Chapter 5: Arcade Hangout

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Lucas pov

Recently max has been a little quiet. I don't know if I did anything. She had broken up with me 5 times. It was just some arguments about little things. We just got back together after 1-2 weeks at least afterwards. I always just apologise and she accepts. I don't know what's going on at the moment, I don't think I did anything wrong this time but I'm nervous. I don't want to lose her. Maybe she's just a little sad about something I don't know about. I could just ask her but I hope she doesn't get mad at me.I should try. I want to let her know that I care about her. Before we left Dustin's house to go to the arcade I grabbed max's arm. She looked confused. The others stopped and waited for us to go. "can you guys wait for a minute outside we'll be back" I said. they nodded and went outside. Max was still confused. "Is there something wrong?!" she asked. "no, no it's just you've been a little bit distant lately.." she's still confused but I sighed and continued. "I was wondering if and what I did wrong this time". Max looked down for a second. "oh you didn't do anything why would you say that?" she said. "I- I don't know I thought something was wrong between us and I just wanted to make sure. Everything's okay between us right?" I asked again to resure.She rolled her eyes because I asked again. "yeah, I guess, can we just go Lucas, they're waiting for us" 'I guess' what does that mean. I'm so confused right now. I just left it there since it annoyed her for some reason. "uh- okay then" before I could say anything else she went outside.
Max's pov
Great lucas sensed that something was wrong about me. Honestly I don't know what's wrong it just doesn't feel the same like we used to. I went outside with the others and then lucas followed me. They all looked at me confused before Lucas came. "is everything alright?" Mike asked. I sighed and said "yeah let's go" eleven looked at me. God she's so cute but she hates me.
El's pov
Me, mike, Dustin and will were waiting for lucas and max to come with us outside. Apparently Lucas wanted to talk to max about something. Not that I care...I still don't like her. I mean I do feel bad for ignoring her. Mike always calls her annoying which I don't find it right but I just let him be. I basically do the same with max. I ignore her for no reason. I was just so jealous when I saw her with Mike that day at school. I'm gonna be honest Max is really pretty. I just realised her amazing freckles she has on her soft skin that look like stars, her beautiful red hair.I rarely see redheads in Hawkins. Not that I go outside but of what I've seen in Tvs or sometimes when I go to the park with hopper most girls either gave black, brown or blonde hair. And yes, hopper allows me to go to the park with him. I can't go to public since there's so many people.I just wished I could, live a normal life. I at least had my friends visiting me or going to their houses almost every day. Well, mostly Mike. We always just make out in my room all day. Hopper is really pissed about it though but that doesn't stop Mike. I was always thinking about talking to max. Try to become friends with her but I'm nervous cause I can't do that.. I'm too shy and I feel embarrassed. After what I did to her I don't deserve her.
Max's pov
We finally arrived to the arcade. It's my favourite place to be. I started playing dig dug. I had Dustin complaining next to me and yelling because he kept losing. I just laughed by his and the others reactions behind me. "come on you piece of shit, how do you win all the time!?" Dustin complained. "I'm just better than you I guess" Dustin sighed "yeah yeah sure". The four boys went to play something else. I went to play pac-man. My second favourite game after dig dug.
El's pov
I went to the restroom. After I got back I saw the four boys playing and max was left alone playing some game called pac-man?! That's what it's written on it but yes. I wanted to talk to her again. I just couldn't. Maybe I should try before Mike takes me with him. I walked up to her and I just waited for her to finish so she doesn't lose because of me.
Max's pov
While I was playing I felt someone standing next to me. It was el. I was so confused. It looks like she's just watching me playing or waiting for something. I got nervous my heart was racing for some reason. I almost lost because I was nervous but I didn't. I just sighed and cheered quietly. I then remembered el was next to me.i was too focus on the game.
El's pov

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