Chapter 95: Camp Trip Part 2

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Max's pov

"alright, should we play.... Uno???" Dustin excitedly said. We nodded. As we were playing someone threw the cards from the bench to the ground. We all looked at troy in disbelief.

"what the hell dude!?" Mike asked annoyed. "Oops" troy said. "what's wrong with you" lucas mumbled annoyed bending down to get the cards troy threw on the ground. "what did you say sinclair?" troy asked. Lucas didn't say anything.

Troy and his friends walked away casually after laughing. "shitheads" Mike Muttered underneath his breath annoyed bending down to help Dustin pick up the cards troy threw on the ground.

"hey max" el said tapping my shoulder gently. I turned to look at and. "hm?" I asked. "Wanna go get something from the cantine?" el asked. "sure" I said smiling. We both stood up. "maddie wanna come along?" el asked her. "Uhh it's fine I'll help the guys so we can re start the game" maddie said.

"okay, does anyone want anything from the cantine?" I asked. "Chips please" Dustin yelled. I frowned as el laughed. It was like a voice speaking from the god because he was under the bench so we couldn't see him. "Okay, doritos I suppose???" I asked. "duh" dustin said with a tone as if it was obvious.

"okay jeez, don't be mean about it, you always choose different ones" I joked annoyed as el and maddie laughed. "let's go" el said grabbing my hand. I nodded and walked away with her. There were bunch of students there. A line actually.

I groaned in annoyance. I hate when I have to wait in the line. El dropped my hand for obvious reasons. It's been like  5 or so minutes and we were finally closer to the cantine. As we were about to order 2 girls pushed us and walked in front of us so they can order.

"what the hell?" I said. "shut up Dyke" one of the girls said. El grabbed my hand to calm me down. It always works. I looked at her and sighed smiling softly at her.

"uh max, can you please order for me, I'm stressed that I might mess up-" el said slightly shyly. She gets stressed when she has to talk and stuff but I always help her.

"yeah of course I can, what do you want?" I asked smiling. She paused to think for a second. "uhh that thing there looks nice!" el said pointing at an item it has on the sign that had the menu and stuff. "those camdy nerds?" I asked. "yeah, it says strawberry&grapes" she said smiling.

"ohhh that, yeah sure we can get that" I said. "Don't you want anything else?" I asked. "no I'm okay" she said. I nodded. After the two girls ordered it was out turn.

"hey, I would like nerds, strawberry&graped flavour, doritos, water and skittles please" I said. The woman there nodded and we got the stuff we wanted. "of course you would get skittles" el said after walking away laughing slightly.

"why not? I love them" I said giggling. "I know" she said smiling. We then walked back to our bench. The party was waiting for us. "oh we're still playing" I asked sitting down.

"yeah of course" lucas said. I nodded. "Where are my doritos" Dustin asked. "Woah there impatient dude" I said making everyone laugh for some reason as I passed the chips to Dustin.

We started playing. "Hey stop looking at my cards lucas!!" Dustin loudly said. "I'm not looking at your cards I just checked how many people were at the cantines because I want to eat something" lucas said defensively. "Yeah good excuse dude" Dustin said. "why can't you stop arguing for once" maddie said slightly laughing.

"we're not arguing!" both of them said at the same time. "Then what are you doing" maddie asked raising her eyebrow. "We're-just talking jeez" lucas said. Of course they won't admit it. "It's a love-hate friendship basically" will said. We nodded in agreement.

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now