Chapter 92: Before The Camp Trip

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Max's pov

It was Friday morning. It was 8 pm. We had to go to school so we can get to the buses and head to the trip. El wore a light blue sweater and I wore a green hoodie. We met up with the party in the benches before the bell rang. "Oooo I can't wait to go!!" Dustin cheered as soon as we met up.

We sat down on our bench. Matt wasn't with us for obvious reasons. He left by himself already knowing he won't be accepted. I felt bad for will. They've been planning on sitting together on the bus but now they can't.

"okay, so the seats are: El and max, lucas with Sarah, Dustin with will, maddie and I" Mike said. "wait Sarah is coming too?" Dustin asked. "yeah, her class is in the same bus with our class" lucas said smiling. "Ooo that's perfect!! Now no one will be left out" Dustin said smiling. Will forced a smile too.

"Mike" I whispered. "what" he said. "come here for a second" I said. We went walked a little away from the others. "So, are you and maddie dating already??" I asked smirking

"no but-" he said. "No?! Come on Mike what are you waiting for" I asked annoyed. "You didn't let me finish! I thought I should ask her to be my girlfriend here in this trip at sometime" he said. I smiled.

"finally!! You better not change your mind, she's into you and she's waiting" I said.  "she is?" he asked. He couldn't help but smile. "Yeah duh? Are you dumb, I've been telling you this this whole time" I said. He rolled his eyes. I noticed him slightly blushing.

"Alright let's go back to the others, you better make a movie wheeler" I said walking away. The bell rang and we all went to our classes so they check who came and stuff.

"Oh my god, the dykes came" i heard Angela telling her friends but it was loud enough for everyone to hear which was her purpose. "was there a sign that said we aren't allowed to?" I said. "No but maybe you could have just thought of out feelings because I don't feel comfortable sleeping in the same cabin as you two" Angela said with a bitchy tone

"have you thought of our feelings though" I said back. "shut the fuck up Angela" I heard a random girl saying. "if you don't feel comfortable just go to the boy's cabin and shut up" the girl said.

"Why are defending those dykes? Are you a Dyke too" Angela said laughing. "No, i just simply don't care what they are and I'm tired of hearing your shit every day" she said.

Angela didn't know what to say. We never even talked to that girl but she defended us. "I didn't even ask for your opinion! I'm just being for real, would you like if they look at you at night? Or maybe even touch you" Angela said.

I was so tired of that crap that I just let it go and stayed quiet. "how do you know they would do that?!" the girl said back.

The teacher was quite calm as a person so she didn't know what to do. She tried calling their names to stop. "It's fine just drop it thank you" I told the girl calmy. "sorry but she had to hear those things but apparently her empty ass mind won't understand" the girl said.

Suddenly the principal came. The teacher must have called him. "What is going on?" the principal asked. "Is it Angela again?" the principal asked looking at me. I didn't say anything but he took it as a yes.

"Okay! Today is supposed to be a fun and amazing day and you Angela and whoever else is ruining it!! We've already talked about this! That's it! If any one has a problem with max and simply just coming to the trip they can simply just leave right now and go home if its that big of a deal and I am not going to not allow  two innocent students to come to the trip just because of what they are so if you want to leave, then leave! "he said angrily.

He's calm most of the times so you know he's serious when he yells. There was a loud silence right after. "well then, go have fun" he said fake smiling seeing no one leaving. "Did you really have to make the principal and the two girls upset in this special day Angela honey" the teacher said.

Angela sighed. "no one understands" Angela mumbled underneath her breath. "You may leave if you want Angela, no one is stopping you. You're the only one who brings trouble" the teacher said.

"now if you'll excuse me, I will be telling you informations about the trip real quick then you'll have a 10 minute break and then you may go to the bus and head to the camp trip" the teacher said.

"You will be on bus 4 with class ___. You are not allowed to eat food in the bus-" the teacher said as students complained about the food thing. I Love how the teachers still say that when they know no one would listen anyway.

"be careful when you go there, always stay near your teachers or whoever will be with you and listen to them, and of course don't cause any problems" the teacher said looking at Angela at the end.

"why are you looking at me Mrs??" Angela asked offended. "I'm talking in general but especially you after what you've done" the teacher said. Angela was about to speak but the teacher cut her off. "No more speaking" the teacher said.

*later on the 10 minute break*

"God Angela is so annoying dude" Dustin said. "I know" we all agreed. "alright! I brought snacks to eat in the bus" Dustin said excitedly. "Aren't we not allowed to?" maddie asked. "yeah but who cares? Teachers don't really care, if they come ill just hide them" Dustin said.

1022 words. To be continued!!

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