake up" she said comforting me. "I know I just feel bad and I thought she died-" she cut me off. "hey, stop saying that it's your fault and feel bad, it's Billy's fault and Billy's fault only, okay?" she said. I just nodded. The others saw us and gave me a sad smile. 5 minutes later El woke up. She opened her eyes. She got blinded by the white lights of the hospital. She looked around and saw all of us sitting around her." hey" Hopper said smiling, happy to see her okay. She then turned to look at me. I gave her a smile. "what happened" she asked. "you got shot by Billy" Dustin said. She had a nervous expression on her face. "hey sweetheart it's okay, you're safe now" Joyce said. "where is he now?" El asked. We all stayed quiet. "where is he?" she asked again waiting for a response. "the cops are looking for him" hopper replied. "are you okay?" she asked. "yeah I'm okay, don't worry about me" I said smiling at her. "we're not letting him hurt you okay? We'll be here the entire time" hopper said. The others nodded agreeing.

El's pov

Nancy, Jonathan and Robin came too. They came to see me. "are you feeling better?" Robin asked me. "yeah, you didn't have to come" I told them. "no of course we would come" Nancy said. "thank you" I said smiling. They smiled back. Hopper and Joyce left the room to talk to the doctors. The boys went to buy something from the snack machine. After I talked with Robin and the others they left the room. "alright we'll go outside leave you two together" Nancy said. We nodded and they got out. I turned to look at max. She smiled at me. We stared at each other for a minute. She started crying. "I'm sorry-it's my fault, and now you're in danger it should have been me-" I cut her off. I couldn't hear her saying those things. "max, it's not your fault, it's Billy's. And don't you dare say it should have been you again" I said looking at her. I started tearing up once I I heard her blaming herself. "I left you alone in the cabin, if I stayed none of this would happen and if I agreed to stay so my mom stops. I never thought she would put Billy to get you-" I cut her off. "max" I said. She was still looking down. "max!"i repeated trying to make her look at me." look at me" I said. She slowly did. "you did nothing wrong, do you understand?" I said. See hesitated but still nodded. I wasn't convinced. I took her hand. Removed a piece of hair behind her ear and looked at her. We made eye contact again. I grabbed her cheek and kissed her. I pulled away." I wanna hug you so bad but I can't" I said laughing. She laughed too. "it's fine, I can live without your hugs" she joked. I looked at her acting offended. "I'm joking, of course I love your hugs, they're what keep me going" she said smiling. "I love you" I said. She was shocked. We already told each other they but I wanted to say it again. Because it's true. She blushed. "I love you too" she replied smiling. She gave me another kiss. She took my hand and we stared at each other, glad seeing each other safe,at least for now.  "hey" Joyce appeared on the doorway which was open. "can I come in?" she asked. "of course" I replied. "the doctor said to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks" she said. "what, no I'm fine" I said,not wanting to be here any longer. Hopper came as well behind Joyce. "you're not fine, you're here to heal you have to be safe" Joyce said. "why are cops here" I asked. "I brought them, for safety" hopper said. "what, I'm fine" I said. "no you're not fine El, billy just threated you, he wants to kill you once he gets the chance so of course we'll protect you" hopper said seriously. I just nodded and accepted. Not that I had a choice. I know deep down they're right. The others had to leave since their parents were worried too. They all smiled at me before leave. "get well soon El, we'll come tomorrow" Dustin said smiling. "you don't have to, I don't wanna bother you" I said. "bother us? We'll bother you." lucas joked. We all laughed. "okay then" I said once I stopped laughing. Hopper and max stayed with me. They were going to stay at the hospital with me. Hipper fell asleep on the chair. I slept for a bit. I woke up by the pain in my stomach and noticed that max was awake. She turned to look at me. "are you okay? Does it hurt" she asked. "yeah it hurts, but I'm fine, I'll get over it" I said. She nodded. She couldn't do anything to stop the pain. The only thing that mattered to me is that she's with me at the moment. Seeing caring about me melts my heart. "are you okay? Why aren't you asleep" I daid.I paused to look at the time ".. Its 2 am max" i finished. She looked at me for a second. "I couldn't sleep, I'm worried about you.." she said quietly. "max I'm fine, please get some sleep you must be exhausted"i pleased her. Seeing her not sleeping because of me broke my heart. She couldn't eat anything earlier. Joyce and the others insisted her to eat but she couldn't. After we finally convinced her and she ate a bit. Not much, it broke my heart. "max, stop treating yourself like that because of me" I said with a sad expression. "I'm fine babe" she said. "please get some sleep for me, can you do that please? I promise I'm fine, okay?" I said. "okay, goodnight, ill try" she said. "goodnight" I gave her a kiss and slept.
*the next morning *

