Chapter 61: It's Your Fault

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Chapter 61: Your fault

Still Mike's pov

Nancy yelled. "Yeah well I don't care!! He yelled. " you don't get to decide who my friends are okay?"Nancy yelled. "ted! What the hell!" I heard my mom yelling. She just have gotten into Nancy's room. I felt... Guilt. All that because of me. "That's it Ted!!! We're getting divorce! It's obvious that your own kids don't like you! You're acting and being stupid! And I think it's best we break up, Holy will understand when she grows up! I care about my kids and I won't let you talk and treat them like that!!"my mom yelled. I heard my dad slamming Nancy's room. I got out of my room. He stopped and looked at me. The look on his face was horrifying. "pretty sure you heard all this Michael!!" he yelled. "look what you've done! Are you proud of that, you ruined our lives Michael I am so disappointed in you.." he said. My eyes were watery. I just wanted to cry and die. Nancy and mom got out of the room as well watching my dad yelling at me. I wanted to scream and tell him how much I hate him and that he is a horrible father but I just stood there for a few seconds. I then ran to my room realising that there's no point in this. I immediately ran in, slammed the door and locked it. I broke down. I've never cried this much. It was too painful. I cried loudly this time not caring that they will hear me. No one gives a shit about me anyways. I heard my mom and Nancy knocking on my door. "Mike, can we come in? Dad's downstairs please let us in" I heard Nancy yelling. "Get the hell away, I don't want to see anyone right now!!" I yelled crying. "Just leave me alone!!!!" I yelled. My mom unlocked the door somehow and they got in. I was crying so hard that I didn't even notice them getting in my room. I was sitting curled up on the floor, hugging my knees tightly. "Mike.." I heard Nancy's voice speaking softly. "leave me alone" I quietly said this time, crying. "dad is gone okay? It's okay now... you're okay-" Nancy quietly said resting her arm on my shoulder. I slapped it away for some reason. "I am not okay!! Dad ruined my entire life!!! Will is now with another guy because I hurt his feelings to date a freaking girl I don't even like!! My friends hare me for it and-and everything sucks now!!" I yelled crying. "hey... I'm sure Will still loves you-" Nancy said. "he doesn't, okay? He doesn't and i don't blame him, I treated him like garbage. I don't deserve him. And matt seems like a good guy but I hate him so much and I don't him to hurt Will" I said. "listen Mike... we love you so much okay? Don't forget that. Your dad is stupid and doesn't know how to handle stufd and I am so.. so so sorry I didn't break up with him earlier..." my mom quietly said pulling me into a hug. "can you leave me alone now?" I quietly said sniffing. "um-yeah sure" Nancy said. "wait-Nancy" I called. She turned around. "yeah?" she asked. "I'm sorry... it's my fault dad is forcing you to not hang out with Robin" I said. "hey, it's not your fault dad's an asshole and now it's over.. I won't and never would stop hanging out with Robin no matter what dad said so don't feel bad about it okay?" she said slightly smiling. I nodded.

Nancy's pov

I felt so bad about Mike. I had never like never seen Mike crying like this... When mom and I got downstairs we saw my dad already gone. I sighed relieved. I knew my dad and mom never loved each other so I wasn't surprised, I was glad. I dialed the Byers number. "what are you doing?" my mom asked me smoking a cigarette. She never smoke in her life,but I couldn't blame her at that moment, maybe later. "I'm calling the Byers" I said. "what? No,Mike wouldn't want to talk to Will" she said. "max and el are there so they can help Mike" I said. "did you forget that all of Mike's friends hate him?" she asked. "no one hates him, they're just mad at him, I'm sure they'll come as soon as they hear what happened to him" I said. My mom nodded giving up knowing I'll call anyways.

Max's pov

El and I were sitting on the floor playing video games will plays. Although he doesn't know it because he's hanging out at matt's house. We couldn't stop laughing. "come on maxieee let me win for once" el complained as I laughed. El suddenly kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back her soft lips. I then heard the game making a sound. I lost. El giggled when I pulled away. "ugh, come on" I whined. "that was the only to make you loose" el said giggling. I rolled my eyes playfully. "by kissing me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "yeah and it worked" el said smirking proudly. I smiled at her and leaned in. El got on my lap gently as we were making out. It was a chill and passionate not fast . Genuinely kissing each other as I smiled through the kiss. "wanna watch a movie?" I asked smiling after pulling away. "yeah, just one last kiss" she said leaning back in. Suddenly someone bursted in the room. It was Jonathan? "oh... I'm sorry" he said when he saw us making out. That was awkward. "it's fine" I said licking my lips. Both el and my face were red from embarrassment. "um- mom told me to give you these" Jonathan said giving us a bag of snacks. "um... okay thanks" I said grabbing the bag as Jonathan smiled and got out of the room. El and I looked at each other. Her face was red, so was mine. We started laughing. "you're so cute" I said giggling pinching her cheek. She laughed. "did you see his face? It was so funny and awkward though" el said laughing. "yeah" I said. Suddenly the phone rang. El stood up and picked it up. "hello?" el said.

El's pov

"hey, is this el?" I heard Nancy's voice. "yeah, Nancy?" I said confused. "yeah it's me" she said. "what do you want, is everything okay?" I asked. "um, not really, Mike is extremely upset right now" she said. My face turned into a worried expression. "what do you mean? Why what happened" I asked. Max was looking at me confused. "my mom broke up with my dad and blamed it on Mike while we were arguing about him. He started yelling at him and stuff and he's crying so bad right now, can you come over? It's max and will there?" she said. " it's just max and I, will is at matt's house" I said. Nancy was quiet for a few seconds. "Nancy, are you there?" I asked. "yeah, um, it's fine can you and max come then?" she asked. "yeah yeah of course we'll be there" I said. "okay thank you so much el" she said. "of course" I said and hung up. "what did she say? What happened" max asked confused. "Mike's is pretty upset because his dad yelled at him after Mike's mom broke up with him and blamed it on Mike and stuff" I quickly said putting on a sweatshirt and jeans on. I was wearing home clothes so I had to change. "oh...okay yeah, let's go" max said doing the same.

1302 words.

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