Chapter 56: Exchanging Notes

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*the same day at school*

Max's pov

After will got out of the bathroom i saw Eden opening her locker. El and I've been meaning to speak to her before class after will got out of the bathroom. "hey" I said sharply. She turned around to look at us. "oh great, hello dykes" she said. "look people are gonna ask about our bruises and they obviously can tell that you and I fought" I said. "so?" she asked. "they're gonna ask why and.." I said walking closer to her. "and I don't want to tell them that we fought because of el, and just you're gay and want my girlfriend so we have to make a fake excuse" I said. She scoffed. "but I'm not a dyke-" she said as I slammed my hand on her locker scaring her slightly. "Eden, you are gay, so just stop denying it, you keep flirting with my girlfriend. It's okay if you are, just leave us alone because el is mine and I don't care about you, I don't want to call you out in front of everyone because I know how much that sucks" I said. "call me out? For what" she asked playing dumb. "you being gay Eden" I whispered. "I'm not-" Eden said. "you are and it's fine, just leave us alone, alright here's the deal" I started. "we'll tell them that we fought at the skate park because of... Uhhh that we accidentally bumped up at each other while skating and started yelling at each other, something like that" I said. She looked at me confused. "you don't want them to know the real reason right?" I asked as she shook her head. "exactly, and I'm not a bitch like you to just go tell everyone about you so, we'll do that instead, understood?" I said. "okay fine whatever carrot" Eden said laughing slightly. She's trying to act tough huh? I sighed. "carrot? Says you whose hair looks like a mop-"i said as Eden glared at me in surprise. I felt el grabbing my hand. " let's just go, don't listen to her babe"el said leaving, me with her. "sorry" I said quietly. I do act like a kid sometimes. But.. she deserved it didn't she?

Will's pov

We had history. It was the last period of the day.
Someone tapped my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. All I was thinking about was Mike. Why can't I just be happy for once?. The person tappedmy shoulder again. "oh-hey" I said. It was a random girl. I was confused. She passed me a note. "it's from boyfriend" the girl said smiling. I'm not sure if that smile was to mock me or genuinely smiling but I didn't care at that moment, it's not important. "thanks" I quietly said grabbing the note as I looked over at Mike who was already looking at me.

⬇️Mike's note to Will⬇️
Hey will.. I know you hate me so much right now, I just want to apologise for what I did.. And I promise you I didn't want to break up with dad forced me to. I heard them yelling at each other. My dad was saying bunch of slurs about me I've ever heard, I just want you to know, I truly love you Will and it hurts for me too.. a lot. But I know you don't believe me and its reasonable that you're mad at me, can we at least still be friends?.
I read the note. I was trying my best not to cry. I wasn't sure if I wanted to write back.

⬇️Will's note to Mike⬇️

"Hey..maybe we can try to date in secret? I know it's gonna be hard but we could make it work"
I gave it to the girl. The girl made a move to open it out of curiosity. My heart dropped. "hey" I said trying to get it from her hands. "I'm just curious!" she said laughing. Suddenly the boy grabbed the note from her hands sharply who was sitting next to her. It was the boy I talked to in the bathroom. His name is matt by the way. "you can't just read someones else's notes for fun Julia" matt said. The girl just stared at him. "alright jeez, it's not a big deal" the girl said. Matt passed the note to Mike. Matt looked at Mike angirly for some reason. Mike seemed.. jealous? I looked at him reading it, his expression wasn't happy. He started writing. My heart was beating fast.

⬇️Mike's note back to will⬇️

"Look I would love to but I'm 100% sure my dad will find out, my dad is mad because someone somehow found out about us dad is embarrassed of me because his whole family found out and that's why he's making me break up with you. There's a boy whose dad is my dad's friend so he will for sure find out... and will tell my dad but I really want to but I can't I'm sorry"
The girl gave me the note back. I was so close to crying. I also saw max and el staring at me. I started writing. Now I was mostly mad at Mike, not just upset.

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