Chapter 99: Last Day In The Camp Trip

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Will's pov

Matt leaned in. I wasn't sure what to do. I pushed him off. I wasn't sure if I should give him a second chance. He frowned disappointed. "come on will.." he quietly said. "I don't believe you, you made out her, not just kiss her. You wouldn't do such a thing if you loved me, I get that you don't want to come out to your parents

But did you make out in front of your parents to prove them wrong? No. You could have just lied and have her over to do absolutely nothing so I will not give you a second chance and let me enjoy the trip, I would prefer you to not ruin it because I'm having fun with my friends"i said seriously.

He didnt say anything. "I-I'm being honest, I don't want to be with anyone else, I love you and only you. The girl was a total mistake-" he said. "I may hate that girl but you broke her heart as well, unless she already knew?" I said. He stayed quiet.

"I knew it, now if you excuse me, I will go back to my friends" I said walking away. He grabbed me by my arm. "Just leave me alone already!" I angrily said.

This time, he didn't insist and finally let me go. I started crying a little but I wiped my tears immediately right before going back to the others. "Will?!" I heard people yelling my name.

"I'm here!" I yelled back. I took a deep breath, tried to act normal, pretend that I wasn't crying. They appeared. "where the hell did you go?" they all asked at the same time out of breath. "it's matt, I left him though" I said.

"let's just go" I said walking past them. "We were worried, you could have just told us before disappearing!" lucas said. "well he caught me off-guard and grabbed my arm, I didn't have time" I said. They didn't say more

We all walked back to where everyone else was. "hey will" el quietly said walking next to me leaving max with maddie. "yeah?" I asked. "Do you.. want to talk about it?" she quietly asked. I shook my head. She nodded understanding. "Okay..if and whenever you want to, talk to me, I'm here for you" el said.

I nodded smiling. "I know.. Thank you" I said. I trust el with my whole heart. She's the sister I didn't know I needed. She then hugged me from the side

I smiled. I wrapped my arms around her weist hugging her back. We then arrived. "where were you Byers!" the guy who was looking after us during the walk told me. He was more worried than mad surprisingly.

"I got lost" I lied. The teacher nodded. I could tell he wasn't convinced. "Okay.. Stay close with us and be careful" he said. I nodded. Matt and I made eye contact. I just looked away ignoring him. "You know what we'll do tonight?" a student yelled.

"Campfire obviously!" Bunch of people yelled. "Yeah that's for certain, I mean something else" the boy said smirking. Everyone smiled. "we'll play truth or dare again, but this time, it will only be dares because yall were lame yesterday" the boy said.

Some people groaned in annoyance. The party and I made eye contact. We didn't have a choice unfortunately. "Why again? Why don't we do something else?" someone asked.

"because it's fun plus, what else do you want to do?" the boy said. "I dare you to sceam as loud as you can" someone dared another guy. Everyone laughed. "the teachers are there!" the boy said. "so? You'll find an excuse after" the other boy said.

He sighed. "fine" the boy said. Everyone smirked excitedly. See, these kinds of dares are fun. It's funny. Not kissing and stuff. Just mind your business.

The boy started screaming loudly. Two teachers ran over to us. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" they asked worriedly. "Nothing sir, I saw.. Uh-a spider" the boy lied. The teachers looked at us angrily.


"uh sorry, it was a bit spider, scary one" the boy lied. The teacher sighed and just left in disbelief. "DONT DO IT AGAIN, IT IS NOT FUNNY" another teacher yelled before leaving. We waited for them to leave and then bursted out laughing.

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