Chapter 41: Jealousy

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Max's pov

I woke up earlier than I usually do. My cheeks, nose, ribs still hurt from yesterday. I fell asleep early because I was so tired. I was making cereal until I felt arms around my weist. I smiled knowing who that was. "is that hopper" I joked as el giggled. "yeah" she said. She put her chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "why are you up so early?" I asked. "I would ask you the same thing" she said. I laughed. "well I was pretty tired" I said. "I'm so sorry about yesterday" she said quietly. "why are you sorry, it's not your fault troy set us up and then beat me up" I said. "did they start the fight?" she asked. "um, kinda" I said. "kinda?" she asked confused. "I had a gut feeling that you didn't come back yet and I stood up but they stopped me and I told them to let go of me and they.. got mad apparently" I said "oh" she whispered. She pulled away from me and turned me around. I looked at her ignoring the conversation. I leaned in smiling wanting to kiss her. She kissed back but pulled away quickly. I frowned. "why did you pull away so fast?" I asked sadly and confused. I always have the fear that she will stop loving me and that thought hurts me. "no I was just trying to-" she said. "you don't love me anymore?" I asked sadly. I didn't mean to say it like that. Shit, it sounded dumb. "what? Maxie of course I love you, I was just trying to look at your face to see if you're better" she said grabbing my cheek. I groaned in pain and she pulled her hand away immediately. "shit, sorry" she apologised worried. "no its fine don't apologise" I said smiling. She started scanning my face. Her serious face was kind of funny to me for some reason. I couldn't help it and laughed. She finally looked up at my eyes. She frowned and sighed. "why are you laughing?" she asked confused. "sorry-you looked like a doctor checking on me" I said laughing. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "seriously? Can't you stay serious?" she asked smiling. I smirked. "actually no" I said. She raised her eyebrows. "I once went to the doctor cause I had a scar on my forehead and the nurse's face was so funny and I couldn't hold my laugh, and I might have spited a tiny bit-" I said and she looked at me with wide eyes. "she got up angrily, mostly disappointed I would say and left the room, she checked on my later so she was fine" I said laughing. She hit my arm. "ow" I groaned. "you're so naughty sometimes and immature" she said laughing. "yeah I know, but come on you should have seen her face it was soo funny" I said. She giggled. "I got my ass beated after at home but alright" I said lightly laughing. Her smile faded. "what?" I asked raising her eyebrow. "max, why are you laughing, what happened to you isn't funny" she said quietly. "yeah that's true but that's how I cope" I said. "with joking about it?" she asked. I nodded. "oh god" she said rolling her eyes. She scanned my face again. I grabbed her face. "el my darling I'm okay, alright? There's nothing to worry about" I said softly making eye contact with her. "I've gotten used to it" I said quietly. She nodded understanding. She then leaned in to kiss me. I happily kissed back smiling through the kiss. Suddenly we heard hopper yawning. We pulled away. "jeez dad you scared us" el said. "sorry..and first of all stop making out around me and second of all...that's it" he said. "it wasn't around you, you just came here" el said. "okay whatever" hopper said laughing. "anyways I'll go change" hopper said leaving the kitchen. Me and el sat down to eat. It was quiet, neither of us talking. I put my hand over el's. "baby, what's wrong" I said softly. "it's nothing I'm just eating" she said. I wasn't convinced. "it's not nothing, something is bothering you I know it, talk to me" I said. She looked at me and sighed. "I just-I'm worried about what might happen today at school" she said quietly. "oh.. Don't worry it's gonna be fine-" I said. "yeah it might be fine, now that they know about my powers suddenly I'm not that much of a freak and I'm cool. I'm only good with my powers apparently, I always knew this, no one will love me for who I am and without my powers" she quickly but sadly said. My hear hitched. "what? El we love you for whoever you are, I love you for exactly who you are. I don't care if you have powers or not, you're still the same person and you're.. so special, so special, beautiful, kind and many things El.. people are so dumb and stupid"i said. "that's not true-then why did papa get me? Even Dustin and lucas didn't want me when they first met me until they found out I have powers-" El said. "first of all, screw papa El! He's a phychopath and secondly I believe Dustin and lucas were just scared, it was new to them, they love you El so much" I said. "true people will love you no matter who you are. I sound kind of weird but I don't care. I just want you to know.. That I love you so much, you've changed my life, I don't know what I would do without you, you helped me so much, you make me so happy, I'm glad I have you in my life, I don't deserve you. You have the best heart. I'm so proud of you, you're so strong. So please don't say those things. They're not true. Me and the others love you for whoever you are, and if people don't love you for who you are screw them, they're assholes" I said. I held back tears but it didn't work. A tear fell down my face. El was already crying quietly listening to me talking. She let out a sob she might have been holding back and stood up. She pulled me into a hug. I hugged back tightly. "thank're so sweet and I.." she said sniffing. "and.. I don't deserve you either, you make me so happy too max, I love you too.. Don't forget that" she said. "and you too" she said. I pulled away confused. "what do you mean?" I asked. "everything you said before, I feel the same" she said smiling. "oh" I said laughing.

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