Chapter 75: Deep Conversations

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Max's pov

El and I were still watching cartoons. "will suggested we do a double date" I suddenly said.

She looked up to me since she was resting her face on my shoulder. "Really?" she asked smiling. I nodded. "how so?" she asked. "well, we were just talking this morning, he asked if we were okay now, our relationship" I said, she nodded. "and he suggested we do a double date, with him and matt" I finished.

"that sounds amazing! Wait-weren't we planning on hanging out with Mike and maddie so we can-you know, somehow get them closer?" she said. "Oh! Yeah! Well, we can do both" I smirked. "Great idea" she said smirking. We both laughed.

"Where's will now?" el asked. "uhh he went to matt's house, we didn't plan a day or anything. Just a suggestion for now" I said
She nodded. "we could ask Mike and maddie to come today, if we don't have any outer plans today" el suggested.

"suree!! We should call them separately though"i said. "you've got a point, what if one of them agrees. They don't have to know each other will be there. They'll find out there" el said.

We both laughed. "alright but-" I said. "but?" she asked confused. "cartoons and cuddles first? We have plenty of time" I said. She smiled. "of course, anything for you love" she said, then kissed my cheek.

She's adorable. I smiled and nodded. "alright let's just call them, tell them to hang out later if they can and we can watch" el said. "alright!!" I said smiling. We were laughing a lot to be honest.

Spending time with my girlfriend it's all I asked for. I couldn't imagine myself without her. I'm so lucky to have her. I've never been happier in my life.

The smurfs finished. We checked the time.  "we've been watching cartoons for 2 hours?!" el asked surprised. I laughed. "wasn't it fun though?" I asked smiling. She smiled at me and nodded. "I'm glad you wanted to watch" she said as we stared at each other's eyes smiling.

"yeah?" I asked. She nodded. "I love cartoons but I'm a bit embarrassed to watch them" el said. I frowned. "why, love?" I asked softly. "cause.. I'm 16 years old. I-I act like a child sometimes.."she quietly said.

My face softened. "el baby.. First of all you're not acting like kid. Who said we can't watch cartoons at 16? We make our own rules, remember? Who cares, we just want to have fun but trust me not only kids do" I said smiling.

"I'm.. gonna be honest with you babe" she started. "because I know you wouldn't judge" she said. I nodded patiently waiting for her to continue. "I-I feel dumb.." she said looking down. "babe..? Why you're not dumb.. At all" I said softly grabbing her chin so she looks up to me

"I'm like.. Slow on understanding things.. I have a grammar of a 5 year old-" she said. "woah, that's so not true. First of all, your grammar had improved a lot so fast. I'm impressed and proud of you. You had a rough past, you lost your childhood because of that phycho man" I said

"but proved him wrong.. At-everything! You're learning and learning, you never stopped trying.. you're so strong,I'm so proud of you, you can't imagine"i said smiling. "proud of me because I'm learning simple grammar everyone knew already from elementary school? I feel like a kid from elementary school.."she said.

It hurted me a lot hearing her talking about herself like that..."no! That's not how I meant it. I'm proud of you for being strong no matter what he's done to you.

You're still willing to learn new things and that's not a kid thing. Not at all, it's not even your fault and for those who judge you. They should go to hell because they know nothing, absolutely nothing about you!

They don't know how special you are, what a kind person you are no matter what they've done to you!" I said. I could see tears in her eyes."I've killed people max..I'm far away from kind" she said looking down as a tear fell down her face.

"that's so not true babe.. Those people el-" I said as I felt tears as well. "those people el-they deserve it. They did! They hurt you, they gave you trauma you didn't deserve. You were just a kid el.. A kid. You didn't have a choice. Like I said-you never gave up, you stood up for yourself" I said pointing at her. "the best you could, that's.. Impressive"i finished.

"You're the best person I've met el.. I'm not joking, I don't know what I would do without you. You make me feel.. alive. Like there's hope for me. After Neil and everything that had happened to made me happy. You make me happy! Like worth living.

You helped in so many ways you can't imagine so please stop talking about yourself like that. I'm serious baby.. you're..perfect.. Inside and out. This world we live into, we don't deserve you, i don't deserve you, I'm so lucky"i said as more tears fell.

I was smiling sadly. So did she. She wiped away a few tears. "Okay.. I'm sorry" she whispered. "no, don't apologise its okay, I just got emotional" I said smiling. She nodded. "You're so special to me as well max.. A lot. You make me feel good.. you never judge me.. For who I am or.. anything.

I'm so much happier with you baby.. I'm lucky" she said smiling as she sniffed. "that's-not really true" I quietly said.

She looked at me confused. "what do you mean love?" she quietly asked resting her hand on my cheek caressing gently. "I'm always mean to people no reason.. Just because I'm nice to you doesn't mean I'm okay with others" I said.

"that's not true babe.. you're just tough. Like you told me, everyone used to make fun of you.. Judging you all the time. You have every right to talk back to some people if needed. You're only talking back when needed. Even with teachers.

You make the class laugh at your sarcasms. You're such a fun person to be around. There's a soft side of you no one sees and I love it. I love both of your sides, that's what makes you special.. you're protective.. You always talk back to Bullies for us once you see we're uncomfortable or shy.

And I appreciate that a lot because I'm not really talkative. Everything about you is...amazing..I'm not lying, you make me happy.. a lot more than you can imagine"she said smiling as I stared at her the whole time hearing her talking about me like that in awe. I don't deserve her..

"you're such an angel.." I quietly said. "so are're a badass too. Which is hella attractive if you ask me" she said slightly smirking as I smiled. "it is?" I asked. She nodded. "very" she said making me blush.

"I'm annoying sometimes though" I said laughing. "look, you're just joking around with our friends and stuff. It would be boring if you wouldn't make jokes and everything you do. You make me feel amazing when I'm around you" she said.

"alright you're gonna make me cry even more babe" I said wiping away my tears chuckling. "same with you" she said. "I love how we went from watching cartoons, laughing to having deep conversations about each other" I said laughing. So did she.

"it's okay.. we've got our sad and happy moments..we're going through anything together remember? Always here for each other no matter what. That's what girlfriends do" she said smiling. I smiled. She's.. so cute.

"yeah, I remember quite well.. I'm so glad we got those bad things off our chests" I admitted. "so am I" she said smiling. "we should call Mike and maddie" el said. "oh! Yeah, I totally forgot" I said as we both laughed.

"woah, we've been talking for half an hour" she said giggling. "oh wow.. Well let's go fall them" I said standing up. She nodded, grabbed my hand as we both walked to the phone.

1400 words. To be continued!!

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