Chapter 31: The Confession

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Max's pov

I wanted to go check on Mike as well. I can't imagine how painful it is for him as well. El and will were still asleep. It was 10 am in the morning. I went downstairs. Joyce was in the kitchen cooking, probably making breakfast. "oh hey, good morning max" she said smiling. "good morning" I replied smiling. "you woke up early" she said surprised. "yeah" I said lightly laughing. "here I'll make you breakfast" she said. "it's fine I can make cereal" I said. "hey, don't be shy, I'll make you eggs with bacon" she said smiling. Well Joyce will always insist so I just nodded. Joyce sat to eat as well with me. "did you sleep well?" she asked starting a conversation. "yeah, did you" I asked. "yeah I slept okay, just glad it's finally Saturday, you know work is hard" she said chuckling. "yeah, I agree" I said. "is everything okay with will and you girls?" she asked calmy. She asked that again. "yeah, we're fine, we just wanted to hang out, we watched a movie last night" I said cool. I don't want to lie to her but I had to for will. I would never call him out to his mother, even though we all know Joyce is okay with gay people he's still scared and I don't blame him. It's terrifying. She just nodded. "that's great" she said. I finished eating and stood up. "um, I'll go over at Mike's if that's okay?" I asked her. "yeah sure, is everything okay?" she asked. "yeah I just want to get something I forgot" I lied. She nodded. I took my skate and headed to Mike's hoping he's not asleep. I also told Joyce to tell will and El where I am in case they ask, they for sure will but yeah. I arrived. And yeah hopper had some work to do so he didn't come at 10 to pick us up, he told us last night. I arrived at Mike's house. I was a bit nervous. I rang the bell. Mike's father opened the door,he never does, that's weird. "who the hell are you and why are you here so early?" he asked. Damn why is he so mean, okay I guess. "um, is Mike at home?" I asked. He stayed silent for a second. "yeah, I don't know if he's awake" he said. "well,can I see him?" I asked. "he can't right now" he said. Why is he so pissed. He's always so calm and basically doesn't really care about anything, I rarely see him actually but okay. "I gotta take something from him, it won't be long" I said. He sighed and opened the door for me to get in. "thanks" I said quietly. I walked up the stairs. I knocked on the door. "who is it?" he asked quietly. "it's um, max" I said. He paused for a second. "max?" he asked probably confused. "yeah it's me" I said. "come in" he said and I did as told. "hey, are you okay?" I asked worried. He was laying on his bed. He didn't look fine, reasonable. He shook his head as a no. "will told us what happened and I came to check on you" I said quietly. "did you get any sleep? You look tired" I said. "no, I couldn't sleep I couldn't stop thinking about what happened" he said standing up sitting on his bed. I sat down next to him. "wanna tell me what happened exactly, if you want to talk about it" I said. "yeah, you saw that my mom was so mad at the pool right?" he asked. I nodded. "during the ride, she said that she regrets it and stuff, but before she already called my dad mad and told him to go back home from work" he said with tears in his eyes. "add-when I got home-" he said with his voice breaking crying. I immediately pulled him into a hug. He cried even more. "I got home and he started yelling at me, saying things like, I'm confused and I'm supposed to like girls, that people like us should die, that he didn't raise a son to be a fag and so many other things max, it was terrible I never felt so much pain" he said sobbing. I started quietly crying as well. I couldn't imagine what it felt like. I knew that that would be my step father's reaction as well if he knew, even worse. I felt so bad for Mike. "hey its okay" I said trying to comfort him, still hugging him tightly. "I'm such a loser he's right, I shouldn't be feeling like this I'm not normal and stupid and-" he said crying. "Mike?! What?! Don't say all those things, don't make yourself believe him, okay? You're not stupid or anything else that shit head called you okay?" I asked pulling away making eye contact. He nodded smiling sadly. He started crying again. "sorry for crying I'm such a baby" he said. This is actually the first time I saw him crying. It hurted me. "don't apologise, here" I said pulling him for another hug. "cry as much as you want, I know how it feels like" I said quietly. I let him cry in my arms. We stayed like that for minutes. He began to calm down and pulled away. "how did my dad let you in?" he asked looking confused. "what do you mean, he said you're busy but I insisted" I said. "I'm supposed to be grounded what the hell?" he asked confused. I didn't know what to say. He then gasped. "oh my god" he said freaking out. "what?! What happened" I asked worried. "he didn't tell you that I'm grounded because he knew you would ask why, he's embarrassed of me,I already knew it oh my god" he said crying. "oh.." "I'm so sorry Mike, we won't let him let you down, we're here for you, I'm here." I said. "I know, thanks for coming here" he said. "of course, I know we aren't so close friends like you are with the others but I care about you" I said. "even though we used to hate each other" I said laughing trying to cheer him up a bit. He laughed. "yeah that's true" he said. His smile immediately faded. "How's will?" he asked. I knew he would ask that. "he's not okay-but hey it's not your fault your dad is an asshole" I said. He looked down. "did you stay with him?" he asked. I nodded. "yeah me and El" I said. "thanks for going there to cheer him up" he said. "yeah we tried to by asking him about his drawings and stuff while he was drawing, he does it so he doesn't think about what happened and stuff" I said. "yeah he does that" he said.

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