Chapter 63: Mall Hangout

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Chapter 63: mall hangout
Will's pov

I went over at matt's house. Matt opened the door smiling widely. "hi" I said. "hey" he said. We stared at each other for a few seconds before seeing someone behind him.

"oh-hey, um will this is my sister Julia, Julia this is will, my.. friend" he said. "hey" she said. "hi" I replied. She's older than us. "alright um-let's go upstairs shall we?" Matt said breaking the awkward silence.

I nodded walking into the house. Suddenly matt's dog came. My face light up. "oh!! This is Charlie!" Matt proudly, smiling said. I bended down to pet his dog. "hey Charlie, oh my god it's so adorable!" I happily said as matt bended down as well.

"it's a boy right?" I asked. He nodded. Suddenly matt and I made eye contact. I really wanted to kiss him. His sister then cleared her throat. We forgot she was still there and looked up. "um-let's go upstairs" Matt said standing up. I nodded, giving his sister an awkward smile and walked upstairs with him.

We were both blushing hard. Matt sighed when we walked into his room. "does your sister know?" I asked in curiosity. "no, I feel like she knows but I'm scared of the consequences so I won't risk telling her" he said. I nodded.

"yeah, I understand" I said. "have you told your parents or siblings?" he asked. I nodded. "are they cool with it?" he asked. I nodded again.

I looked around his around. His room was exactly like his. Bunch of posters of bands. Tapes, video games. Matt is so chill and I love that. I want peace in our relationship and I really hope it stays like that. I mean it just started but yeah.

"I love your room!" I said smiling. I notice him slightly blushing which I found adorable. "so what do you want to do?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I don't mind" I said. "okay.. Do you.. Want to play video games or watch something?" he asked. "are you sure, I suck at them" I said as he laughed. "it's fine, it's just for fun" he said as I nodded and sat on his bed, him siting next to me.

We started playing a game which two plays can play. I kept losing but it was so fun. We wouldn't stop laughing for some reason. He always finds a way to make me laugh. He likes joking around.

"alright I give up" I said laughing. "It's fine-you didn't do that bad to be honest" he said as I smiled.

"still bad" I said as he laughed. "wanna look over at this game it's really cool, I play it all the time, I've almost unlocked every level, it took a few months but it was worth it" he excitedly said. I love how excited he was showing me his favourite video game.

That's what I wanted. A person who can make me smile, laugh and genuinely happy. He's so comfortable around me and it makes me feel better so i can be comfortable around him as well.

He started explaining the game to me and showed me bunch of stuff. Dustin and lucas keep showing me stuff on video games so I didn't mind. Plus matt looked adorable.

I wasn't really listening at some point. I just stared at him admiring his features. His beautiful curly brown hair, green eyes. His perfectly shaped lips and the cutest smile. I find him really cute.

He noticed me staring and stopped staring. "hellooo? Will Byers are you alright?" he joked giggling. I snapped out of my thoughts and blushed.

"yeah-I'm here" I said. I noticed him blushing too. He's cute even when he blushes. "you're really cute" I accidentally said. He looked at me in awe and sort of shocked. "thank you.. so are you" he said smiling blushing even more. I smiled widely.

He then started playing again. I suddenly decided to make a move and put my hand over at his while he was holding the controller.

He stopped playing,looked at me and smiled, I returned the smile and looked back at the tv. He started playing again as I was blushing. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

After about 10 minutes we thought to go to the mall. Just as I was about to walk out of his room he grabbed my hand pulling me back. I looked at him waiting to see what he wanted.

He leaned in for kiss. I immediately kissed back his soft lips. We both smiled as we pulled away and walked downstairs. "hey Julia can you take us to the mall since mom's working?" Matt asked when we got downstairs. (his parents are divorced)

"again?" she asked annoyed as matt glared at her. "alright fine" she said. She looked pretty bored not gonna lie. She was laying on the couch lazily watching tv.

*later at the mall*

We walked around the mall looking at clothes and stuff. We then decided to go eat ice cream.

Max's pov

We walked into bunch of stored with Mike and el. I could Mike was kind of bored. "oh my god you should definitely buy this el!" I excitedly said showing el a sweatshirt. It was cute light purple sweatshirt with a panda on it.

"you should go try it on" I said. "yeah it looks great" mike agreed. I walked with el into the dressing rooms. "wait here with Mike, keep him company ill be out in a minute" el said as I nodded.

"hey, thanks for comforting me earlier even after what I did" Mike suddenly said as we waited for el. "no problem" I said smiling. "do lucas and Dustin hate me too?" he asked as I looked at him frowning.

"no? Why would they hate you, we could never hate you we were just mad, that's all, okay? You're still out friend Mike" I said as he smiled.

Then el walked out. She looked absolutely beautiful and mostly adorable. "so is it good?" el asked smiling widely. "ooo yeah it's amazing" mike said. I stared at her. "you look adorable" I quietly told el so other's wouldn't hear. El was kind of disappointed but we've started getting used to that.

I then leaned in for a kiss forgeting about people around, I immediately realised and backed up. I saw Mike looking at us sadly as el and I sighed. Why can't we just be line a normal couple without people judging us?

Mike rubbed our arm to comfort us. We both smiled at him. "alright um-you should definitely buy it el, it fits perfectly with those jeans too" I said smiling showing el that I'm okay. She smiled back.

"alright I'll take it off and we'll pay" el said. Both Mike and I nodded. "wanna go get ice cream?" el asked after we left the store.

"oh my god yeah!" Mike said. El and I giggled. I was happy seeing him better.

While we were walking other at the ice cream shop we saw... Matt and will. Shit, why are they here, he said he's at matt's house. Mike's face fell.

It was too late. Matt and will already saw us. "hey" we heard them saying. "hi" we replied. "what are you doing here?" will asked. "we.. are shopping" el said smiling showing clothes we bought, all of us chose a piece of clothing.

"oh.. cool" Matt and will said. Mike didn't say anything, he stayed quiet. "I thought you were at matt's house" I said. "yeah we were but we decided to eat some ice cream" will said. "oh okay, um-see you later then" I said. They nodded as we walked away and went to sit somewhere else.

Mike grabbed both of our arms. We turned around confused. "can we-just-go somewhere else?" he quietly asked. We both realised and nodded. We decided to go to a waffle, crepe store. We sat down and ate. We started talking about random things.

1350 words. To be continued..
This is almost at its end

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