Chapter 7: Sleepover part 2

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Max's pov

I immediately got up to get dressed. I wanted to wear something casual and comfortable. I wore light blue ripped jeans with a light brown sweater with my vans. I fixed my hair, grabbed the stuff that I needed. It took me about 5 minutes to fix my hair. I stood there for 5 minutes just looking at myself trying to look pretty. I don't usually care about how I look but these past few months I wanted to look good. And now I realise it's not because I wanted to look good for lucas or any other boys, it was for el. God what's wrong with me. There's no way I like el.

El's pov

I hung up the phone smiling. Will came over to me "why are you blushing el?" he chuckled. Oh no, was my face red I thought he couldn't see that. "oh um, nothing it's just a little bit hot in here" I took off my jacket I was wearing. Will raised his eyebrow at me. "who were you talking to, was it Max?" he asked. "mhm, it's her" I tried to hold my smile but it didn't work. He smirked at me. "why are you looking at me like that will?" I asked confused but chuckled. He chuckled again "nothing". I just rolled my eyes playfully. He likes messing with me. I didn't know what to wear. I wore my light blue sweatshirt Mike gave me and some white pants. I fixed my hair and waited for Max to come
*10 minutes later*

Max finally arrived. I ran downstairs to get open the door. She looked gorgeous. I stared at her for a second. "hi el" she said smiling but shyly. "hi" I said smiling too. "wanna go upstairs? " I asked. "sure" she replied. We ran upstairs. Will was in the corridor. "can we come in?" I asked will. Since i was in his house I didn't have a room of course. "yes, im gonna go play with the boys dnd, they agreed to play you guys can hang out in my room" he said. I was happy I got to spend the time with Max. I just smiled. "thank you" we both said. He smiled back. Will left. I grabbed Max's hang and brought her in Will's room.

Max's pov

After Will left, el suddenly grabbed my hand and brought me in his room. I felt butterflies again in my stomach. I blushed by her touch. Why again!?. We got in and stood there awkwardly for a minute not knowing what to do or say. "so, what do you want to do?" el asked me. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" I asked. "uhhh, ohh we can watch a movie!!" she said excitently. I smiled and nodded. "yeah sure!". "alright, we have a few options here, you can choose, except this one. I've already watched it with Mike" My smile faded when I heard his name. Ugh, of course she's watching movies with him it's her boyfriend. What am I doing, I'm not jealous. "but I can watch it again with you if you want" she continued. "it's fine we can watch the other one" I smiled to her trying to hide my expression when she mentioned Mike. She nodded and put on the movie. "ohhh wait I forgot the best part!" she said excitently. "snacks and popcorn!" "oh my god yes how did we forget!" I said matching her energy. She's so cute. She's always quiet and shy, not talkative. Well not so talktive to me especially but she's not talking much. So I was happy to see her talking to me. She seems comfortable with me. I thought she would still hate me. "hey, come with me to choose" I nodded. When we went downstairs and saw Joyce. "hey girls, hey max how are you sweetheart?" she asked me "I'm okay, how are you Mrs. Byers" I asked. "I'm alright, you don't have to call me like that, call me Joyce" she said. "okay". "hey you two can stay in Jonathan's room for tonight, not at Will's room if you want. He'll be out with Nancy for the weekend." oh okay thanks Joyce " el said. Joyce smiled at us." if you're looking for snacks they're over there in the cabinet next to the fridge" she said smirking. We laughed and smile. "thanks" we both said. We went upstairs to watch the movie. I couldn't watch the movie, my thoughts were on el all the time. I couldn't believe that she was sitting next to me. I thought this would never happen. "hey el?" I asked. She turned to face me. "yeah?" she asked. Shit, I blushed a little. I hope she didn't notice. She fortunately didn't. "um, I wanted to say thank you for giving me a chance to be your friend i appreciate it. I've always wanted to talk to you and have a girl friend, cause you don't boys are annoying but they're our friends" I joked. She laughed "it's not a problem I wanted to talk to you I decided to try, I was shy though I wished I could do it earlier" she said. "it's fine" I said. She smiled at me and I smiled back. My heart was racing.

Will's pov

Before Max could arrive at my house to hang out with el. I took my walkie and called the boys. "hey, it's will does anyone copy?" I asked, no response. After someone answered. "hey yeah I copy" lucas said. Then the others came too. "do you guys want to hang out?" I asked hoping for a yes. I finally got the chance to hang out with the boys since Mike and el spend all their time together. Now that I know the girls will be here on their own without us. They took a second. "yeah sure" Dustin agreed. I smiled. "hey, I would love to but I was thinking going over to el's to hang out" Mike replied. I was so mad. Of course he wants to hang out with her again. "oh, um el isn't at the cabin right now" I said proudly. "what, where is she" Mike asked confused. "she's at my house, max is about to come for a sleepover" I said. "WHAT?!" they all said at the same time. "Max and el?" Dustin asked. "yeah el wanted to spend time with her and I decided to leave them in my room since they couldn't go to the cabin while I'm out with you guys, just the boys for the first time" I said kind of annoyed by the 'just the boys for the first time'. "if you want to of course" there was a silence. Probably not believing that Max and El are friends now and that they'll have a sleepover. "um sure bud we would love to!" Dustin replied happily. "uh yeah sure" Mike replied not so happy. God, what is it gonna happen to him not seeing el for just a day what's his deal. Lucas agreed too. "cool, you guys can come in my house'" Mike said. I smiled and blushed by his voice. We all agreed and I left. While we were playing Mike started talking. "is it just me who thinks max is going to be a bad influence on el" he complained. "Mike can you stop thinking about them for once" I said annoyed. He didn't expect my reaction but I had to. "no why would she be?" Dustin asked. "yeah what's wrong with that" Lucas agreed. "you seriously don't care that you're girlfriend will be spending time with mine and leaving us" Mike replied. Jesus Mike. "Dude are you crazy they're just hanging out" Dustin replied annoyed. "I don't mind, Max wanted to talk to her from the beginning so of course I don't mind" lucas said. "they're girls they deserve to be friends,i don't get what's wrong with it Mike" I said annoyed. "Max hates me and she's gonna make el hate me too" Mike said. "Dude, you've been having el on your own all summer without hanging out with us much and you still complain, you want el all yours all the time?she deserves to have friends" Dustin replied. I was proud by the boys reaction knowing that I'm not the only one thinking what Mike is doing is wrong. "Yeah dude she can't hang out with you all the time" Lucas agreed. "yeah and because of el we didn't get the chance to hang out with you much" I said. Mike stayed quiet. "whatever let's just play" Mike said quietly. "You know you're not forced to hang out with us if you don't want to" Dustin got a little mad. "no of course I wanna hang out with you guys, I can hang out with her tomorrow" Mike said. I rolled my eyes. "then act like it" Dustin said. We all agreed by Mike's reactions and we continued playing.

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