I managed to get some sleep after all. Joyce came to visit and brought will with her. The boys said they'll come by later during the day. I brought my mp3 player to listen to come music to relax and stop thinking about negative things. I am so worried about El. I was sitting on the chair next to El who was still sleeping, closed my eyes. I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I flinched and immediately opened my eyes. "oh sorry I didn't mean to scare I tried to talk to you but you're listening to music" Joyce said. "it's fine" I said. "um, you're mom is here" she said. "what?!" I said. Can't she leave me alone already. "she wants to talk to you, like privately" Joyce said. "tell her to leave I don't want to see her, I know she'll lie again" I said. Before Joyce could say anything my mom appeared on the doorway.  "can you just give me a chance to talk to you" mom said seriously. I don't know what and who to believe anymore. "okay fine" I said. She brought me with her in the corridor away from the others. "max, this time I truly am sorry and no I'm not pretending, I don't expect you to come back at home and you don't have to, what I did was unforgivable but I just wanted to apologise for... everything.. I know you don't want to hear all of this but I wanted to. Once I saw Billy having blood on his hands I was worried and scared. I began to think, what if he hurts you too? I know you care about that girl El, I just want you to be happy" she said. I still don't believe her. "look, I'm not falling for this trap again and again, it keeps happening, I don't know when to believe you anymore, you know I love you mom, but you messed up my entire life and those people out there care about me and I care about them as much as they do and I love them, so please leave, if you're truly sorry this time just let me be happy"i said."yeah, I understand, I was expecting you to do otherwise. I'll leave you alone, I was scared you would leave me alone with Neil, after I saw you hanging out with those kids, but that's not an excuse of what I did" she said. A tear fell down my face. Something inside me told me she was truly sorry, at least a little bit. "okay, I won't come back home, I want to stay with hopper and my friends, I still love you mom even after all" I said. "I love you too max, I'm so sorry I never told you that made you feel loved" she said. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hug her for the last time. And I did. We stayed like that for a minute and then pulled away. I got back to the others. I saw the boys sitting outside of el's room. They looked at me. They saw that I'm crying and immediately stood up. "what happened, what did she do again?" Mike asked worried. "I'm fine, she apologized for everything she did, but I think this time she's truly sorry she told me that she'll leave me alone as long js what I want I forgived her" I said. "you're not going back, right?" hopper asked disappointed i would go back. "no, I told her I can't go back, she understood which surprised me but I want to stay with you guys, with you hopper if its okay" I said still feeling bad for staying to his cabin. "max, I was the one who asked you, I didn't tell you because i felt bad for you, I wanted to okay? El needs you and you need her, we all need each other okay? We're all family here" he said pointing at everyone around us. A tear fell down my face. It was a happy and emotional tear. What did I do to deserve all this. I ran to hug him. "hey its okay, sorry that I made you cry, you can go to your mom I won't pressure you" hopper said while hugging him. "no, I don't want to go back, it's happy tears right now" I said. "oh okay, good, I'm glad" he said laughing. I laughed as well. "she said that she told billy to leave us alone since I'm not going back. She didn't tell him to shoot her. She told him to tell El not to see me anymore and stuff. I think that's what changed her mind. She was worried about El for some reason but I'm glad she did"i said. Everyone looked at me confused. "she doesn't mean to let him get away with it, the opposite she's scared too" I said. They laughed. "oh, come on max you scared us" Dustin said. I laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I apologised. "it's fine" Nancy said. "let's hope Billy doesn't come back, we'll find him" hopper said. His other 2 cops were with him. Still looking after El. Making sure no one comes to hurt her.

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